Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? (2 Viewers)

Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh regularly.

    Votes: 16 12.7%
  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh occasionally.

    Votes: 44 34.9%
  • I never listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    Votes: 66 52.4%

  • Total voters
I am proud of the fact that I listen to Rush and consider myself fortunate to have listened to him for many years. Big Dittohead.
To me it's not about any "facts" so much as the "tone". I like to hear what that segment of the electorate is saying, what they're feeling (because we know large parts of them get their marching orders from him), what the "issues" are for them.

It's just a way to stay informed. Not about the issues themselves. I can find much more reliable and complete information elsewhere, but about certain groups responses to those issues.

It's also amusing to come back to the EE and see exact phrases or talking points being parrotted as original opinion by certain people, but that's pretty much just "bonus" :hihi:

I am a 24/7 member. i don't spew his talking points, but do the principles of conservatism. the cool thing for me was reading the Ronald Reagan diaries and seeing his thoughts. years earlier i read rush's book (in college as assignment) and as I go back and reference, they have the same philosophies.

I agree, make the poll public. only liberals are afraid to say who they are.

Spam my question is not whether there is places to get better info. the question is where on the radio can you go? i love mark Levin, he is on now 99.5 he is a constitutional lawyer, is brilliant and salty, but he is not rush.

You guys may not agree with him, but he is the best of the best. there is a reason that there are ZERO successful liberal shows. There is not market. Most liberals, kids and intellectuals, do not listen to talk radio. they listen to music, or the net and that is cool. The EIB is a show just as Keith Oberman has a show. I love Oberman as an entertainer, but I disagree TOTALLY with his politics. It is a business

I love these comments about marching orders. Are you serious? do you actually think educated people take marching orders. the people that i associate with, GIVE marching orders. did Reagan give marching orders. NO, he motivated people to achieve for themselves. if any of you actually listened to him(im sure some of you do, just saying), you would hear this same message. you must remember his personality is what sells.

Mark Levin the guy above talks about the humility of rush and how his personality so mistaken to the actual person he is.

You may not agree with his politics, but you should not insult his ilk. The one thing we as conservatives hold precious is LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!
I would not have thought you felt this way.

I listen to rush whenever my schedule allows it, generally about 7ish hours a week (of 15 hours of programming)

I can tell by the comments that the majority of "rush haters" do not listen to him.

Often his comments and thoughts are taken out of context, and he is far less a cheerleader for the republican party than levin or hannity.

Rush makes no bones that he is an entertainer and he does what he does and says what he says to make money.

He gives very thoughtful political insight and as TPS says presents angles that are both often correct and outside of the mainstream thought.

Does he have a bias against Liberals? Yes, he disagrees with the policies.

He takes issues with the republicans when it may be unpopular with his fan base to do so, but of course he will ultimately always side with the republicans because for a conservative the Dems are just not an option.

Rush's biggest problem (IMHO) is his huge ego. which can easily get tiresome of listen to, but being a listener, and someone who agrees with limbaugh on multiple issues (not all personally) does not make you "brainwashed".

Nor does defending him...

I thought lazybones did a good job defending himself from the masses in the other thread..

But of course when a right leaner defends them self from the masses, and feels they kinda got ganged up on (which I feel he did) they are whining.

That attitude has caused me to post less and less on the EE...
See wombats eloquent summary of the EE in that thread.

the overall theme is that right leaners and conservatives are some less "enlightened" than the moderates and left leaners. I'll stop pointing this out before I get accussed of conservative crybagging...

Thank you. swjj. i just finish going through the other post. you guys on swjj whiff the point. no liberals are not as much ideologues because they want to look at what is good in every policy, legislation etc....

this is the equivalent of letting the employees run the company. this country did not become great because of liberal philosophies. were the philosophies different than so called "Conservatives", somewhat. But they are VASTLY different than liberals. libs or moderates, want a feel good outcome. they want to do the right thing. the Right thing is not always the popular thing!
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And that is at the core of the problem. Some of his listeners, the most vocal unfortunately, "feel" ways about things without having any idea why or any independent thought about it. They then just go around parroting his talking points without knowing what they are really talking about.

Those people then show up on message boards and in real life spouting little Rush one liners without the ability to defend themselves. And as a result, get viewed as idiots.

