Gutter punk kids & NOPD are a joke (1 Viewer)

Anyone ever been to

It's literally a forum for gutter punks to share ideas and scams.

F all of them, especially the ones "rebelling" from nice middle class families.
Not surprised at all they steal iron fence gates, they'll steal anything they can get their hands on.

Also a lot of squatters for years were living in and using the municipal auditorium as a toilet. Which is next to the 1st Dist Station. I mean it's literally next door to the NOPD station Now the auditorium is blighted property and should be torn down. Which is a shame cause it's actually a nice nostalgic bldg. A lot of mardi gras krewe's would have their balls there etc. It'll be a decade before it ever gets replaced or fixed.

Also, I heard there's a serious problem of them dying under the moon walk warf. You know that warf close to the natchez steam boat on the river walk. So I've been hearing they've been finding a lot of dead gutter punks, they like to do drugs under the warf and some of them OD and die there. Just weird stuff.

The whole thing is just sad, the city needs to have broken them up years ago. And they're starting to grow I mean they're on Claiborne and Elysian Fields now, wth... smh.
New Orleans isn't the only one with the problem. Our Church in Shreveport is just a few miles from the Texas border. There is an entire community camping in the woods around there. They seem to stake out our church and panhandle anyone that walks up to it. It is actually quite scary. I taught GED classes at the church and had to lock the doors when my students came in. Someone would come everyday and ring the doorbell or bang on the door relentlessly. I used to give them a couple of bucks, but dang man, it would happen nearly everyday. I finally gave up and quit answering.

If I didn't lock the doors, they would come in and scare the heck out of my students and myself. They would get belligerent and demand my help.

Our church had a program of volunteers that would take the time and assist them with gas, money, or food. We ran the program for years, but in the last year, the number of people demanding help just skyrocketed. It was honestly like we were being advertised to the rest of their community. A group of them started acting real aggressive to our volunteers, and wiped feces on our doors. The church decided to end the program. It's sad, we wanted to continue helping, but the attitude had shifted from one of need to one of entitlement. It reached the point that our volunteers no longer felt safe.
I was in Harvey over Thanksgiving, and came across the scene of a light pole downed by a car. The next morning, some dude was cutting it up with a sawzall and toting it off.


It's not true.

It is much cheaper in places like Chicago, NYC, NJ, Philly, etc.

And the majority NO's heroin comes from Colombia/Mexico just like the rest of the country.

You are wrong and there are books if you want to do your own research. Junky, Dreamland, etc.

When the mob fled to New Orleans they started getting heroin off the docks from the Vietnamese fishermen. New York was the only other place the Mob used the Vietnamese to import heroin. That is why New Orleans has a long history of heroin and cultural heroin tolerance.

Have you ever read a single jazz autobiography? Do you know where all the N.O. Jazz musicians got their heroin? Do you know why William Burroughs in Junky lived in New Orleans instead of L.A. which is much closer to Mexico?

New Orleans has not seen a real influx of Mexican gangs to even bring in Mexican heroin. Most of the Mexican heroin we get is from rural Mexican towns making batch heroin and bringing it in.

The Mexican heroin started showing up in New Orleans in the 90s, just like everywhere else in the country.

After Katrina, the Mexican heroin really pushed it's way through into the city.

Local cops say heroin's resurgence is worse in New Orleans right now than in other areas of the country. They attribute the drug's prevalence here to Hurricane Katrina shaking up local drug distribution networks.

  "Prior to Katrina, there were very few conduits bringing in heroin from Houston," says Capt. Bruce Little of the New Orleans Police Department's Specialized Investigations Division. "Post-Katrina, there were a lot more people with a direct pipeline. Now the problem is that the heroin hasn't been stepped on as much, so the purity is much higher and users have no idea of how potent it is."

  Retired FBI Special Agent in Charge James Bernazzani, who led the bureau's New Orleans office after Katrina, says the market was flooded with cheap, potent heroin as new dealers tried to gain a foothold in the market. "This very potent Mexican heroin didn't discriminate between white or black, gay, straight, uptown, downtown, or by age," he says.

  A new heroin user in New Orleans can now get high for hours for just $5. A "20-bag," or $20 worth of heroin, is enough to get a new user high for two days, Rahman says.

But to answer the OP's question, the gutter punks are here because New Orleans is one of the 4 major heroin cities in the U.S. because the Italian mob already had the contacts to import heroin when they fled here. So here, heroin has a long culture. It is part of the city, part of people's lives and has been since the beatniks and black and white television. Jazz, man.

All of this makes New Orleans a cultural tolerant heroin city, hence the gutter punks.

Now as far as America's opioid problem and all of the new heroin here post 90s, then really post katrina, we are in the same boat as the rest of the country. The only difference is heroin is stronger here because there is a cultural tradition of clean white asian heroin (china white). Currently, the rest of the country tries to emulate New Orleans and New York heroin by cutting the brown heroin with fent (which is white) and naming it China White. But this is not the same as original China White of lure, that I am sure we have all heard of before. White, clean heroin is specific to New York and New Orleans because it DID NOT COME FROM MEXICO, where even the fancy Mexican heroin is brown (brown sugar) or black tar.

Here is a junky to clear it up for you.

