Joe Buck Says Drew Deserves Another Shot at Calling Games (3 Viewers)

I like a fuller picture. When it said 'via Sports Media with Richard Deitsch,' that's where the story is.

Brees should've started with Fox or CBS. NBC and the Irish was a bad audience to pigeonhole into. Misplayed by all.

I said Whocars (generally) because the ship has sailed on this for now. My opinion.
Ok that's your opinion. Let everybody share there's on the thread
By the way, last week I gave you props for your site redesign.

I just like your threads better when they are your stories or opinions, not recycled tweets and links.
Chris “Now Here’s A Guy” Collinsworth got run off of FOX pregame because it was new, and he couldn’t find his voice in a changing world. 20+ years later he is the standard for athletes turned tv personalities.

Give Drew another shot.
Caliente, sure. He's also a commentator who comes across as arrogant, smug, snarky, elitist and by his own admission in his own A Football Life: episode, some of the players he made overly critical remarks of in previous games as a play-by-play announcer deliberately and intentionally bumped into him hard or pushed him, or verbally threatened him or called him out.

I would argue he never changed his announcing routine or overall personality, rather he "consolidated", maybe made some subtle, " cosmetic " changes to his on-air snarkiness, obnoxiousness by toning it down a bit to where it didnt always come across as so nauseating 20+ years ago. Viewers might have a capacity to tolerate egotistical-sounding, snide jerks who are morose, and arrogant if their knowledgable, develop a reputation of "telling it like it is" shtick to a certain degree and call out other teams' BS in a no-nonsense matter.

He's still an occasional prick, in the similar fashion that former Cowboys radio and CBS NCAAF/NFL commentator Verne Lundquist was an unabashed, pathetic Cowboys and later, Alabama mark for over 45-50 years. It got so brazen and obvious in his last decade as an SEC on CBS announcer about his pro-Bama leanings that he came across at times, with his attitude, and demeanor that he didnt care if viewers knew he was a complete tool. He even gave an interview after he retired where he said he didn't care if 75-80% of SEC viewers thought he was a Saban/Alabama mark or tool.
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Chris “Now Here’s A Guy” Collinsworth got run off of FOX pregame because it was new, and he couldn’t find his voice in a changing world. 20+ years later he is the standard for athletes turned tv personalities.

Give Drew another shot.
Fox tried really hard with Collinsworth. They put him on a 3 man team with Madden and Summeral hoping he’d excel and he got swallowed.
Color commentating for Football is probably the worst in sports. They say a lot of nonsense, speaking in cliches. Lest we forget their occasional reference to the golf game. I supposed I should watch golf to see how they did in their pickup (you choose the sport) game that week. Anyway, most of the time they just "describe the play." There is little analysis.

Well as someone else noted, it is all about "charisma." It isn't how much you know, but how well you can entertain and say things that on the surface seem insightful. If you cannot do that, we'll laugh at you.

If anyone from the Saints is going to the media, it’s either Payton or Cam.

In fact, when Jimmy Johnson retires from FOX , expect Sean to take his place.
I thought Payton was terrible on the show he was on during retirement. Stiff, forced, nervous. And I love Sean.

Cam will be a natural.
I personally liked Drew as a commentator, someone who speaks about the game and clearly has knowledge.

IMO; he could beat Tony Romo easily in this role. Not sure where all the hype comes from on Romo, maybe just because he was a lifer-cowboy
Just as a point of comparison.... does anyone think Brees is worse than Jonathan Vilma or Mark Schlereth or even Troy Aikman? He apparently didnt wow anyone, but apparently the standard niw is Tony Romo's first year where he basically had no expectations and turned out to be really good. i think he hasnt been able to maintain that standard either.

So yeah kind of ridiculous that Brees got dumped so quick. They paid him too much, I guess, but did dumping him save them any money??? Not sure if they still had to pay him
People are strange. Drew's knowledge and instant takes on things are perfect for game commentary to me, but I'm reminded of friends who watch Astros' games and complain when Jeff Bagwell comes on as guest commentator (which he does fairly often). Prima and I think he's great because he offers insights normal sports reporters miss entirely and he's able to really let people know what batters are thinking at the plate. But several other people I know say he's boring and uninteresting because of the very things we appreciate. Go figure.
I think you have to start a color guy off slowly. The first few games he shouldn't be called on to make any in-depth comments. As he gains confidence, open up the playbook.
He SHOULD be calling plays...on the sideline as OC. He basically did so as QB, so why not be the first in the chain vs the second?

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