Some of that does wrongfully fall on people who happen to share those views, but know why, but it's not like you are being persecuted. If you present the reasons for your view, that is always respected. What isn't respected are the drive by "your a liberale" or "you must be a liberale" posts that shoot through the board. Unfortunately, some of that bad vibe does go wrongfully on to some who don't deserve it.

But, that's why we have the ability to explain our points of view. If someone takes a cheap shot at you, beat them with logic. Because complaining that you are somehow persecuted isn't going to do it.

i dont remember me whining or claiming persecution. not my personality. I have HUGE shoulders. hell i must to carry the weight of all the people who moooooch my tax dollars.
>>If you can put forth coherent meaningful ideas I don't care if your primary source of information is Penn and Teller.

As Atheist Libertarians, I'd tend to believe that they would be right up your alley. Their show Bull **** (not a TOS violation I don't believe unless of course the show is all one word in which case I'll take my infraction like a man) was one of the overall greatest, if not the greatest, television programs of the 21st Century to date. If you have never watched it, I recommend you go either to their website or to You Tube and pick your favorite topic (from the Bible to Bottled Water to Feng Shway - sp?). If it's part of popular culture, they have already debunked it. I promise you that much.

Penn & Teller > * ( [tm - Coach Largent] )


I saw most of their shows, the one on bottled water was an absolute gem! They set up an upscale Bottled Water Restaurant in Hollywood and had the patrons taste test several expensive brands against their "house" brand, while the people were drinking the "house" brand and saying how much better it tasted than the expensive brands, they were showing how the "house" brand bottles were being filled by a garden hose from a spigot in the back alley of the restaurant, Hilarious!!
I am a 24/7 member. i don't spew his talking points, but do the principles of conservatism. the cool thing for me was reading the Ronald Reagan diaries and seeing his thoughts. years earlier i read rush's book (in college as assignment) and as I go back and reference, they have the same philosophies.

I agree, make the poll public. only liberals are afraid to say who they are.

Spam my question is not whether there is places to get better info. the question is where on the radio can you go? i love mark Levin, he is on now 99.5 he is a constitutional lawyer, is brilliant and salty, but he is not rush.

You guys may not agree with him, but he is the best of the best. there is a reason that there are ZERO successful liberal shows. There is not market. Most liberals, kids and intellectuals, do not listen to talk radio. they listen to music, or the net and that is cool. The EIB is a show just as Keith Oberman has a show. I love Oberman as an entertainer, but I disagree TOTALLY with his politics. It is a business

I love these comments about marching orders. Are you serious? do you actually think educated people take marching orders. the people that i associate with, GIVE marching orders. did Reagan give marching orders. NO, he motivated people to achieve for themselves. if any of you actually listened to him(im sure some of you do, just saying), you would hear this same message. you must remember his personality is what sells.

Mark Levin the guy above talks about the humility of rush and how his personality so mistaken to the actual person he is.

You may not agree with his politics, but you should not insult his ilk. The one thing we as conservatives hold precious is LIFE, LIBERTY and THE PURSUIT of HAPPINESS!

This post absolutely, positively, says absolutely NOTHING. You support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet you have a very limited definition of all three things. You've essentially defined liberals into a Freudian construct--which belies one of Rush' undeniable truths of life:

When liberals run out of arguments, they rely on emotion.

Yeah, I'd say it's the same for so many so-called "conservatives"

You see black and white, in other words, its more like you support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--as long is it comports with your political point of view.

And don't get me wrong, that view will be in favor of a large, bloated, intrusive federal government at the same time while proclaiming being in favor of small government.

I *sniff* yeah I smell it. Smells like hypocrisy.
This post absolutely, positively, says absolutely NOTHING. You support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, yet you have a very limited definition of all three things. You've essentially defined liberals into a Freudian construct--which belies one of Rush' undeniable truths of life:

When liberals run out of arguments, they rely on emotion.

Yeah, I'd say it's the same for so many so-called "conservatives"

You see black and white, in other words, its more like you support life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness--as long is it comports with your political point of view.

And don't get me wrong, that view will be in favor of a large, bloated, intrusive federal government at the same time while proclaiming being in favor of small government.

I *sniff* yeah I smell it. Smells like hypocrisy.