And also, the chaces of getting china white or afganhi white on the west coast is just about impossible, because it come from either of those two contries it is shipped to the East coast, West coast gets tar because its made in mexico, so vice versa, east coast cant get tar.
But who would want tar, cuz you can still get brown sugar which is about 8x more potent than average tar.
You are wrong and there are books if you want to do your own research. Junky, Dreamland, etc.

When the mob fled to New Orleans they started getting heroin off the docks from the Vietnamese fishermen. New York was the only other place the Mob used the Vietnamese to import heroin. That is why New Orleans has a long history of heroin and cultural heroin tolerance.

Have you ever read a single jazz autobiography? Do you know where all the N.O. Jazz musicians got their heroin? Do you know why William Burroughs in Junky lived in New Orleans instead of L.A. which is much closer to Mexico?

You're talking about decades ago. The market has changed since then. And yeah I've read Burroughs, but that isn't relevant to anything that's going on today.

This is a quote from the 2013 DEA Heroin Domestic Monitoring Program

The Heroin Domestic Monitor Program (HDMP), a retail-
level heroin purchase program, provides data analysis about
the price, purity, and geographic source of heroin sold at the
retail (street) level in 27 U.S. cities. In 2013, a total of 699
qualified samples were purchased. Of those samples, 357
were classified as Mexican (MEX) heroin (293 MEX and 64
alleged Mexican white (See Figure 1)), 334 were classified
as South American (SA) heroin, and 8 were classified as
Southwest Asian (SWA) heroin. During 2013, for the eighth
consecutive year, no Southeast Asian (SEA) heroin samples
were purchased through the HDMP.

The 2013 HDMP data indicate that Mexico was the primary
source of the heroin sold at the retail-level in the United
States and continued to dominate drug markets west of
the Mississippi River. In 2013, MEX heroin had the lowest
recorded average purity in the HDMP at 16.9 percent, a
decrease of 0.7 percentage points from 2012. MEX heroin
average price per milligram pure decreased to $1.12 in
2013 from the 2012 price of $1.40 per milligram pure.

However, alleged Mexican white heroin samples exhibited
the highest average purity in the program at 35.5 percent
with an average price of $1.21 per milligram pure. Eighty-
nine percent of alleged Mexican white heroin samples were
purchased east of the Mississippi River.

In 2013, HDMP data indicated that heroin exhibits classified
as an “Unknown” (UNK) signature were encountered most
often in the eastern and Midwestern United States where SA
heroin typically dominates the market. Of particular interest
is the fact that 57 of the 64 (89.1 percent) heroin exhibits
classified as UNK which displayed the characteristics of
“alleged Mexican white” heroin were purchased east of the
Mississippi River, in cities identified as traditional SA heroin
markets. These cities include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston,
Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New Orleans, New York City,
Newark, Orlando, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Richmond, St.
Louis, and Washington, DC. This is likely an indication that
the current retail heroin market in each of these cities is in
transition and that Mexican drug trafficking organizations
(DTOs) continue to expand their role in white heroin
Or from 2016:

Mexican traffickers are expanding their operations to gain a larger share of eastern U.S. heroin markets.The heroin market in the United States has been historically divided along the Mississippi River, with western
markets using Mexican black tar and brown powder heroin, and eastern markets using white powder (previously
Southeast and Southwest Asian, but between1997 and 2010 almost exclusively South American) heroin.
Yeah, I was gonna is it you guys know so much about the heroin trade? :scratch:

I live in New Orleans where there is a clear distinction between who buys what heroin. Rich whites buy Asian, poor people buy Mexican.

There is so much heroin here that it is staggering. I live in a nice neighborhood and watch my neighbors across the street buy heroin every two days:idunno:

You would be amazed by how many people are on heroin here. People you would never expect because as long as you can always afford it, you can keep on trucking.
I live in New Orleans where there is a clear distinction between who buys what heroin. Rich whites buy Asian, poor people buy Mexican.

There is so much heroin here that it is staggering. I live in a nice neighborhood and watch my neighbors across the street buy heroin every two days:idunno:

You would be amazed by how many people are on heroin here. People you would never expect because as long as you can always afford it, you can keep on trucking.

yep, it's pretty bad here...and most of them start with prescription painkillers until they find out heroin is cheaper and easier to get
yep, it's pretty bad here...and most of them start with prescription painkillers until they find out heroin is cheaper and easier to get

Forgive my ignorance and this question isn't directed at anyone in particular. Antipop's post just happened to make me think about it. Is the high or sensation or whatever derived from painkillers the same as what's achieved through heroin?
Forgive my ignorance and this question isn't directed at anyone in particular. Antipop's post just happened to make me think about it. Is the high or sensation or whatever derived from painkillers the same as what's achieved through heroin?

Deadening on the senses, yes. Many of the pills are Opioids, which Heroin is as well.

A lot of people start popping pills, then just taking a pill isn't enough. They'll snort a crushed pill, hell, find ways to inject it. Then, you might as well do heroin, but that stuff is far too powerful or tainted and a lot of people OD from it.
Forgive my ignorance and this question isn't directed at anyone in particular. Antipop's post just happened to make me think about it. Is the high or sensation or whatever derived from painkillers the same as what's achieved through heroin?

Vicodin, oxycontin, etc are basically pharmaceutical grade heroin.

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