Dylann Roof sentenced to death for Charleston church massacre (3 Viewers)

This world has an over population problem, as does our prison system here in the States. Put a bullet in their heads and be done. Additionally, I would extend the penalty to serial rapists and pedophiles.
while i agree that there are often (always) a plurality of answers (perspectives), how many of those answers are "reasonable"?

if someone's answer is followed by "well, that's just the way i feel" - that's fine but neither i, nor anyone else, should be inclined to follow your "feeling"
if you can't articulate the steps of your argument that lead to your conclusion/answer, should it really be held up as part of the public discussion?

(Boutrous, obviously i am using "you" in the plural)

Haha, it's all good, I read it that way.

But this is exactly my point. People are so quick to believe a thought they conjured in their head without justifying if it's based on facts or just their opinion. People get way to caught up and passionate about their own opinions without being able to substantiate them. People get mad and literally hate others because they like different stuff than they do. I mean WTF is that? How can just justify hating someone because they have an iPhone instead of an Android or because they like a guy instead of a girl or Mohammad instead of Jesus? Live and let live, people and let's save the ire for actual important things that need fixing.

(sorry that took a tangent)
Haha, it's all good, I read it that way.

But this is exactly my point. People are so quick to believe a thought they conjured in their head without justifying if it's based on facts or just their opinion. People get way to caught up and passionate about their own opinions without being able to substantiate them. People get mad and literally hate others because they like different stuff than they do. I mean WTF is that? How can just justify hating someone because they have an iPhone instead of an Android or because they like a guy instead of a girl or Mohammad instead of Jesus? Live and let live, people and let's save the ire for actual important things that need fixing.

(sorry that took a tangent)

well.. let's not get too carried away - there are Falcons fans - my olive branch is only so long
Poor baby
WASHINGTON (AP) — White supremacist mass murderer Dylann Roof staged a hunger strike this month while on federal death row, alleging in letters to The Associated Press that he’s been “targeted by staff,” “verbally harassed and abused without cause” and “treated disproportionately harsh.”...........

Poor baby
WASHINGTON (AP) — White supremacist mass murderer Dylann Roof staged a hunger strike this month while on federal death row, alleging in letters to The Associated Press that he’s been “targeted by staff,” “verbally harassed and abused without cause” and “treated disproportionately harsh.”...........

Yeah, welcome to prison dumbarse.

The most idiotic things any prisoner can do in jail or prison is to refuse to eat or to attempt suicide and not succeed.

The staff will go to extreme measures to preserve people in order that their sentences be carried out.
Yeah, welcome to prison dumbarse.

The most idiotic things any prisoner can do in jail or prison is to refuse to eat or to attempt suicide and not succeed.

The staff will go to extreme measures to preserve people in order that their sentences be carried out.

Funny thing is the thread meandered around the should or should we not death penalty with some saying save the money and shoot him and others arguing it's more expensive to kill. I have no problem with the death penalty, but I'd just lock them in a hole and let them starve or die of thirst. Bullets are expensive.

On a serious note, I wonder when he's going to get pardoned.
Funny thing is the thread meandered around the should or should we not death penalty with some saying save the money and shoot him and others arguing it's more expensive to kill. I have no problem with the death penalty, but I'd just lock them in a hole and let them starve or die of thirst. Bullets are expensive.

On a serious note, I wonder when he's going to get pardoned.

Never. Anyone pardoning him needs to join him.
Only in the United States would people worry about how a killer feels about his crimes, then punishing him, or her, for actions. As if feeling remorse, somehow made the crime less horrible.

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