Least Favorite Foods? (1 Viewer)

I've never been offered it but I'd draw the line at eating balut (a developing bird embryo that is boiled and eaten from the shell).


Compared to that, you people grousing about peas and olives fatigue my patience.

Look at that!

Plus vegemite taste like a terrorist plot. For those who haven't had it before, and if you own a cat, lift up it's tail and take a good strong lap of his anus. You've had vegemite.

You're weird.....
There aren't many things I'm not willing to try...In China, I did not ask 'what' was being served...I just ate it up...and it was all good, in fact some of it was GREAT!

However, my short list of do-not-like has to be topped with militon. Why on this beautiful earth my Mom would ruin a good pack of shrimp with militon is beyond me.

Figs look cool and I've picked a bunch, but I do not like them.


And the Korean stuff I had in Malaysia contaminated my palate and sense of smell for days...I'm not doing seconds on that one.
Got a bunch of pansies up in here. :hihi:

Tomatoes? I used to pick em fresh and had a salt shaker with me. Sprinkle a smidge of salt and tear in. YUMMY!!!!!!!!! When I make tomato sauce, I use only fresh maters.

Sushi/Sashimi? Are you kidding me? Seriously, I can see how it grosses people out, but I love me some good mackerel/salmon/sweet shrimp.

Mayo? I don't mind it, but my gf HAAAAAAAAATES it.

Okra? Like Chuck, I love em. Popcorned, sauteed (with tomatoes no less (over rice)), you name it.

Licorice? Ok, licorice is gawd awful. Can't even hang with the smell of that vile disgusting vile plastic twistie grossness. But, I like raw or cooked fennel.

Anything even remotely burned except for bacon and pepperoni. Charcoal/wood fire cooked stuff is a bit different, but the taste or that crusty burned scab is wicked vile.

Oooh! 1 more. White meat chicken or turkey. Dry as sawdust and tastes like drywall.
There isn't enough bacon on the planet to make okra edible. No matter how many times I think crispy fried tiny pieces of yuckiness wrapped in cornmeal and fried with bacon ought to be at least edible, it's not.

mackerel. I'll eat pretty much any sushi, but not that.
I love mayo, Blue Plate is the New Orleans made food of the Gods. I love peas although I can't understand why you would freeze them and then cook them, like trying to eat bright green BB's.
Things I've tried and hate:

Broccoli- little trees. Can't stand it. You can deep fry it and wrap it in bacon and dip it in ranch. No thanks.

Okra- Oh, you made gumbo? Did you put okra in it? Nah.

Tomatoes- I'm okay with them in a sauce or cooked in a pasta dish. By itself or on any kind of sandwich? Hell no.

Food I could die without ever trying:

Black licorice. As a child, my dad would buy Good & Plenty because he liked black licorice and it was the only candy he could keep in the house safely knowing none of us kids would ever touch it.

One day I was telling my aunt about this story and my son was like "what's black licorice?" I was like oh man, you'll have to see for yourself. So I went to the dollar store and bought him a small bag of it and he hated it as much as I do and spit out the first and only bite he's ever tasted of the stuff.

Edited to add Blue Cheese & Raisins. Especially raisins in chocolate chip cookies. I remember when my ex sister in law got married, her wedding cake was laden with raisins. I was like "why would anyone do that to their wedding cake?"
Still moving "boiled" crawfish. Damn near scarred me for life, but I got over it.
i think the raisin hate is the one that surprises me most

It's not just the raisin. It's that they're slipped into delicious items surreptitiously. I swear that people do it as a prank.

Cinnamon rolls look, and smell amazing. Bite into one and expect a pecan but, instead, get that squishy ball in your mouth and wonder if a fly fell into the batter or if the cook is a jerk.

I've bitten into cookies of all kinds with those little rat turds in them and wondered out loud Why!?!

The worst that I can remember was a carrot cake. Why ruin such a near perfect confection? I bet that all of the religious turmoil in this country began when the baby Muhammad brought the baby Jesus' favorite dessert to the first Thanksgiving (carrot cake). Jesus probably bit into a couple of raisins and it was on!
I like to think of myself as a person who has an open mind to food and generally like, or at least tolerate, most foods. Often a food I don't care for is more related to the method it was served or cooked than the food itself (cooked onion > raw/cooked tomato > raw).

The one thing the world seems to enjoy that I just can't get behind: Swiss Cheese.

There is something about the smell and taste of that cheese...I love just about every other type of cheese you commonly find in America. Swiss Cheese is just gross.

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