Sun Wukong
Kicker's, Inc. Superfan
No movie is a solo endeavor- Lucas had lots and lots of help for the OT (Lawrence Kasdan, the editor whose name I forgot and the actors in particular)
We’re in sticky area about knowing material and being able to articulate it
I’ve known ballet divas and math geniuses who could do the thing but not explain the thing
And then there’s the example of someone like Francis Ford Coppola - who went from genius to pedestrian- I don’t think he forgot how to direct, he just had enough juice that he didn’t want to listen to the smaller voices that every creative really should listen to
There are a lot of people who have pointed out that Marcia Lucas' (George's wife and editor) influence on at least the first movie, if not the whole original trilogy, has been vastly underplayed. She at the very least saved Star Wars/A New Hope in the editing bay based on the stories that have been told (she wasn't the original editor, but the rough cut that came in was so terrible George fired the guy that did it and had her come in and redo it), and she was an informal editor on a lot of George's story ideas (she advocated Obi-Wan dying on the Death Star when George originally had him live, for example). They divorced in 1983 and he seemed to lose something after that.
Anyway, this one isn't so much an example of "source material" but literally a director not understanding his own movie. If you watch the director's cut of "Donnie Darko," it is clear that Richard Kelly had no forking clue what made the original movie a success in the first place and that it was very likely saved by editing and studio notes. His subsequent career would further support that idea. It's really one of the only director's cuts I've seen that not only didn't improve the original, but actively made it worse.
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