COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (4 Viewers)

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“Edwards said Louisiana has the third-highest rate of confirmed virus cases per capita behind only New York and Washington.

Louisiana's governor said with the current rate of increasing virus-related hospitalizations, the New Orleans region - which is the epicenter of the state's outbreak - is estimated to run out of hospital capacity to treat patients on April 4.”

I’m glad my 70+ parents listened to my advice to stay home weeks ago and to have a month or more of food.
I mean, if the virus is rampaging unchecked and people are dying from respiratory failure left and right because they can't get proper treatment, you think people who haven't gotten sick yet are just going to continue going to work, the mall, restaurants and bars, flying on planes and going to Disney World?
Dr Strangelove has the answer.
Got that right. The 2 main parties in this country are mostly full of self-serving pyscopaths that don’t care about the common person. To think 2 parties should represent most citizens in a country of this size is laughable.

And yet our voting system guarantees it.
You do realize, that as a mod, he can make you disappear without a trace.

I will gladly martyr myself against the fascist overlords


please don't ban me
apologies if already posted. I know plasma therapy has been reported as a potential treatment against Covid-19, but it looks like the state of New York is rolling it out en masse. Cross your fingers everyone

been a few questions regarding high blood pressure with Covid-19 and medication treated high blood pressure. Looks like the meds MAY be the issue. Do not take this as telling you to make any changes in any doctor prescribed medication

I wonder if I'll get credit for my twins born last December. I haven't yet filed my 2019 taxes, so if they just pull from 2018, I won't get the $1000 for them. Wonder if they take into account newborns.
apologies if already posted. I know plasma therapy has been reported as a potential treatment against Covid-19, but it looks like the state of New York is rolling it out en masse. Cross your fingers everyone

I thought the cloroxing of the streets in Wuhan was a good idea.
And fwiw, the shame thing doesn't really work on a lot of people these days. It's certainly not going to be close to 100%, and the problem is I don't think it's going to be enough to blunt the spread of the disease enough to keep from getting hospitals who at at capacity and making choices about who lives and who dies, which is getting more likely if we try the open for business route.
Ok, then we're on the same page.

And I've been maintaining that we'd know if the efforts have helped somewhere between the 27th and April 2nd.
Ok, then we're on the same page.

And I've been maintaining that we'd know if the efforts have helped somewhere between the 27th and April 2nd.

Yeah, another week, maybe week and a half before we know of this piecemeal approach is gonna work or not. Honestly, I'm not feeling so optimistic. Which really is unusual for me.
Yeah, another week, maybe week and a half before we know of this piecemeal approach is gonna work or not. Honestly, I'm not feeling so optimistic. Which really is unusual for me.
I"m no sure I'd call this piecemeal.
I wonder if Toronto or Montreal would be in a position to provide medical aid for non COVID patients to free up capacity. The figures I see for Canada are by province so im not sure about the urban load in those cities.

I can't see that happening, tbh. There's still a lot of planning of allotting space for COVID patients vs non-COVID patients in the event of an outbreak. The toll on healthcare workers is also an issue.

As far as 'load' - I heard from a doctor who worked an all-night shift last night. Hospital in downtown Toronto, and said that "city hospitals are really quiet right now" because "people are afraid to go."

But despite this, there's a lot of concern about what's to come.
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