COVID-19 Outbreak (Update: More than 2.9M cases and 132,313 deaths in US) (6 Viewers)

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True, but I rarely have seen people use that version of mortality rate. Most people when they say mortality rate, they mean as a percentage of cases, not overall population.

When having a discussion it's good to be sure both sides agree on what the discussion pertains to.

I agree that we need to be on the same page for discussions. At the same time we should be using correct terminology because it causes confusion. Since he was talking to an EMT the assumption should be correct terminology. The media has been terrible about this though. As usual.
San Diego’s task force was giving their daily update and the medical doctor on the task force was saying that once they have a confirmed positive case, if other people in that household are showing symptoms but not serious enough for hospitalization then they are presumed positive and given the same advice to quarantine but aren’t tested so aren’t counted in the official case count.
San Diego’s task force was giving their daily update and the medical doctor on the task force was saying that once they have a confirmed positive case, if other people in that household are showing symptoms but not serious enough for hospitalization then they are presumed positive and given the same advice to quarantine but aren’t counted in the official case count.

Well, that's not how it should work.
Shooting Americans for breaking quarantine is too easy of a solution for their selfish behavior.

I say, take away their internet for 3 months! Make their whole family pay!!

Overall, I have been pretty happy with our Governor. However, this needs to be stopped. Is he scared of offending his Catholic base, or doesn’t he have the right to shut these things down?

That is a Presbyterian church and from what i understand Central had brought in the sheriff's office to put a stop to it
Did you catch California governor’s press conference a little earlier? One person at the podium at a time. The sign language person was in a PiP window in the corner of the screen and the press was remote phoning in their questions. And the information relayed was useful and given in such a way to calm people. Really professional and shows they are taking it seriously.
I wasn’t a huge fan of Newsome at first, but since this started, the guy has been spot on. Other than your true hard core individual freedom people I haven’t heard anyone say anything but great things about him. Even those who don’t care for him kinda shrug and do as they are told even though they not overly happy.
Overall, I have been pretty happy with our Governor. However, this needs to be stopped. Is he scared of offending his Catholic base, or doesn’t he have the right to shut these things down?
It's not the Catholics. We're mostly shut down across the country. At least the three areas I've paid attention to.
Meh, there's plenty of things I criticize Trump on, but this is not that bad. Basically he's saying we've ramped up our testing capacity over the past week, which is definitely true.

He is not lying, his tendency for broad statements and hyperbole is just naturally misleading when specificity and nuance are required for understanding.

Directionally he is right though so it is not the criticism to pounce on.

What gets me is how far behind we have been from day one on testing. We had a great deal of warning... so what is the lead time to generate tests and set up facilities?
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