COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.] (1 Viewer)

My daughter and Niece are two. Both told me covid hospitalizations are rising in their respective hospitals.
My daughter advised me to start wearing a mask again in public.
Yeah, I'll see mine this weekend and ask her what's up where she's at.
My daughter and Niece are two. Both told me covid hospitalizations are rising in their respective hospitals.
My daughter advised me to start wearing a mask again in public.
If you’re at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, it’s time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus, according to a growing number of experts.

That advice should go all the way up to 80-year-old President Joe Biden, said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a cardiologist.

“Octogenarians comprise the highest-risk group for complications following Covid infection,” Reiner said.…..

I believe that my wife and I had contracted COVID a few weeks ago. I am on the mend, she is still somewhat sick. We've both been tested multiple times (with home test) and in all cases, the tests were negative.

Symptoms were very similar to when I had confirmed COVID (through PCR test at clinic). Some fatigue, upper respiratory issues like nasal congestion/drainage, chest tightness/feeling like I had to catch my breath constantly. Never really had a fever. Wife on the other hand has had a fever and > mild symptoms.

Would say that it was definitely not allergies or cold because it has been lingering for a few weeks now. No way is/was the flu.

We've both been vaxxed in addition to having COVID last year.

I am wondering if it was this new strain? Maybe because of the spike protein mutation, home tests are not reliable?
I'm really conflicted on what I should do.

As I've posted earlier, I've dealt with some weird symptoms which seem more tied in timing to boosters and not the one time that I may have had Covid (but tested negative). I'm pretty healthy and so (in consultation with my doctor) I've decided to hold off on getting the next booster absent a particularly virulent strain coming out.

I am most definitely NOT an anti-vaxxer (I've gotten both of the initials and two boosters since) but I really don't want to experience the many months of symptoms that I've had before. I hate the uncertainty: maybe it's long-covid symptoms from a case I didn't know I had, or maybe it's something brought on by the vaccinations themselves. In any case, I count myself lucky -- at least my symptoms abated over time.
Measures taken during the Covid pandemic such as social distancing and wearing face masks “unequivocally” reduced the spread of infections, a report has found.

Experts looked at the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) – not drugs or vaccines – when applied in packages that combine a number of measures that complement one another.

The Royal Society report, called Covid-19: examining the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions, reviewed the evidence gathered during the pandemic for six groups of NPIs and their effectiveness in reducing transmission.

These included masks and face coverings, social distancing and lockdowns, test, trace and isolate, travel restrictions and controls across international borders, environmental controls, and communications.

When assessed individually, there was positive – if limited – evidence of transmission reduction from many of the NPIs used in the pandemic, the review found. However, evidence of a positive effect was clear when countries used combinations of NPIs.

Additionally, evidence showed NPIs were most effective when the intensity of transmission was low, supporting their use early in a pandemic and at first sign of resurgence.

During the early stages of responding to an emerging infectious disease, NPIs tend to be the only controls available before the development of drug treatments and vaccines.

However, as was seen during the pandemic, their use can have adverse personal, educational and economic consequences – making assessment of their effectiveness essential.

Prof Sir Mark Walport, the foreign secretary of the Royal Society and chair of the report’s expert working group, said: “There is sufficient evidence to conclude that early, stringent implementation of packages of complementary NPIs was unequivocally effective in limiting Sars-CoV-2 infections.

“That does not mean every NPI was effective in every setting, or at all times, but learning the lessons from the wealth of research generated in this pandemic will be key to equipping ourselves for the next one.”

The review found social distancing and lockdowns were the most effective category of NPIs. Stay-at-home orders, physical distancing and restrictions on gathering size were repeatedly found to be associated with significant reduction in Sars-CoV-2 transmission. The more stringent the measures were the greater the effect they had, the experts found.

In care homes, measures such as cohorting and visitor restrictions were associated with reduced transmission and reduced outbreaks.

Additionally, the report found that in school settings, closures and other distancing measures were associated with reduced Covid-19 cases, but the effectiveness varied depending on a range of factors, including adherence and pupils’ ages.

When looking at the use of face masks and mask mandates, studies consistently reported the measures were an effective approach to reduce infection. The evidence further indicates higher-quality respirator masks – such as N95 masks – were more effective than surgical-type masks.……

I keep seeing acquaintances on the social media saying that the gov is going to order a lockdown in Sept and Oct.

What is wrong with people?
A guy I work with said his daughter told him the gov started the Maui fires. That green lasers were seen shooting down from the sky, and some time after the fires were first noticed. That the reason was to get rid of the poor people. She took a teaching job in Spain, so she and her husband and daughter are moving to Madrid in a few months. She doesn't trust the US gov anymore. I mean, at least she's putting her conviction into action by leaving. Sucks for my friend that his granddaughter will be so far away though.
A guy I work with said his daughter told him the gov started the Maui fires. That green lasers were seen shooting down from the sky, and some time after the fires were first noticed. That the reason was to get rid of the poor people. She took a teaching job in Spain, so she and her husband and daughter are moving to Madrid in a few months. She doesn't trust the US gov anymore. I mean, at least she's putting her conviction into action by leaving. Sucks for my friend that his granddaughter will be so far away though.

Great so now we are exporting our idiots to desirable locations.

dammit. Spain was one of my 'go to'
A guy I work with said his daughter told him the gov started the Maui fires. That green lasers were seen shooting down from the sky, and some time after the fires were first noticed. That the reason was to get rid of the poor people. She took a teaching job in Spain, so she and her husband and daughter are moving to Madrid in a few months. She doesn't trust the US gov anymore. I mean, at least she's putting her conviction into action by leaving. Sucks for my friend that his granddaughter will be so far away though.
Wonder how she knows that they're U.S. government green lasers and not... you know... aliens.

The stupidity spreads like freakin' wildfire (pun semi-intended) on Tik Tok and all.
I keep seeing acquaintances on the social media saying that the gov is going to order a lockdown in Sept and Oct.

What is wrong with people?
the coworker I mentioned above said that also.
"cases are rising, wear masks to protect yourself"
what they hear is "mask mandate and lockdown!"
A guy I work with said his daughter told him the gov started the Maui fires. That green lasers were seen shooting down from the sky, and some time after the fires were first noticed. That the reason was to get rid of the poor people. She took a teaching job in Spain, so she and her husband and daughter are moving to Madrid in a few months. She doesn't trust the US gov anymore. I mean, at least she's putting her conviction into action by leaving. Sucks for my friend that his granddaughter will be so far away though.
Wait until she finds out how the European Union works.

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