Do you think aliens in ufos have visited Earth? (And all things UFO) (2 Viewers)

Do you think aliens in ufos have visited Earth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 87 49.7%
  • No

    Votes: 48 27.4%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 21 12.0%
  • Only if they arrived in tacoes

    Votes: 19 10.9%

  • Total voters
It's either true, or he is lying. He gave congress a list of names of individuals to get further testimony from about all the various programs. That's a weird move if he is lying.

Also, people are going to make up their own line of demarcation on when the UFO's are real. If yours is a green man comes out of saucer and shakes your hand. That's fine. It's all completely legit to consider this "real" when a government employee who has confirmed been involved in the programs, gives testimony, and additional witnesses to verify his own testimony.
He left himself an out, so that doesn't necessarily mean he's lying. I get why you'd think he's lying, but he was clever enough to not get himself boxed in. He's no dummy.
I have no doubt aliens are real. I have no doubt they have visited earth. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some are living among us. I just don't think our Gov't is smart enough to hide tons of evidence and suppress the numerous witnessess for this long. and it's not like they only visit the USA... if gov't's have proof, some third world country like North Korea wouldn't suppress that info , they world be trying to use the tech
I think he just wants the truth out.

Now that aliens have been proven real, the hot new conspiracy theory answers this question. Why now?

The conspiracy theory is that the Aliens made a deal with the U.S. government. They gave them X number of years to break this to us slowly, and then they are going to make contact "soonish" (in the next decade). That's why disclosure has to happen now.
One conspiracy theory is that all the various world governments will fake an alien invasion via Project Blue Beam in order to lead to a worldwide government, the new world order. So, if that one is to be believed, then I would say this new "information" coming out is a precursor towards that and is fake. If Blue Beam is fake, well, then this is incredible.
I can’t believe the US is that special that we would be the only ones to have found any evidence. Yeah I know our blue water navy and space presence are unparalleled but still
I have no doubt aliens are real.
Most learned people have no doubt. It's just that the aliens are thousands of light years away. And most of them are algae.

I have no doubt they have visited earth. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some are living among us.
This is madness! How can anybody have "no doubt" about that? The most we can say with any credibility is that there is a small chance they have come (in a way we cannot detect).

I just don't think our Gov't is smart enough to hide tons of evidence and suppress the numerous witnessess for this long.
This is of course true. But the bigger problem is that "the US Government" is not a monolith. It is composed of greedy selfish untrustworthy people who will do anything to get re-elected. The two major parties cannot even control their renegades like MTG or AOC, much less conspire with the other party to hide a big story for so long.
This is of course true. But the bigger problem is that "the US Government" is not a monolith. It is composed of greedy selfish untrustworthy people who will do anything to get re-elected. The two major parties cannot even control their renegades like MTG or AOC, much less conspire with the other party to hide a big story for so lonlong
The counter argument is that the CIA or some other shadow agency actually runs the government and elections are a ruse to make the citizens believe they have a say what goes on.
Easy enough to assassinate an elected official when their security is actually run by the shadow agency.
The MTG or AOC would be beneficial, they may even be working with the shadow agency to act outlandish and divert attention away from more nefarious operations
Doesn't even matter to me whether or not someone believes non-human intelligence are real. The facts are, pilots are seeing craft able to do things that go against all known laws of physics whilst out in training exercises. There has been multi decades of stigma and intimidation surrounding this topic. You don't have to believe Grusch but I absolutely believe Fravor and Graves that at the very least, there is unknown craft operating in American airspace that is capable of doing maneuvers we're not currently capable of doing.

If Grusch is telling the truth and I assume he is, he seems too much of a policy, by the book nerd if you heard him reference multiple times policy and law when giving answers. The non-human intelligence part is somewhat scary but the fact there is possibly a shadow, rogue element in the government that has seemingly worked tirelessly to evade oversight by elected congressmen/women and has been under oath accused of possibly murdering people to keep said stuff a secret. Grusch, admitting to name names in a private secure session and the details of program names and people running them. I don't know, thats more scary to me because we don't know what the motivations are of a non-human intelligence are nor where they come from.

If Grusch is this crazy person who is full of crap, why all the stonewalling then? Members of congress tried to secure a SCIF before the hearing to get more details from Grusch and were denied. The Pentagon didn't even do a proper denial, they carefully scapegoated AARO of not being aware of such evidence of craft or non-human intelligence contact when a big accusation is AARO has not been read-in and this kirkpatrick guy has already been caught making stupid statements. In this past April's hearing, he made a comment about title 10/50 access, not having it. Last weeks ABC interview, he claimed he has everything he needs and stated 30 people had been interviewed. Grusch has stated he has the ability to question the same people he did when he was leading the UAP taskforce in 21.

