COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (4 Viewers)

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The fundamental problem with stay at home orders or social distancing measures is you're relying on the public to make that happen. I have zero faith in that. I just don't think the measures we're taking now will work because people won't allow it. I think it's a combination of 3 things. People aren't taking the threat seriously enough, people are selfish , and people are stupid. They will not allow this to work. It has nothing to do with anything else. Our governor and health director get on the TV every day at 2pm and beg people to stay at home as I'm sure several other states do also yet all day every day there's a steady stream of traffic driving by my house. Just like the link earlier in this thread showing people gathering in New Orleans to enjoy the weather. Do you think those people aren't aware of the pandemic or are they being selfish and/or stupid? People will not allow these measures to work so in the end we're probably all going to be sick AND broke.
I suppose so. But I'd rather fight the virus for a month than for 10-12 months.
I"m not sure that's an option. We will be effectively closed for a month (at least major epicenters will be). We are effectively also being stupid about air travel and other unrestricted travel within the country.

However, China was shut down for what, 2-3 months? They still have around 4,000 cases (if you believe their numbers).
A quick lesson on national debt. Everyone keeps asking about the debt. It's not the debt it is the amount of interest u pay on the debt. Interest rates are at near zero. The govt will just refinance our debt.

Yes, but at some point you have to pay down debt. If, and when interest rates start going back up, we're gonna be in a world of hurt.
And fwiw, the shame thing doesn't really work on a lot of people these days. It's certainly not going to be close to 100%, and the problem is I don't think it's going to be enough to blunt the spread of the disease enough to keep from getting hospitals who at at capacity and making choices about who lives and who dies, which is getting more likely if we try the open for business route.
100% isn't a realistic goal.
I"m not sure that's an option. We will be effectively closed for a month (at least major epicenters will be). We are effectively also being stupid about air travel and other unrestricted travel within the country.

However, China was shut down for what, 2-3 months? They still have around 4,000 cases (if you believe their numbers).

Had they not shut down, there would be tens of millions of cases. They did what they had to do. I think we're a bit spoiled as a country and not willing to make hard choices. So in the near future, those hard choices will be in a different form. We can't wish this thing away and we have a long road ahead. I mean, Italy and Spain are getting hit hard, but their lockdowns will start really beating fruit in the next several days if they stay the course. I'm not seeing us do that here.
100% isn't a realistic goal.

Never said it was. I was just responding to your comment that we can't expect 100% and I'm agreeing with that. But I don't think even 60% will follow those new norms. Which ultimately won't be enough to stop the virus. Sure it will slow it down, but not nearly enough imo.
so I figured Central wouldn't be a high risk area but this is happening 5 miles from me

If the hospitals are overrun, why is the economy lost in that situation more so than the shutdowns?
I mean, if the virus is rampaging unchecked and people are dying from respiratory failure left and right because they can't get proper treatment, you think people who haven't gotten sick yet are just going to continue going to work, the mall, restaurants and bars, flying on planes and going to Disney World?
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, KFC has suspended advertisements using the brand’s classic “Finger Lickin’ Good” slogan in the U.K. after the Advertising Standards Authority reportedly received multiple complaints concerning a new ad that launched two weeks ago.

The ASA received 163 complaints from viewers after the ad debuted on television, a spokesperson confirmed to Fox News. The commercial, called "Piano," showed multiple people licking their fingers while eating in public places.

Complaints called the ad “irresponsible” because it potentially “encourages behavior that might increase the chances of coronavirus spreading,” e.g, touching the face.
After airing the ad, however, KFC quickly ended the campaign before ASA had even informed the fast-food chain of viewers’ concerns, the spokesperson told Fox News...………..

If I get a check, I may try to return it. Social Security and pensions come in via automatic deposit. Why would I need a stimulus at all? There's very little to spend it on right now, anyway, unfortunately. We'll see what happens.

By contrast there are without question folks who need it desperately and they needed it at least a week ago. The problem with these sorts of blanket giveaways is that there will inevitably be bad inequities. That said, the government has to do something and do it quickly before the economy shuts down.
Don’t return it to the feds. If you don’t need it find a local charity where it will be used in the community
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