LOST -the iconic TV series- Legacy, etc (1 Viewer)

Wisco Steve

WI 3/4 FL 1/4
Dec 6, 2006
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Brew City
Approaching 20 years since it's debut...
I thought about bumping a thread, but there were a ton--even with the limited search function. Seemed like there was so much interest around here that even individual episodes had threads.
I should have prefaced by saying there is no news on the show itself, not that there would be.

It is still my very favorite show of all-time and I have long considered a re-watch...I was always planning on waiting until my daughter got to the 'right' age, but for some reason I have been itching to dive back in--even if the series wrapped up in not the 'best way' for many viewers.

The main question on my mind (besides the litany of unresolved mysteries lol) is how far ahead of it's time was the show? Maybe not so much conceptually, but how it sequenced story lines and episodes--at least initially/early on. Would it have been better served to be binged, before that was an actual thing? Also how much more compelling could have it been made outside the rigors of Network TV--older network TV, at that?

Is it a show that could be ripe to be remade, reimagined or even possibly continued at some point in the future?
It would completely work today
At the same time, it would be on HBO or Apple at like 10 episodes a season
That would mean drastic tightening of characters like Hurley, Charlie, Claire
No rose or Bernard et al
Others and Tailies probably don’t get fleshed out

Probably best that it was on network
Approaching 20 years since it's debut...
Oh. Ok.

This may be one of the first shows I did a full on binge - never watched it when it was on the air. I went through it twice. It got a little jumbled at the end, and the second time through was a “what did I miss” deal. Maybe a 3rd round one day.
I’ve never watched it. I thought it didn’t end well? Not sure I want to invest in something that has a bad last season.
The point of the show really isn’t the point
There are so many incredible mini arcs throughout that the journey is way more fun than the destination
The ending isn’t the spectacular fail like GoT was
More of a meh

But the first 5 seasons are some of the best tv ever made (and easily the best network drama ever)
I’ve never watched it. I thought it didn’t end well? Not sure I want to invest in something that has a bad last season.
It didn't. "Believe us, it'll ALL be explained -- even the polar bear on a tropical island -- and it WON'T be that they're just in purgatory."

It wasn't and they were even though Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse keep telling us they weren't.
The point of the show really isn’t the point
There are so many incredible mini arcs throughout that the journey is way more fun than the destination
The ending isn’t the spectacular fail like GoT was
More of a meh

But the first 5 seasons are some of the best tv ever made (and easily the best network drama ever)
I'm still mad at the ending. But thinking back on it, yes, it was a fun ride.
I think they were victims of the writer’s strike too?
That was a major part of it, but the real problem was ABC kept making them make more shows (this was a time when you didn’t say no to any network)

And my response to that always was like, “You are right. So let’s design a finite beginning, middle, and end.” ABC just didn’t want to engage in that conversation. At the time that they picked up the show, they said, “Make 13 of these, and let’s see how it goes.” It was such a ratings hit that it became clear to me instantly that all conversations about ending the show would be over. I said, “Hey, guys, we can’t keep this up forever,” and that’s when ABC said, “Oh, we were thinking more like ten seasons.” The compromise ended up being six, but I personally wish that we could have done it in four."
I rank it as my third favorite tv drama of all time behind Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. I didn't hate the GoT ending as much as everyone else did apparently, but the Lost ending really confused me. I didn't understand it initially and after it was explained, it was still pretty blah. All in all though, from start to finish was an amazing emotional ride
Approaching 20 years since it's debut...
I thought about bumping a thread, but there were a ton--even with the limited search function. Seemed like there was so much interest around here that even individual episodes had threads.
I should have prefaced by saying there is no news on the show itself, not that there would be.

It is still my very favorite show of all-time and I have long considered a re-watch...I was always planning on waiting until my daughter got to the 'right' age, but for some reason I have been itching to dive back in--even if the series wrapped up in not the 'best way' for many viewers.

The main question on my mind (besides the litany of unresolved mysteries lol) is how far ahead of it's time was the show? Maybe not so much conceptually, but how it sequenced story lines and episodes--at least initially/early on. Would it have been better served to be binged, before that was an actual thing? Also how much more compelling could have it been made outside the rigors of Network TV--older network TV, at that?

Is it a show that could be ripe to be remade, reimagined or even possibly continued at some point in the future?
yeah...I rewatched the entire thing a year or two ago. I had forgotten how good the first three or four seasons were. The show was so smart, and so well done. Unfortunately, they wrote way too many mysteries, and clearly didn't have an endgame planned out, and they painted themselves into a corner that there was no good way out of.
yeah...I rewatched the entire thing a year or two ago. I had forgotten how good the first three or four seasons were. The show was so smart, and so well done. Unfortunately, they wrote way too many mysteries, and clearly didn't have an endgame planned out, and they painted themselves into a corner that there was no good way out of.
I posted this above
In the last year or so, Damon has described how he and Carlton only wanted about 4seasons - ABC wanted as much as they could get (like 10)
6 seasons was the compromise
It would completely work today
At the same time, it would be on HBO or Apple at like 10 episodes a season
That would mean drastic tightening of characters like Hurley, Charlie, Claire
No rose or Bernard et al
Others and Tailies probably don’t get fleshed out

Probably best that it was on network
There's also a better, increased chance that if a show like or similar to Lost was on Apple TV or HBO/Showtime, sure, it may not have as many episodes per season, there aren't as many characters, but the writers, co-producers are made to tell perhaps a better, congruent, down-to-earth sci-fi/fantasy series that has a more finite beginning, middle, and end like Breaking Bad, the Americans, and the Wire did so well and told so efficiently.

You familiar with M. Night Shamalyan's series, Servant, that is debuting its fourth-and-final season next week? Thats a series that has some similar plot analogies, comparisons to Lost, but its more trimmed-down, and its plot, and cast and characters and themes aren't too, top-heavy. Thats probably the kind of show Lost would be or be turned into today. Either that or Lost wouldve been cancelled, after 2-3 seasons, or just one season, like 1899 just was.

Honestly, as good as Lost was, I think Dark was far better and told a more compelling, complex, multi-nuanced characters, and themes over a shorter period of time in just three seasons by Lost six seasons.

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