In my opinion, AARO is useless and not trustworthy, there is a reason why Grusch bypassed to congress instead of them.
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Doesn't even matter to me whether or not someone believes non-human intelligence are real. The facts are, pilots are seeing craft able to do things that go against all known laws of physics whilst out in training exercises. There has been multi decades of stigma and intimidation surrounding this topic. You don't have to believe Grusch but I absolutely believe Fravor and Graves that at the very least, there is unknown craft operating in American airspace that is capable of doing maneuvers we're not currently capable of doing.

If Grusch is telling the truth and I assume he is, he seems too much of a policy, by the book nerd if you heard him reference multiple times policy and law when giving answers. The non-human intelligence part is somewhat scary but the fact there is possibly a shadow, rogue element in the government that has seemingly worked tirelessly to evade oversight by elected congressmen/women and has been under oath accused of possibly murdering people to keep said stuff a secret. Grusch, admitting to name names in a private secure session and the details of program names and people running them. I don't know, thats more scary to me because we don't know what the motivations are of a non-human intelligence are nor where they come from.

If Grusch is this crazy person who is full of crap, why all the stonewalling then? Members of congress tried to secure a SCIF before the hearing to get more details from Grusch and were denied.
If it's not aliens, and a defense contractor has developed this tech and is avoiding oversight, it's a much bigger problem than aliens IMO.

If Raytheon could take over the planet, we have a problem.
The counter argument is that the CIA or some other shadow agency actually runs the government and elections are a ruse to make the citizens believe they have a say what goes on.
Easy enough to assassinate an elected official when their security is actually run by the shadow agency.
The MTG or AOC would be beneficial, they may even be working with the shadow agency to act outlandish and divert attention away from more nefarious operations
That’s just as implausible, if not the same thing. How many people would have to know about that? That couldn’t be done with a handful of people or even a few hundred people. How much money do you think an outlet would pay someone for exclusive rights to that story. Once again greed would blow that out of the water.
That’s just as implausible, if not the same thing. How many people would have to know about that? That couldn’t be done with a handful of people or even a few hundred people. How much money do you think an outlet would pay someone for exclusive rights to that story. Once again greed would blow that out of the water.
Indeed. I just don't buy that that many people would keep all of this under wraps for this long. The conspiracy stuff is laughable imo. But hey, whatever floats their boat I guess.
If it's not aliens, and a defense contractor has developed this tech and is avoiding oversight, it's a much bigger problem than aliens IMO.

If Raytheon could take over the planet, we have a problem.
Oh, there's no doubt that there are secret ultra high tech stuff out there that could be considered UFOs. That's hardly new and some of the stuff on the horizon will make the Blackbird and stealth aircraft look like child's play. There are likely weapons in development will eventually make rail guns obsolete.

Could they take over the planet? Nah. I don't expect anything like that to happen. They'd rather just keep the current gravy train rolling. There's a sheet ton of money in defense contracting, so there's really no need to rock the boat too much.
Oh, there's no doubt that there are secret ultra high tech stuff out there that could be considered UFOs. That's hardly new and some of the stuff on the horizon will make the Blackbird and stealth aircraft look like child's play. There are likely weapons in development will eventually make rail guns obsolete.

Could they take over the planet? Nah. I don't expect anything like that to happen. They'd rather just keep the current gravy train rolling. There's a sheet ton of money in defense contracting, so there's really no need to rock the boat too much.

The tech Fravor described seeing 20 years ago, was more advanced than anything we have even today.

If that isn't being developed with government oversight, it's a problem.
There is just too much witness testimony out there for there to not be something going on. If we have the technology to create craft like the one Fravor encountered, then we should be ruling the world. The craft he encountered went from a standstill, just above the water, to just past the Karmen Line in seconds, then back to atmosphere. It not only maneuvered radically, it parked itself on his CAP point. That's a classified position used by the aircraft and their controller. Conicidence? In the vast area they were operating in? I highly doubt it.

Here is my theory....yes we have been visited in the past, yes we recovered wreckage and bodies. There have been very few visitations in the past 50 years, we are not a vacation spot. The sightings have been experimental craft reverse engineered to a degree by us. Some of the craft sighted are actually unmanned, some are piloted by human test pilots.

I think the information regarding all this is very compartmentalized between govt agencies and private corporations. It's easier to keep a huge secret when you have people guarding it. Clinton was caught with his intern because there was no person there whispering in her ear that she would be dead by morning if she said anything about it. They don't even need to threaten their life. Look at the stigma given this topic. You think a physicist would come out with the truth if his reputation was destroyed? Look at what happened to Bob Lazar. I've always been skeptical that we learn all the truths that have to do with these cover ups because it would mean prison sentences for a lot of highly placed people.

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