N/S Is Matt Ryan A HOFer? (1 Viewer)

And sure you can’t think 1990s football without the Cowboys, but in only 4 times in a 12 year career was he in the top 10 for either yards and touchdowns, and only made the Pro Bowl 6 times, 0 all pro teams. Don’t get me wrong, he was a great player, but his success is more tied to the talent around him, than the other way around. It’s still odd AF that it took Charles Haley 16 years to get into the HOF, and that guy has one of the greatest resumes in NFL history.

The HOF has some weird standards.
Their are QBs that are locks for the Hall in this generation. Brady, Brees, Big Ben. Then there are ones that are more likely like Russell Wilson. Where does Ryan fit? He has a record of 116-96. A few more subpar seasons and he runs the risk of becoming .500 in his career. He has no rings so he doesn’t have the Eli argument. There is not one point where the Falcons were the top team in their division for a period of time like the Saints in the late 00s and early 2010s or even the Panthers during the middle of the 2010s, so they didn’t leave an impression of a team that had some success like the 70s Rams that won the West every year. Their one Super Bowl appearance is just a meme now.
With Ryan getting older and on his last few seasons, does he get into the Hall?

First ballot-Hall of Failure
Matt Ryan isn't sniffing the HOF at this point. In the current pass happy NFL, It will be difficult for any QB to get in without a Superbowl win.
Ryan's a lot closer to a HOF resume than people think. However, I think he may end up being the kind of player that prompts HOF voters to draw a line in the sand on him. Maybe down the road he gets voted in by the Old Timers Committee or something.

See below -- on PFR's Hall of Fame Monitor, compared to players who started in 1955 or later, Ryan ranks 12th behind eight HOFers + Brady, Brees, and Aaron Rodgers:

Pro Football QB Hall of Fame Monitor​

The Pro Football Reference Hall of Fame Monitor (HOFm) is a metric designed to estimate a player's chances of making the Pro Football Hall of Fame using AV, Pro Bowls, All-Pros, championships, and various stat milestones. The players listed below are the top 250 HOFm-rated players who played QB starting in 1955 or later for at least 50 career games. A score of 100 is around the average modern-era inductee.

If Ryan had gone to a team that had a stable coaching staff He likely easily goes in the HOF. He has the skill set for it but not the coaching support. If things hadn't have worked out with Brees Payton would have done wonders with Ryan and 99% of the Ryan haters here would love him if that had happened. None of this is saying he belongs in the HOF because he doesn't but he would have easily gotten in if he had been playing for a Payton, Bellicheck, Tomlin, possibly McCartney.
no, but if they show the clip of Ryan getting bulldozed by Tuttle at hus HOF Speech i might het behind it.

Ryan has had a very good career just a shade below HOF
I'd have to see how many all pros and probowls he's had but I don't care that much to look it up.
I'd have to say no though. He had Julio, who will be in HOF, but never had sustained success. Not many NFC south championships and his 1 SB appearance is historical but he's on the wrong end.
Failcons Hall of Shame, yes he has shot.
Falcons hate aside, Matt Ryan is an above average quarterback, and has had a lengthy tenure on a single team that did have a few good years sprinkled in there. But nothing about his ability or stats scream Elite or HoF caliber.
Their are QBs that are locks for the Hall in this generation. Brady, Brees, Big Ben. Then there are ones that are more likely like Russell Wilson. Where does Ryan fit? He has a record of 116-96. A few more subpar seasons and he runs the risk of becoming .500 in his career. He has no rings so he doesn’t have the Eli argument. There is not one point where the Falcons were the top team in their division for a period of time like the Saints in the late 00s and early 2010s or even the Panthers during the middle of the 2010s, so they didn’t leave an impression of a team that had some success like the 70s Rams that won the West every year. Their one Super Bowl appearance is just a meme now.
With Ryan getting older and on his last few seasons, does he get into the Hall?
As a Saints fan it is very difficult for me to have a non-biased opinion. From a non-biased perspective, Ryan reminds me of a little bit of Archie Manning. He has a lot of talent but, has been unable to show, due to ineffective offense line. Blowing a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl, has hurt his chances. Who is to say what success he has in a different team.

As a biased Saints fan, I don’t dislike the team. I think Falcon fans are some of the most classless people in the NFL.
Their are QBs that are locks for the Hall in this generation. Brady, Brees, Big Ben. Then there are ones that are more likely like Russell Wilson. Where does Ryan fit? He has a record of 116-96. A few more subpar seasons and he runs the risk of becoming .500 in his career. He has no rings so he doesn’t have the Eli argument. There is not one point where the Falcons were the top team in their division for a period of time like the Saints in the late 00s and early 2010s or even the Panthers during the middle of the 2010s, so they didn’t leave an impression of a team that had some success like the 70s Rams that won the West every year. Their one Super Bowl appearance is just a meme now.
With Ryan getting older and on his last few seasons, does he get into the Hall?
if Eli Manning is one, then definitely yes

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