Least Favorite Foods? (3 Viewers)

This story is exactly the same as mine, except we were a Hersey syrup family. Everytime I see Strawberry in the store I get queezy.

Not a fan of Okra or fresh tomatoes because of slimy seeds.

My biggest no no is "FISHY" tasting food, it really makes me gag. However, for the record, Sashimi or Sushi should be fresh and high quality enough to not taste bad. It's actually one of my favorite things

I pretty much eat everything else... except ketchup, that's just nasty.

Fried okra is one of my favorite things on the planet.

My grandmother in North Carolina grew okra in the yard. And she would cut it up into popcorn size pieces and fry it in crisco using a cornmeal fish-fry (instead of heavy flour).

I still have never had okra like that again, but I will always love fried okra.
olives and mushrooms...nasty

I don't care for most seafood except shrimp, crawfish and trout...
Should have closed this thread after the OP. While there are various things I like/dislike, there is nothing so disgusting as peas. They should be eradicated. They are vile. Don't put them in things, don't serve them on their own, don't wreck a perfectly good holiday dinner by bringing them in the house.

Disgusting, vile, legumes. Bleccchhh

Amen brother!
While I can tolerate raw cabbage in cole slaw (barely), i will not allow cabbage to be cooked in my house. The disgusting taste is bad enough, but the smell of it cooking destroys the entire house.
Should have closed this thread after the OP. While there are various things I like/dislike, there is nothing so disgusting as peas. They should be eradicated. They are vile. Don't put them in things, don't serve them on their own, don't wreck a perfectly good holiday dinner by bringing them in the house.

Disgusting, vile, legumes. Bleccchhh


Also, raisins. If you bring a bread pudding to my table and it has raisins in it, I will throw it at you.
While I can tolerate raw cabbage in cole slaw (barely), i will not allow cabbage to be cooked in my house. The disgusting taste is bad enough, but the smell of it cooking destroys the entire house.
It's literally nauseating for me.

And don't tell me, "Oh, you just haven't had them cooked the right way." That's like telling a gay person, "oh, you just haven't had sex with the right boy/girl yet."

Question for the liver people, though: is that all liver, or just the liver of a particular animal? Because beef liver doesn't seem too appealing (I've never had it) but foie gras is food of the gods.
I hate mayo too (I do like Miracle Whip, though it's been ages since I've had it, it's just what we had growing up)

Someone mentioned cooked cabbage, yes! I detest sauerkraut, my grandmother used to make it, the smell, the taste

Milk - I'm not lactose intolerant, I have no problem with chocolate milk (to this day I've never had chocolate milk made with hersey's syrup), no problem if milk is used in any kind of recipe, but I can't do more than a couple sips of just a plain glass of milk

Mussels - This is more due to memories than taste, In high school I worked at a restaurant and I had to clean bags of mussels - that smell!

Guacamole - I've tried many times on this one, cheap restaurants, expensive restaurants, made table side, store bought and a few homemade, I just don't like it. I hate the too smooth texture of it and it looks like baby poop

Not a fan of sour cream
You know, as much as I hate everything, there is no food that I hate and refuse to eat under any circumstances. The closest thing is pot roast and even that can be done in ways that I at least don't hate it. I've pretty much so always refused to eat frogs legs, but that just some hang up I have with frogs. I'd proably eat them under the right circumstances.
I love so many of the foods which y'all have listed as anathema.

I hate raw broccoli on veggie platters. Y'all need to throw that **** in a basket steamer for a few minutes.

I hate those little metallic BBs/jawbreakers on fancy cupcakes. **** those froo-froo, tooth shattering things.

I hate kambucha (sp?), that fermented nightmare of a healthfood drink.

Also, raisins. If you bring a bread pudding to my table and it has raisins in it, I will throw it at you.

yeah, raisins are pretty terrible...I'd probably eat an olive before a raisin

Iced tea. Don't ask me why. My mom is English and I grew up on hot tea. But iced tea kicks in my gag reflex.

Even slightly ripe bananas.

Black beans. Navy, red, lima beans I'm cool with.

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