N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots. (3 Viewers)

This guy had the talent to be on of the best, if not the best WR in the game.
He took all that time off, came back and put together 700+ yards in half a season...That's crazy.
It's sad to see that talent wasted.
If it's just weed then it's really the league that needs to "wake up". Down as many pain killers and muscle relaxers you want chased down with a beer on the team plane? NO PROBLEM!! Smoke some marijuana to get your head right. **** NO!!!!

I’m all for legalizing marijuana and the league relaxing it’s rule on its use. But, Gordon knows what the rules are. He’s willfully violating them, repeatedly. On that end, I have no sympathy for him. If he’s having real mental issues, I hope he gets a handle on that. I wish him the best in that regard. But, I do feel a permanent ban from the NFL is in order, here.
What part of my "NFL is throwing Gordon out the back door" part did you not understand?

Gordon's struggles and issues are way beyond a little recreational weed usage. So NFL is banning drug usage because they don't care about the players? NFL gives their players more resources to help them help themselves than probably any other employer in the country.

Did you read the Kyle Turley article? The NFL programs you talk about for player health are a shell game. Having people who don’t understand suicide Manning a suicide prevention hotline? Ask Deuce McCallister and others about how stupid their banned substance list is. They don’t care about their players.

And I am not so sure how good their benefits are compared to to Facebook/Bain/Google/ or private companies.
Medical marijuana is legal in 33 of the 50 states and all of that has only happened in the last few years. The fact that that most of if not all of these players were breaking the law before that time or in states where it isn't legal seems to be the point you are missing. Marijuana is not the only way to treat stress, depression, or other mental health issues. People self prescribing is definitely not the answer. Plus, playing in the NFL is a privilege and these guys know the rules before signing up.

On top of all of that, Josh Gordon's use of marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine clearly never helped his mental health. He is an all world talent but he is a tormented individual who needs help that those drugs don't bring. Let's be real for a minute, he is stepping away because he is about to be suspended for illegally using drugs.

Yeah, I think people seem to be getting hung up on 'stepping away' - that's just his statement about what's going on. Obviously he has another failed test and at this point, that means immediate, indefinite suspension. He's done for now, and maybe forever. But he knows that the only path forward for him is to try to get back on the path.

Whether that will matter remains to be seen - this is basically unprecedented. Beyond that, I don't think any of us has the full facts nor do we know what the discussions and parameters of his return this year were. Did the league say "if you fail one more time, that's it forever" or does the league take a more day-by-day approach? Who knows.
Please. The only person who can release the results of the test under medical law is Gordon. Do you think he’s going to tell the truth? For him to admit the nose powder earlier was a telling sign that there’s a whole lot more to this than weed. He says weed and alcohol because no one really cares. Keeps his honor, but yet admits. If you’ve ever dealt with an addict this is classic behavior. Oh I only had one shot or just a couple of puffs. Yeah right. The guy has a serious life long addiction.
We all have a personal responsibility to not become a drug addict.

If only it were that simple.

I am close to somebody who struggled with drug use. Her mistake? She trusted her doctors to care for her with her best interests in mind. That led to a dependence on pain medication. I've witnessed the battles others have fought, and have noted associations to mental health concerns.

We have a long history in this country of failed drug policy and in no small part, our failings have been rooted in misguided messaging about being strong and responsible. Drug use is often a symptom of something else going on, and we've wrongly taken a criminal justice approach to a health problem.

I highly doubt that if Gordon, in fact, is continuing to struggle with substance use, that it's as simple as he just isn't responsible enough.
I am not sure why so many people think this is about weed. Gordon has pill, alcohol and weed problems. He has admitted to being high in every game he has played up until his recent 2 suspension. Get off the weed argument.

Because it's the one that keeps coming up the most.

2010 suspended from Baylor for having weed in the car
2011 suspended from Baylor for failing drug test (marijuana)
2014 suspended by Browns for marijuana
2015 suspended by Browns for alcohol
2016 admits to falling off the wagon by going and finding weed.

Like it says in the Kyle Turley article the NFL only test for marijuana once a year however once you are in the substance abuse program you are tested year round and randomly.

Look I get that the NFL has rules against it and he's not following those rules and he should be suspended.

