Keep my 360 or trade for PS3? (1 Viewer)

what game brings "anything new to the table"???

i haven't seen it yet

Stop picking my nits. There are new concepts and there are old ones. This, along with Halo, are old ones. Brilliantly executed old ones, but old ones nonetheless. Neither MGS, nor Halo are worthy of the hype that fanbois give them. Both are good games, both are tops at what they do, but they're nothing special. They're not the end all be all of video games. But when Xbox owners cite Halo, they get the 5th degree about how Halo isnt anything special. So why shouldnt the same be said for MGS?
is the point of this conversation now that nothing is original and everyones a plagiarist?
Stop picking my nits. There are new concepts and there are old ones. This, along with Halo, are old ones. Brilliantly executed old ones, but old ones nonetheless. Neither MGS, nor Halo are worthy of the hype that fanbois give them. Both are good games, both are tops at what they do, but they're nothing special. They're not the end all be all of video games. But when Xbox owners cite Halo, they get the 5th degree about how Halo isnt anything special. So why shouldnt the same be said for MGS?

who's nit picking??? and what exactly is a nit??? i bet you are covered in them

if they are "brilliantly executed" then they are worth the hype

is the point of this conversation now that nothing is original and everyones a plagiarist? there is really nothing new in terms of video game genres.....

plug in different characters, stories, setting, time, weapons etc. and bam, you have a whole new game
zugzug bioshock brought first person shooter fantasy with the ability to use plasmids (people who havent played bioshock wont know what they are). Bioshock is sorta like condemned with the fact that everything is weapon.
you can find teddy bears like them on fire with the fire plasmid and then use your teleconeisis( or however its spelt) plasmid to hurl at enemies, the game is an overall masterpiece.
zugzug bioshock brought first person shooter fantasy with the ability to use plasmids (people who havent played bioshock wont know what they are). Bioshock is sorta like condemned with the fact that everything is weapon.

I dont know if would consider plasmids something bringing new to the table. Bioshock was the spirtual successor to system shock. Both games are fps that incoporated an rpg element to a fps. What bioshock does is take its roots from system shock and enhance them. Bioshock is a great game but nothing i would call new per say.

edit: To explain a little better plasmids are in BioShock as psionic powers are in System Shock 2.
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Bioshock is something like I have never seen in a FPS and believe me I have played darn near every FPS.
who's nit picking??? and what exactly is a nit??? i bet you are covered in them

if they are "brilliantly executed" then they are worth the hype there is really nothing new in terms of video game genres.....

plug in different characters, stories, setting, time, weapons etc. and bam, you have a whole new game

So basically what you're saying to me is that Halo 3 is worthy of the hype it got?
i haven't played enough to say, and i doubt i ever will.....but i have played MGS4 :mwink:

Ive played both extensively. I would say that neither is worthy of the hype. MGS is pretty awesome though. I enjoy not having to play for 15+ minutes at a time. :D
Ive played both extensively. I would say that neither is worthy of the hype. MGS is pretty awesome though. I enjoy not having to play for 15+ minutes at a time. :D

so you do think it's the end of the day, that's all that matters.....i think it's a fantastic game myself.....hype or no hype.....whatever

what are we even arguing about??? :tease:
That the fact you both think it is an awesome game doesnt make it awesome, and really it is just your opinions?

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