Falling feels like flying til you hit the ground
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Not a bad idea. If he becomes in need of skilled nursing care, he can locate such care through a home health provider and Medicare will likely pay for it. In October of this year, Medicare changes will push the long-overdue notion of keeping people in their homes as long as possible, so the home health industry is likely to grow substantially.Robison wrote on Facebook that the average cost of nursing home care is about $188 per day. A long-term stay with a senior discount at Holiday Inn, on the other hand, is $59.23 per day.
Holiday Inn also provides a spa, swimming pool, gym, lounge and washer-dryers, but the amenities don't stop there. The location where Robison checked out reservations has a city bus stop right in front, where seniors can ride for free.
In addition, guests can "take the airport shuttle bus" to eat at one of the restaurants at the local airport for "a change of scenery," he wrote. From there, they can take a flight to another Holiday Inn as well, he mused.
"You're not stuck in one place forever -- you can move from Inn or Inn, or even from city to city," he wrote.
And I can tell you a Holiday Inn smells better than just about any nursing home