However the league needs to look at how silly it is that these guys can get massive amounts of pain killers pumped into their bodies all season long but when they want to smoke something to help combat what is hurting them they are risking losing that lively hood and adjust those rules going forward. I'd rather have a chill Kyle Turley using CBD and living life than a zombied out Vicodin Kyle Turley wanting to shoot himself and/or others.
Did you see when he admitted to taking codeine, xanax or weed before every game he has played in his life?
Ive had my own battles with mental health and addiction for my entire life. It took minor jail time, several bouts of rehab, and alot of faith in myself and our creator as well as the determined love of my wonderful wife to get me 100% clean. I cutrently rely on anti depressants and anti anxiety meds for my mental health. Marijuana was always my crutch but fonally at 42 years old i have let it go. Sometimes it requires alot of attempts and personal loss to get a grip on life. I feel for everyone who self medicates for physical and or mental pain. P.s i have no problem with people smoking marijuana but i chose to stop
Did you read the Kyle Turley article? The NFL programs you talk about for player health are a shell game. Having people who don’t understand suicide Manning a suicide prevention hotline? Ask Deuce McCallister and others about how stupid their banned substance list is. They don’t care about their players.

And I am not so sure how good their benefits are compared to to Facebook/Bain/Google/ or private companies.

Turley was a head case. There is more than enough in print about him to show he’s a world class drama queen. His issues don’t stem from on field issues, the guy has always had some issues.

As far as the poor NFL and their banned substance list. Once again, the rules are in place. Now, once again these guys could have been shooting horse steroids and who would have known. Only the players can release that information. Since StarCaps was a diuretic and had a known masking agent in it there is some question there. And yes the NFL drug policy is a joke as there is no possible way a human body can do what these guys do. There is a very good science behind doping, and a very good way around it. So, while it stinks they got nailed, I seriously doubt the choir boy excuse is going to work.

Also, these guys all have enough money when playing to seek outside care. I have no idea about the NFLs programs and if they are a shell game or not, but it’s also not uncommon for someone to go around looking for something and anyone who doesn’t tell them what they want to hear is a quack and worthless.
Did you see when he admitted to taking codeine, xanax or weed before every game he has played in his life?
How do you know what the suspension was for exactly? The NFL is not allowed to say what it was. Leaks probably come from his side that say it was just weed.

Yes, I have read that and as far as I know or can find codeine and xanax are not on the banned substance list.

Look I'm not saying that Gordon isn't on cocaine and God knows what else. But it is the common reoccurring one that keeps popping up for him and Ricky Williams and Martavis Bryant. When I'm arguing that the NFL needs to change their marijuana policy I'm not arguing just based on Gordon or think that Gordon shouldn't have consequences for what he is doing. Their are countless players out their using to avoid having to use harder drugs and I don't think it's right that they have to fear losing their jobs because of the way they chose to medicate and the NFL needs to look into changing it especially with the laws and public perceptions of marijuana beginning to change.
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You don't know until you walk that path so being "stupid" is a mental issue? Seems like you have that same issue. YOU don't get it at all so unless you have been there it makes you opinion look foolish.

The thing is that I HAVE BEEN THERE and I was just as stupid as Josh Gordon is!!! Over a period of about 3 or 4 years I had the equivalent of a couple of new houses or at least a couple of new vehicles go up in smoke! Have you ever heard the term "chasing the Genie"?

Trust me that I know more about drug addiction than I care to know!

I had a very good job at the time and I was in serious danger of losing not only that job but my family as well but I was smart enough to do what needed to be done to make the situation right!! I got the help that I needed and haven't looked back since. I took full advantage of the help that I needed unlike this moron who has had the opportunity to make millions of $ to play a game and just can't do the right thing!........so yeah.....................stupid is a mental issue with this clown!!

Climb down from your high horse and don't judge me as being foolish unless YOU'VE been there!!
If only it were that simple.

I have a family member who struggled with drug use. Her mistake? She trusted her doctors to care for her with her best interests in mind. That led to a dependence on pain medication. I've witnessed the battles others have fought, and have noted associations to mental health concerns.

We have a long history in this country of failed drug policy and in no small part, our failings have been rooted in misguided messaging about being strong and responsible. Drug use is often a symptom of something else going on, and we've wrongly taken a criminal justice approach to a health problem.

I highly doubt that if Gordon in fact is continuing to struggle with substance use, that it's not as simple as he just isn't responsible enough.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

My cousin was an all world pitcher coming out of high school in Miami in the 90s, and was headed for the major leagues. He messed up his arm falling off his families trampoline, and they gave him pain killers. That was the end of it. His arm was “always hurting”, and the doctor didn’t mind writing him a script for it because he was getting a kickback. It was a bad relationship which he died from.

It’s an ugly situation, and smarter heads need to come up with something do to about this problem.
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We all have a personal responsibility to not become a drug addict. While sad, and I certainly hope he can recover....I do not think he belongs in the NFL.

We also have the personal "responsibility" to not become a rapist,murderer,and a liar that list can go on and on. This once again is black and white thinking. No one wants to be an addict I mean I doubt people want this life style and the heartache that goes with it most people don't aspire to be that person and living that lifestyle.

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