Just got the 12.9 IPad Pro... (1 Viewer)


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Jun 14, 2002
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Anyone else have this? I love it as my one eyed blind behind can actually see movies now lol. I’m sure it can do much more but I have no idea how to get the best out of it. Will be getting the magic keyboard soon as have seen that it will allow it to function as a laptop. My brother who hates Apple and is a surface pro lover, was here when it arrived and he was impressed with it so I know I will be. Even if I only ever watch movies and surf the web.
Anyone else have this? I love it as my one eyed blind behind can actually see movies now lol. I’m sure it can do much more but I have no idea how to get the best out of it. Will be getting the magic keyboard soon as have seen that it will allow it to function as a laptop. My brother who hates Apple and is a surface pro lover, was here when it arrived and he was impressed with it so I know I will be. Even if I only ever watch movies and surf the web.

Nah, still on my Air 2. My boss picked one up recently and has been using it for work (we are in IT, so it's not basic stuff). The Apple TV rentals cost like a dollar more, but are mostly in 4K - don't know if that'll matter to you though. If you're storing stuff, the 50GB iCloud plan is only like 2 bucks a month.
Nah, still on my Air 2. My boss picked one up recently and has been using it for work (we are in IT, so it's not basic stuff). The Apple TV rentals cost like a dollar more, but are mostly in 4K - don't know if that'll matter to you though. If you're storing stuff, the 50GB iCloud plan is only like 2 bucks a month.
Thanks Jrad. It does matter even if it shouldn’t to me now lol. I got a year of Apple TV+ with this and also just got the iPhone 11 after having my old 8 plus for a loooong time.
My brother looked at some movies on this and was very impressed with the picture, he’s a videophile so I trust him on that. I utilize that 50gb storage plan.
I've never been an Apple fan, but I finally broke down and bought an iPad this year. The Android OS players have had a decade to make a decent tablet and have yet to get it right. We're to the point now where we almost never use the laptop, especially when travelling. The iPad still has some things that I find dumb and I am still find myself wishing for Android features, but it's still better than any android tablet.

The office gave us an iPad Air a couple months ago. My next one will be the Pro.
i have a first generation ipad pro. i think it is 9.7" or something. only apple product i still own (well a macbook pro, late 2011, but my mom has been using it for years now (upgraded ssd and ram, amazingly responsive, still). it is still very quick. i use it for hulu when in the kitchen or in bed.

my ipad issue is that the screen, at least for the 1st gen pro, the screen is too fragile. i have a zagg case (with keyboard) and all. i'm on my second cracked screen from a 1 foot drop.

thankfully the screens are cheap.
I've never been an Apple fan, but I finally broke down and bought an iPad this year. The Android OS players have had a decade to make a decent tablet and have yet to get it right. We're to the point now where we almost never use the laptop, especially when travelling. The iPad still has some things that I find dumb and I am still find myself wishing for Android features, but it's still better than any android tablet.

The office gave us an iPad Air a couple months ago. My next one will be the Pro.

Yeah, that's been my experience as well. I've had both iPad and Android tablets over the years. Much prefer the iPads.

I'm the opposite with phones. My kids have iPhones, but I have a Note 10+ and really happy with it. It's not for everyone, but I like a larger phone and use it quite a bit.

I've never tried an iPad pro tho. I'll have to check it out.
i'm on my second cracked screen from a 1 foot drop.

Wow that’s crazy. I’ve been using these cases for quite some time now, and my devices have survived all kinds of drops:

Of course, nothing helps if you drop it just right, but I’ve had a few phones and my iPad drop face first and survive.
Wow that’s crazy. I’ve been using these cases for quite some time now, and my devices have survived all kinds of drops:

Of course, nothing helps if you drop it just right, but I’ve had a few phones and my iPad drop face first and survive.

My kids have broken so many iPhone screens, it drives me nuts. It seems the biggest culprit is when the phone lands directly on the corner. If it's somewhat flat face up or down, it's fine, but when it falls corner first, it will crack every time on a hard surface.

