Poll How are you feeling about the Carr Restructure (19 Viewers)

How are you feeling about the Carr Restructure

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:mad1: So, how is this a good thing? We'll still be faced with the same damn question, when is the best time to cut this guy lost. How are folks saying we're getting things under control when it's the same game?
I'm being serious when I say I think they extend Carr next off season so that the can kicking doesn't have to end during Loomis' final years as GM. I believe he's the oldest GM in the league that isn't also the owner of the team. I don't see Loomis finishing his career with a young QB.
Just like DA, I don't watch DC press conferences either. Can't stand either one of them. Now DC gets to ruin another season for me. I just hope Rattler or a draft pick takes his job and ends the whole era
Check it out Awesome-O~! I HATE seeing $40Mil just get handed over to this wanker who actually WANTS to live in Fresno, CA~!????? I mean, I GET he's from there or some such but having lived in Cally for the last 42 YEARS? It's not even CLOSE to the Ocean and that whole area is about as appealing as living in Jackson, MS~! Just no reason for it! Now I'm sure $40 Mil will set him and his family up nicely there so maybe that's it? I surely DO NOT KNOW nor do I want to see DC play another down for Our SAINTS~! I've watched many Drew Brees docs and Highlight videos over the W/E and am just SICK about Our Team's current situation.......I do realize the entire TEAM began last season like World Beaters, so IF that wasn't just some sort of fluke and DC can play as he did in those first two games? That could go a long way in soothing my feelings. I still do not LIKE the dude but if he is capable of WINNING? I just may tolerate him until The SAINTS find someone like Bo Nix or similar..........I don't believe Rattler's anyone's serious answer to what The SAINTS need at QB~~!
Exactly! Can we move past the hate and just look to support a Saints player?
When it's DC? That becomes a very hard pill to swallow ~! Dude is NOT as advertised and is cringy to watch , botching up his reads, can't escape the rush nor move in the pocket and seems to only make huge plays to "Sheedy" (hoping that playa can return and be as dynamic as he was before his injury? Any who,,,,,,,Looks as though we're in for another tough year when all I'd like is to be competitive and actually WIN double digit games to sniff the Play Offs!! Is THAT too much to ask?
It only means that we’ll be stuck with him in ‘26 or take an even greater cap hit with him after ‘25
Injury history? Last year is the first time he has played less than 15 games. The other 3 times he missed for injury reasons was 1 game. PLEASE do some basic research before making statements like this.
He’s missed games both seasons as a Saint, and wasn’t fully effective for a number of games after he got injured his first season with us, which negatively impacted his results. I don’t need to do any “research,” as I watched the games the last two seasons. Last year, he suffered multiple injuries. Why don’t you do some research.
I understand it, and I don't hate Carr, but I was holding on to the pipe dream of trading Carr to somewhat ameliorate the cap carnage and imagining Coach Moore finding "his" guy. Just seemed more entertaining...
So kinda like what Josh McDaniels did to 2 separate teams... came in, got rid of starting QB, WR1, and a few other players to get "his guys", then lose a ton of games, get fired, and left the team with mediocre/sheet QBs and mediocre WRs.
Great idea. :rolleyes:
No hate for Carr (the ten billion time), just unimpressed with a mid-tier QB going into his 12th season that has failed with multiple coaches. We're financially tied to a guy with whom we cannot win a Super Bowl or playoff game. This is not speculation; a significant sample size supports that position.
Or maybe having a different OC and HC every 2 years and re-learning a new system every 2 years is one of the reasons?
Everyone seems to realize that Carr couldn’t win amid the near unprecedented parade of injuries our team had last year. But what most fans fail to realize is that there isn’t a quarterback alive who could have won football games with what was left of our team. And anyone who claims or assumes that it shouldn’t have affected his ability to win football games simply doesn’t know football at all.

