The fundamental problem with stay at home orders or social distancing measures is you're relying on the public to make that happen. I have zero faith in that. I just don't think the measures we're taking now will work because people won't allow it. I think it's a combination of 3 things. People aren't taking the threat seriously enough, people are selfish , and people are stupid. They will not allow this to work. It has nothing to do with anything else. Our governor and health director get on the TV every day at 2pm and beg people to stay at home as I'm sure several other states do also yet all day every day there's a steady stream of traffic driving by my house. Just like the link earlier in this thread showing people gathering in New Orleans to enjoy the weather. Do you think those people aren't aware of the pandemic or are they being selfish and/or stupid? People will not allow these measures to work so in the end we're probably all going to be sick AND broke.