Ernie (Big Cat) Ladd

Mar 12, 2006
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The former Grambling and AFL/NFL All Pro passed last night. He played for the Houston Oilers and Kansas City Chiefs during the 1960's and early 70,s. He won a super bowl with the chiefs. He was living in Franklin, La. He was always willing to tell old Grambling and NFL stories.
I watched wresting a lot when I was a child. In those days, wresters were either good guys or bad guys (today, they seem to be bad or worse). When the bad guys came to the ring, your skin tingled a bit in fear. You knew that they would do anything to win; you knew that cheating was part of their plan. When the good guys came to the ring, you knew that justice had arrived.

Of all the wresting bad guys, no one scared me more than the "Big Cat" Ernie Ladd! He would throw a guy into the ropes and then he would introduce him to the underside of his massive boot (size 18) as he would slingshot back to the center of the ring. If that wasn't enough, he would thrust his taped thumb into his opponent's throat. Ernie Ladd didn't need a mask to look evil; he could just stare into the camera and fear was transmitted. He was the epitome of the wresting bad guy.

In real life (the distinction took me a little while to figure out), Ernie Ladd was reportedly a gentle giant. I believe that he became a pastor in later life. I will always remember him.
Mid-South wrestling brings back a lot of memories. Ernie Ladd definately was a great one.
The Big Cat, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"You better pick up the phone and call somebody."
"I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I'd rather go to my mamma's funeral than my own."

Rip Big Cat!
:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

Man, I was just watching some old clips of the Big Cat on You Tube a few days ago. I loved Ernie Ladd on Mid South Wrestling. He was great and will be sadly missed. God Bless.
I remember him more from his pro wrestling days than his football days. When I was in high school he came into our locker room before a game and talked to us. He was a great man and I was in complete awh of him. A big highlight for me.
as i posted on the ee board. i went to school with his son Rodney. My thoughts and prayers are with Mrs Roslyn and the family.
There's a conspiracy going on around here Boyd Pierce.



I started pulling for the heels at a very young age, largely because of the Big Cat. And yes, he was a very nice man in person. Nice, and LARGE! I had a chance to meet a lot of the old Mid South guys when I was a kid, mainly the heels because those were the guys I liked. As a kid, it used to blow my mind how nice many of them were. At about age 10 or so I once asked The Missing Link "So you're not really psycho?" He LOLed.

Heels I've met that were super good guys:
All the Freebirds
Skandor Akbar
Paul Orndorff
Great Kabuki (Snuck up behind me, I was maybe 10 or 11, grabbed me and picked me up, I was scared out of my mind. Put me down, smiled and gave me a pat on the head. Never spoke, I'm not sure if he knew english.)
Butch Reed

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