I don’t believe that Carr is a great quarterback, but he’s a good, experienced veteran. I can’t help but to feel that he’s not nearly as hopeless as so many are declaring him to be. :shrug:
Just look at all those playoff games and Super Bowls that Drew Brees won with a bad O-line and mediocre defense.............OH Wait he didn't.
Exactly! Can we move past the hate and just look to support a Saints player?
Its not a hate thing for me with Carr, < I just think he is missing the "it" factor, kind of like Jameis. He has his moments they both do, but when the balls in their hands , go make a big play, go win the game he fails more than he succeeds, somehing always seems to go wrong with Jameis it was trying to play hero ball, with Carr, he seems to try to avoid taking the blame for the loss, he has insufficcient confidence in his own ability in clutch moments to get it done.
This move was the only one the team had for this upcoming season. It should surprise no one that’s been paying attention.

This move also has nothing to do with how good or bad Carr is as a QB, nor does it say anything about what Coach Moore wants in a QB going forward.

This was strictly a money move this year, and a potential likely reset at the position next year.

Whether I like it or not is completely irrelevant…. It was the only move to make for this year that didn’t involve making the team significantly worse for the next 2 years and keeping us in a bad cap situation for those 2 years as well.

I want a complete rebuild too.. the sooner the better…. But without Carr agreeing to a pay cut or some ridiculous trade…. This was the only thing to do.
Just curous, I just don't know but why is it feasible to cut bait on Carr next year but not this year?
I'm hoping this also. Put DC4 on the bench as a backup QB (an expensive backup, but clipboard boy nonetheless). I'd probably feel different as a player, but as a fan, the message he sent me is that HIS salary supercedes the drive for a championship. This may explain why he has NEVER won a playoff game, let alone a championship. Fair or not, that's how I see it, and I'm entitled to that perception. I was a fan long before he got here, and I'll be a fan long after he's gone.

I was on the fence with Carr....he ain't the problem, but he ain't the solution either. The way this went down gave me a bad taste. He could've bought a LOT of goodwill by taking a "token" pay reduction in the attempt to make the team around him better. Would've been great PR....sending the message he was here to do whatever it takes to make the team better and win a 'ship. Instead, the message he sent was "I got mine....GIMME!"

I'm a firm believer that if you chase championships, money follows; if you chase money, you will NEVER win a championship. I was lukewarm on DC4....didn't like him, but didn't dislike him either....I was waiting for something to sway me. I have been swayed.... I'll suck it up for as long as CKM says I need to, but I'm looking squarely at the coaching staff and saying "get to work making that happen!"
LOL with all this kind of ridiculous hate toward the guy FROM THE VERY START. You want him to take a pay cut. SMH

You and the people with the mindset that the QB is solely responsible for the W/L record , playoffs or not just needs to stop. It just shows your basic lack of knowledge of the game of football. C'mon man someone that posts at the length that you do is obviously intelligent, how can you post something that ridiculous?
Because we will be better able to take the dead cap hit next year and by them we will have more cap space because Ram, MT, Winston, Demario, Cam, and Tyrann will mostly off the books.

It's not how I would have done it and it slows down the cap reset a bit in order to remain competitive this year, but it's not the worst thing in the world and at least they are working toward getting it reset in the next year or two. I'll feel different if Loomis goes YOLO in free agency this year and restructures a bunch of old guys to create cap space, but I don't think he's going to do that. I think this free agency period will be much like last year with maybe one or two more mid-level guys signed.
I get your point about being better next year, but holding on to a notion of being competitive is what keeps us in a constant state of restructuring. Mick is going to sign a couple of people, and if we give Adebo a market deal, things will not look that much better.
I agree, we should have blown up the roster, but the die is cast. I think Carr is a very good long ball thrower, but is so pedestrian in other aspects of the game. If the running game gets a hiccup, as ours has. Or, the line takes a hit. He stinks it up. So, we better put together a good solid line, and play makers in the run and pass game. The roster as it stands today, is at best a 9 win team. Even with the new coach and a good draft, we are lucky if we get 2 starters. That isn't going to get us beyond 9 wins. The talent here is too old!!!!!
LOL , you say the talent here is too old, but you wanted to cut DC. That would have meant restructuring DD and Mathieu along with almost everyone on the roster making us keep the older AND less productive players even longer. Brilliant logic

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