I didn’t specify but the implication was that we needed to get back on track being an actual democracy and then put ‘smart growth’ guardrails up
I think if you boil down our arguments, your distrust of government is a tacit preference for boardrooms
And, in general, I’d take the stupidity of an electorate (IF THEY ACTUALLY ALLOWED TO VOTE ON IDEAS) over the amorality of the boardroom
Fundamentally both are made up of people with all their faults. Frankly, I don't trust either one of them, but I suppose I think there are options to avoid control by corporations and checks on their power if the wrong people run them mostly in the form of the government and the fact that they have to compete with other corporations. But, maybe the government is more dangerous because there is really nothing to check their power if the wrong person is in charge. And I suppose I have always agreed with Plato that Democracy is the best of the worst forms of government.