Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? (2 Viewers)

Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh?

  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh regularly.

    Votes: 16 12.7%
  • I listen to Rush Limbaugh occasionally.

    Votes: 44 34.9%
  • I never listen to Rush Limbaugh.

    Votes: 66 52.4%

  • Total voters
And that is at the core of the problem. Some of his listeners, the most vocal unfortunately, "feel" ways about things without having any idea why or any independent thought about it. They then just go around parroting his talking points without knowing what they are really talking about.

Those people then show up on message boards and in real life spouting little Rush one liners without the ability to defend themselves. And as a result, get viewed as idiots.

Some of that does wrongfully fall on people who happen to share those views, but know why, but it's not like you are being persecuted. If you present the reasons for your view, that is always respected. What isn't respected are the drive by "your a liberale" or "you must be a liberale" posts that shoot through the board. Unfortunately, some of that bad vibe does go wrongfully on to some who don't deserve it.

But, that's why we have the ability to explain our points of view. If someone takes a cheap shot at you, beat them with logic. Because complaining that you are somehow persecuted isn't going to do it.
You type faster than I do. *******! :angryrazz:

Oh and :plus-un2:
Absolutely. I realize that demagogues hate Gingrich because he led the collective stomping of the Democrats in the mid-term elections of '94. But the guy is one of the most profound political thinkers of our day.

Controversial? Sure. But like many great thinkers from throughout history, you'll always be labeled as such when you challenge conventional thinking.

BTW, I think George Will = $$$. Buchanan? Sometimes.

Just to be clear on Gingrich though, he's a really mediocre historian :hihi:
I'm not sure about this claim, I've never really read any of his academic stuff. :shrug:

I'm being a little unfair, all he's released that I know of is some "alternate history", which by nature involves a number of "reaches". But I thought, even to be alternate history/fiction, it was pretty weak.
No doubt many individuals have independently arrived at their respective viewpoints (possibly up to and including ideologies) separately from the Rush Limbaugh show. I'm not sure anyone would deny that. But at the same time, throw me the bone and admit that plenty of people have come to their understanding via that and similar programs. Just look at so many people wanting to call themselves "conservative" as if traditional conservative principles have any benefit whatsoever for them as citizens or Americans. Sure, the few privileged out there maybe. But it's a movement steeped more in anger than anything. That's certainly my opinion, but I know and run with many conservatives. They are not all bigoted, but there are some common themes and angsts that I'm sure you can't possibly chalk up to chance alone. :shrug:

And this goes back to HouDat's post regarding the definition of conservatism. Your idea of conservatism is obviously far different from mine. I believe that lower taxes and less government intrusion in our lives---tenants of my conservatism---benefit all Americans. Those who see a need for the government to provide various social services will obviously disagree with me. As for the anger, I would proffer that there is much more anger generated from those on the Left side of the political spectrum---the comment sections on the Daily Kos and Huffington Post attest to that. We see the world differently, and that's o.k.
And this goes back to HouDat's post regarding the definition of conservatism. Your idea of conservatism is obviously far different from mine. I believe that lower taxes and less government intrusion in our lives---tenants of my conservatism---benefit all Americans. Those who see a need for the government to provide various social services will obviously disagree with me. As for the anger, I would proffer that there is much more anger generated from those on the Left side of the political spectrum---the comment sections on the Daily Kos and Huffington Post attest to that. We see the world differently, and that's o.k.

We all see the world through the lens of our biases. If we agree with someone their anger is warranted and just them expressing themselves. If we don't they are shrill and angry because they are wrong.

I know someone I agree with gets much more latitude from me in regards to how I view their position or how well they are conducting themselves in a debate.
I'm being a little unfair, all he's released that I know of is some "alternate history", which by nature involves a number of "reaches". But I thought, even to be alternate history/fiction, it was pretty weak.

I know he gives lectures on American history but I've never heard one to qualify them and I've never read is alternative Civil War history books. Basically it's a "what if the south had won" concept if I understand it right.

I have read some of his other non-fiction work however and I know he tends to ignore facts that don't fit his premise. In general I read and listen to him for his political savvy and fundamental ideas about the individuals place in government and governments place in our lives. These are the areas where I really think he shines.
I know he gives lectures on American history but I've never heard one to qualify them and I've never read is alternative Civil War history books. Basically it's a "what if the south had won" concept if I understand it right.

I have read some of his other non-fiction work however and I know he tends to ignore facts that don't fit his premise. In general I read and listen to him for his political savvy and fundamental ideas about the individuals place in government and governments place in our lives. These are the areas where I really think he shines.

If my memory is correct, his MA is on some component of Apartheid in South Africa.

Interesting piece on Gingrich.

Reason Magazine - The Many Faces of Newt Gingrich
>>If you can put forth coherent meaningful ideas I don't care if your primary source of information is Penn and Teller.

As Atheist Libertarians, I'd tend to believe that they would be right up your alley. Their show Bull **** (not a TOS violation I don't believe unless of course the show is all one word in which case I'll take my infraction like a man) was one of the overall greatest, if not the greatest, television programs of the 21st Century to date. If you have never watched it, I recommend you go either to their website or to You Tube and pick your favorite topic (from the Bible to Bottled Water to Feng Shway - sp?). If it's part of popular culture, they have already debunked it. I promise you that much.

Penn & Teller > * ( [tm - Coach Largent] )

>>If you can put forth coherent meaningful ideas I don't care if your primary source of information is Penn and Teller.

As Atheist Libertarians, I'd tend to believe that they would be right up your alley. Their show Bull **** (not a TOS violation I don't believe unless of course the show is all one word in which case I'll take my infraction like a man) was one of the overall greatest, if not the greatest, television programs of the 21st Century to date. If you have never watched it, I recommend you go either to their website or to You Tube and pick your favorite topic (from the Bible to Bottled Water to Feng Shway - sp?). If it's part of popular culture, they have already debunked it. I promise you that much.

Penn & Teller > * ( [tm - Coach Largent] )


I'll have to check them out. I never even knew about this show.
>>I'll have to check them out. I never even knew about this show.

It aired on Showtime in the 2004-2007 range. I had all the Cable channels on Cox Digital up to Hurricane Katrina, and we never missed an episode. I don't know if they did any production after the 3rd season, but it's a can't miss program. After I told MLU about it, I think he watched every episode and would probably tell you the same thing - greatest show of the decade.

>>I'll have to check them out. I never even knew about this show.

It aired on Showtime in the 2004-2007 range. I had all the Cable channels on Cox Digital up to Hurricane Katrina, and we never missed an episode. I don't know if they did any production after the 3rd season, but it's a can't miss program. After I told MLU about it, I think he watched every episode and would probably tell you the same thing - greatest show of the decade.


It is a great show. I wonder why an atheist, libertarian like me would think that.:scratch: Self-love probably.

Penn also had a radio show that was also a Pod Cast for a year or so. It was really good too.

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