I get that if you believe that because i favor BIG TIME national defense means i believe in big government is a farce. I have posted many times that DEFENSE I think should be one of the very few, and i cant think of another right off, things the feds should handle.

i don't see any emotion in my points. I promise you i can discuss ANY topic you want on any level. I have read some of your post that are not in reply to mine, and we share some philosophies.

i think you are more libertarian than conservative. I think you agree with some liberal philosophies as well. I don't.

where is my hypocrisy? I know you are not going to come back with national defense. this is a slippery slope that you just can't climb. especially when you quantify my whole argument.

by the way in college, i debated on the other side of all of these issues(Louisiana and George State champion, you can check out my trophies in the communications department of SLU) I did vote for nader and then clinton. i did not get really politically involved until i started paying CRAZY taxes. this was in 2000. I have become more conservative since.
I get that if you believe that because i favor BIG TIME national defense means i believe in big government is a farce. I have posted many times that DEFENSE I think should be one of the very few, and i cant think of another right off, things the feds should handle.

Take a looksie. Defense is right up there with social programs.


The American military is a government program which should undergo the same srutiny as other programs.

i don't see any emotion in my points. I promise you i can discuss ANY topic you want on any level. I have read some of your post that are not in reply to mine, and we share some philosophies.

I'm sure we do. But you can't debate your way out of a paper bag.

i think you are more libertarian than conservative. I think you agree with some liberal philosophies as well. I don't.

I agree. Hence the fact that libertarians maybe favor less government than conservatives? :shrug:

where is my hypocrisy? I know you are not going to come back with national defense. this is a slippery slope that you just can't climb. especially when you quantify my whole argument.

You favor big government to support certain corporate and special interests, which I think makes you very liberale. Oho my God!!!!!!!!!!!

by the way in college, i debated on the other side of all of these issues(Louisiana and George State champion, you can check out my trophies in the communications department of SLU) I did vote for nader and then clinton. i did not get really politically involved until i started paying CRAZY taxes. this was in 2000. I have become more conservative since.

I've got some trophies on my mantle. One I'm very proud of. It's for pee wee football. It reads "most contribution" I just went back and counted them. I have six. Count them. SIX trophies on my mantle.

I sometimes build a large fire and watch the glow which the fire creates and marvel at my creation.
>>I saw most of their shows, the one on bottled water was an absolute gem! They set up an upscale Bottled Water Restaurant in Hollywood and had the patrons taste test several expensive brands against their "house" brand, while the people were drinking the "house" brand and saying how much better it tasted than the expensive brands, they were showing how the "house" brand bottles were being filled by a garden hose from a spigot in the back alley of the restaurant, Hilarious!!

"I don't know. This one kind of tastes a little more earthy."


Wow. Just went to their website and saw they have a season #4 and #5. I'm assuming they have maintained their edge and look forward to seeing every one of these episodes in the future. :17:

Reb thanks for the graff. take out the other 80 something % and you may have an arguement. well ill give then an extra 2 or 3% of that total for something I may be missing.

remind me again of the special interest i am in favor of. If you say tax cuts.. please throw me into that briar patch. (Different thread different day)

again i like your character assasinations and you ranalogy on my debating skills are laughable.
your character assasinations and you ranalogy on my debating skills are laughable.


:smilielol: Character assasination? No, I just assasinated your ideas, not you. And I have no idea what ranology or graff means. It sounds renal.

The point still stands: you cannot sit here and convince everybody that somehow "conservatism" means smaller government when you fully support any and every military intervention, which spends countless taxpayer dollars. :shrug:

:smilielol: Character assasination? No, I just assasinated your ideas, not you. And I have no idea what ranology or graff means. It sounds renal.

The point still stands: you cannot sit here and convince everybody that somehow "conservatism" means smaller government when you fully support any and every military intervention, which spends countless taxpayer dollars. :shrug:

I hope this means over your head, because you totally missed the point or you just want to be a concrete head and not listen to what i am saying.

ELIMANATE THE SOCIAL WELFARE PROGRAMS! this would decrease the budget that YOU posted by 80%.

How simple can my point be. if you have $100 in bills and you eliminate $80 of it, you have DECREASED THE GOVERNMENT by 80%.

who in their RIGHT mind would say that i am in favor of big government.

you can call me extreme, but not in favor of big government.

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