Dennis Allen’s halftime speech vs Bucs?? (23 Viewers)

Live look at Swifties about to bust your...
Lol, I’ve had some pretty in depth discussions with Swifties. They can’t make any sense of why she is all that great, but hey, it’s their life. If they want to subject themselves listening to repeated jargon about how men has done her wrong, then be my guest.
Lol, I’ve had some pretty in depth discussions with Swifties. They can’t make any sense of why she is all that great, but hey, it’s their life. If they want to subject themselves listening to repeated jargon about how men has done her wrong, then be my guest.

That's pretty much all country and pop music, though.
I’m not a 13 year old girl. Nothing about her songs appeal to me one bit. Do i believe she is talented? Yes, but i can find talent in many people.
Full disclosure:
I love and appreciate ALL genres of music, but her music is literally the same song over and over again. I believe it’s the same as Will Ferrell. He’s the same character in every movie, just with different names and they are both vastly overrated by people who are easily amused or impressed. Yes, I said that. I’m sure I just ruffled a lot of feathers and made some enemies with that last comment. I said what I said.

I heard she was trying to learn a 5th chord.

Also Fire Dennis Allen.
I’m not a 13 year old girl. Nothing about her songs appeal to me one bit. Do i believe she is talented? Yes, but i can find talent in many people.
Full disclosure:
I love and appreciate ALL genres of music, but her music is literally the same song over and over again. I believe it’s the same as Will Ferrell. He’s the same character in every movie, just with different names and they are both vastly overrated by people who are easily amused or impressed. Yes, I said that. I’m sure I just ruffled a lot of feathers and made some enemies with that last comment. I said what I said.
I aspire to being more easily amused and impressed, but I too am critical of many things.
After the game he told the team that “they need to look in the mirror”

Nobody wants to hear that.

If that's his version of accountability then it's as feckless as Dennis Allen's leadership and decision making ability.

There were plenty of things that should have been focused on such as an inability to run the ball, poor play calling by Kubiak, poor tackling, inability to pressure the QB or keep their rush lanes, poor defensive play calls, etc...the list is endless.

You don't say much other focus on adjustments, which the coaching staff did NONE of as the same cheeks play calls were still being hustled out there on offense and defense.

A team takes on the personality of it's 'leader' so the fans get to witness a prime example of a person who was promoted out of a position of relevance (Peter Principle) by a pride filled GM who lacks the humility to admit he messed up.
I don't know what he told them, but the team looked completely different, after the half, from the team that was playing in the second quarter.
I am not sure what he said to the team, but they came out into the second half like they had just witnessed someone run over a dog. What in the heck did he say to those guys?
I wondered the same thing and even commented to my Dad that same thing.
Any quotes you can remember of?
I remember one of my employees told me that Taylor boosted our economy.
Retorted with, while that may have some truth to it, it also placed people in debt (costs to see her concert), while not doing a darn thing for our local economy bc she didn’t perform in our city. So my employees who I had to give this time off for, for them to fly to NY or even Poland (bc the flight there and show costs was cheaper to do that, then seeing it in the states), I also had them wanting more hours when they got back. How is that my problem?!?! However, being that I only want happiness from my crew, I granted them more hours to make up for their T Swift spending.

Then another time, a few of my employees asked me if she should’ve been “the person of the year”. An award that was given to T Swift. I said “No” bc she didn’t do anything for medical advancements or educational purposes. T Swift isn’t some game or life changing figure. She’s just an entertainer. However, from the aspect of an “entertainment” award for person of the year, sure why not give it to her. She somehow figured out a formula, to help shape young women’s lives in a sense. Don’t ask me how bc I’m not a woman, so I can’t relate, but somehow these women say so, so I won’t argue any further with them on that. I’ll speak on what I can relate to.

So, what I suggest to anyone who wants to see a T Swift show is:
Attend a Chiefs game in KC. If she is there then that’s the cheapest ticket, that will allow you will see her, without having to hear her generic music.
Sweet T-ism 101
“Umm, It’s real real hard to win in this league. Umm, Keep doing what you’re doing, Umm, and chopping wood.”

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