Least Favorite Foods? (2 Viewers)

I never knew there was so much anti-tomato in this world. I wouldn't want to live in a world without tomatoes.

I don't hate them...I just don't want them on a sandwich

I love me some fresh pico de gallo
I never knew there was so much anti-tomato in this world. I wouldn't want to live in a world without tomatoes.

You know, as much as I hate everything, there is no food that I hate and refuse to eat under any circumstances. The closest thing is pot roast and even that can be done in ways that I at least don't hate it. I've pretty much so always refused to eat frogs legs, but that just some hang up I have with frogs. I'd proably eat them under the right circumstances.

you hate Doritos
Fresh Tomatoes. I can deal with them cooked though.

Cooked pineapple. It's the opposite of tomatoes for me. Fresh is fine,cooked pineapple is nasty to me. I believe it's an abomination to
put pineapple on pizza. I know a lot of people like it. I just can't understand why.
Only thing that makes me gag is liver, calf liver to be specific. Mom used to make us kids all eat at least three bites of everything on the table. Don't let it go to waste she said, you'll grow to like it, she said. :yuck: Nope! Used to cut it into tiny pieces and swallow them like they were pills.

Oddly, though, I actually like braunschweiger. :idunno:
I've never been offered it but I'd draw the line at eating balut (a developing bird embryo that is boiled and eaten from the shell).


Compared to that, you people grousing about peas and olives fatigue my patience.

Look at that!

Plus vegemite taste like a terrorist plot. For those who haven't had it before, and if you own a cat, lift up it's tail and take a good strong lap of his anus. You've had vegemite.

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