Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? (3 Viewers)

Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh regularly.

    Votes: 16 12.7%
  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh occasionally.

    Votes: 44 34.9%
  • I never listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    Votes: 66 52.4%

  • Total voters
The federal government gave us student loans, the GI bill the UNITED STATES MILITARY, the interstate highway system, care for our veterans, ad nasueum.

The federal governent is also responsible for you eating fresh, uncontamitated meat and drugs which won't kill you.

I guess well let churches inspect your meat before you purchase it and test all the drugs before you buy it. No need for the FDA, right? What about the National Park System? Want to let the free market take care of that one?

Guess what, there is no such thing as a "free market" it's all in your head. It's a cliche. The "free market" is the interaction between public and private interests.

at LEAST 90% of that stuff could have been obtained through the free market at a fraction of the cost.
man you are really grasping. do you really think the free market would not take care of food and medicine.

I think you misunderstood me.

Who said anything about "taking care of" food and medicine. I was just referring to the feds regulating the marketing of drugs and meat. Before which, corporations were allowed to sell tainted meat and market any drug they wish without truth in advertising laws.

the govenment makes neither. there have been a ton of medicines and foods that were not good and guess what they went out of business or changed there product.

Again, you misunderstood me and just are woefully ill-informed here. I was referring to the Meat inspection Act and Food and Drug Act, both passed in 1906 to protect consumers from fraud and tainted meat.

you think that government is the solve all and a safety net i don't.

No, actually I don't which is really sad that you can't grasp this basic concept. You lump anything and everything the federal government does as "welfare," of course, except military spending. Facile, simplistic, and wrong.

the national park system are you serious. I say let exxon DRILL BABY!

No national parks, huh? Okay.

the right to student loans, is where in the constitution? my student loan came from my employer. I worked they paid me, i paid tuition.

Since when did you become a strict constructionist? So we both agree that the Iraq war is illegal. Awesome!

is that to black and white for you? or should we talk about the regulations the goverment put on the crawfish i boiled this weekedn?

Black and white=woefully misinformed and conflation of facts. Yep, gottit.

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