Sounds like a normal Saturday night here. Actually last night I go to fill my pill box and discover I'm completely out of my BP medicine and no more refills. Not sure how I let that happen but hopefully I make it until Monday when he can call me in more. I crammed a fist full of chicken wings down my throat a little bit ago so I should be fine....chicken wings are a great substitution for BP medicine. Read that on the internet.So getting to the age where that’s a legit question
Since Friday I’ve had some weird bug (slight nausea, body aches, little appetite- but no fever really)
So last night I got these chest pains (but really I think it was dehydration, actual chest muscle tightness), but I tell ya, nothing gives you a good night sleep like - “is this it? Am I going to have a heart attack in my sleep and my kids will find me dead?”
Fun times