I've had Samsung Android phones for years and never had one crack. But then, I usually have an Otterbox or similar case. I guess I've been lucky. Idk.
Wow that’s crazy. I’ve been using these cases for quite some time now, and my devices have survived all kinds of drops:

Of course, nothing helps if you drop it just right, but I’ve had a few phones and my iPad drop face first and survive.
i have dropped it numerous times. it is just funny to me that both times it cracked was from barely any height.
I've never been an Apple fan, but I finally broke down and bought an iPad this year. The Android OS players have had a decade to make a decent tablet and have yet to get it right. We're to the point now where we almost never use the laptop, especially when travelling. The iPad still has some things that I find dumb and I am still find myself wishing for Android features, but it's still better than any android tablet.

The office gave us an iPad Air a couple months ago. My next one will be the Pro.

I’m only an Apple guy myself as I can’t stand the Android system. I find Apple iOS much easier to navigate.
And I’ll say, so far this pro is the shiz.
i have dropped it numerous times. it is just funny to me that both times it cracked was from barely any height.

Years ago I had just got a phone back from service from a cracked screen, that weekend I dropped it from maybe a foot and it landed face first on a flippin’ rock. Shattered. Then I’ve had the “it flew out my hand and across the room” and it’s fine. It’s crazy how just the right angle/impact will do so much damage.
I have the iPad pro 10.5. I use it quite a bit for general use, but during this extended work at home, I decided to see how much I could push the productivity. I picked up an an Apple pencil and have been using it for note taking and organizing work. Trying to go paperless - I take a lot of notes during meetings and phone calls, etc. I am getting used to my newfound process. Can’t say I would want to go back to notepads.

I am trying to see if I can replace a laptop with the iPad. So far, I have not quite been able to. Still need MS Access and Quicken.
I have the iPad pro 10.5. I use it quite a bit for general use, but during this extended work at home, I decided to see how much I could push the productivity. I picked up an an Apple pencil and have been using it for note taking and organizing work. Trying to go paperless - I take a lot of notes during meetings and phone calls, etc. I am getting used to my newfound process. Can’t say I would want to go back to notepads.

I am trying to see if I can replace a laptop with the iPad. So far, I have not quite been able to. Still need MS Access and Quicken.
the pro is honestly, a fantastic device. i give apple a lot of credit for it.
I’m only an Apple guy myself as I can’t stand the Android system. I find Apple iOS much easier to navigate.

And I’ll say, so far this pro is the shiz.
My first issue with iOS is navigation. With Android, you have a back arrow and gestures. I can use a phone, tablet, etc with one hand. With iOS, navigation is still at the top of the screen. To me, that's the first issue with Apple's products and it just goes downhill from there and ends with the cost. I also dislike pages and pages of apps or groups of apps everywhere. It just seems messy and a ridiculous way to keep up with where apps are located for accessing them. Then we have widgets, which really allows the user to create a device that works most efficiently for them and not the Ghost of Steve Jobs. :LOL:

Android for a long time was laggy, slow, didn't make sense and was cumbersome. I could understand why many people didn't like it. That changed about 2-3 OS updates ago. When people actual take the time to give Android 9+ a shot the decision is pretty obvious. The cool things that iOS can do now has been widely available on Android. This is why Apple started to produce larger screens.

I do understand what people are used to carries weight in their choice. I had a bias for years, but then I carried an Android and iPhone for a few years at the same time, for personal and business lines. I was really stoked because this gave me the unique opportunity to use them side by side with genuine desire for them both to work effectively. I was curious as to how I would integrate the iPhone into my life. I couldn't for the life of me understand why anyone would buy an iPhone aside from the great camera quality. :hihi: I ended up forwarding the business calls to my Android and sticking the iPhone in my drawer.

Also, when I say "Android" I'm talking vanilla on Motorola, Pixel, etc and not whatever Samsung, LG, etc has decided to skin their phones with this year. I can't be held responsible for that trash. Lol

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