N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots. (2 Viewers)

I highly doubt it’s just that.

From this story it says he has tried cocaine an oxycodon in college but the 2014 failed test was for weed, the 2015 failed test was alcohol, in 2016 he admits after going through rehab and staying sober for 6 month he went and looked for weed. I mean it could be something else this time but from what I've read it's mostly been about him not being able to stop smoking. You may be right though it could be more to it but weed pops up a lot.

I thought it was a bit strange.

The NFL doesn’t care about these guys though. He is stepping away to take care of his mental health. He smokes the green stuff to help with that (as do other players). But rather than the NFL actually look to help these guys who use the herb to help with mental health, they ban the substance and fine/suspend the player, showing that they don’t give a damn about mental health, or the player.

I feel bad for guys who use weed to calm down. They have probably been using it for some time, and it’s a hard cycle to break if it’s your go to of choice.
The NFL doesn’t care about these guys though. He is stepping away to take care of his mental health. He smokes the green stuff to help with that (as do other players). But rather than the NFL actually look to help these guys who use the herb to help with mental health, they ban the substance and fine/suspend the player, showing that they don’t give a damn about mental health, or the player.

I feel bad for guys who use weed to calm down. They have probably been using it for some time, and it’s a hard cycle to break if it’s your go to of choice.

What part of my "NFL is throwing Gordon out the back door" part did you not understand?

Gordon's struggles and issues are way beyond a little recreational weed usage. So NFL is banning drug usage because they don't care about the players? NFL gives their players more resources to help them help themselves than probably any other employer in the country.
People definitely deserve a second chance...but this guy is a lost cause.
The guy needs to be banned from the league. How many suspensions has he had and how many tests has he failed? Enough is enough.

You don't get it at all that is a very close minded attitude. He obviously has mental issues that he is trying to self medicate. I know personally with my decades of self medication for my mental health issues I now have made it past that just recently after 5 years of therapy. It takes courage and hard work to have your "onion peeled" that's layer by layer until you get to the root of the problem. People need to understand mental health issues sometimes money and stardom don't matter when you are struggling with mental health.
With everything we know about football and it’s damage to the brain, body, and mental health...how the hell is the NFL not letting these dudes smoke. But it’s fine to shoot toradol up their arse every week play? Smh
The NFL doesn’t care about these guys though. He is stepping away to take care of his mental health. He smokes the green stuff to help with that (as do other players). But rather than the NFL actually look to help these guys who use the herb to help with mental health, they ban the substance and fine/suspend the player, showing that they don’t give a damn about mental health, or the player.

I feel bad for guys who use weed to calm down. They have probably been using it for some time, and it’s a hard cycle to break if it’s your go to of choice.

Medical marijuana is legal in 33 of the 50 states and all of that has only happened in the last few years. The fact that that most of if not all of these players were breaking the law before that time or in states where it isn't legal seems to be the point you are missing. Marijuana is not the only way to treat stress, depression, or other mental health issues. People self prescribing is definitely not the answer. Plus, playing in the NFL is a privilege and these guys know the rules before signing up.

On top of all of that, Josh Gordon's use of marijuana, alcohol, and cocaine clearly never helped his mental health. He is an all world talent but he is a tormented individual who needs help that those drugs don't bring. Let's be real for a minute, he is stepping away because he is about to be suspended for illegally using drugs.
What part of my "NFL is throwing Gordon out the back door" part did you not understand?

Gordon's struggles and issues are way beyond a little recreational weed usage. So NFL is banning drug usage because they don't care about the players? NFL gives their players more resources to help them help themselves than probably any other employer in the country.

They aren’t arguing that he should get better mental health services, they are arguing he should be able to smoke marijuana recreationally.
We all have a personal responsibility to not become a drug addict. While sad, and I certainly hope he can recover....I do not think he belongs in the NFL.
I am not sure why so many people think this is about weed. Gordon has pill, alcohol and weed problems. He has admitted to being high in every game he has played up until his recent 2 suspension. Get off the weed argument.
Being stupid is a mental issue and this guy looks like he got in line for his share more than once.

Eventually it gets to the point that you have to stop feeling sorry for people who after being given multiple chances still just don't get it!!

You can't help someone who refuses to help themselves.

You don't know until you walk that path so being "stupid" is a mental issue? Seems like you have that same issue. YOU don't get it at all so unless you have been there it makes you opinion look foolish.
I don't begrudge anyone their opinion, and Gordon has certainly had plenty of chances to straighten his life out. But the animosity with which some of you are expressing your thoughts on the matter is very disappointing. Kindness and empathy are aspirational traits that not enough people are aspiring to these days I fear.
They aren’t arguing that he should get better mental health services, they are arguing he should be able to smoke marijuana recreationally.

So the NFL is allowing access to world class mental health services but since the NFL doesn't allow players to smoke marijuana then that shows that they don't give a damn about the mental health of players?

And i'm not even sure why the discussion is solely touching on Marijuana. Josh Gordon has many internal demons and i strongly doubt that the old marijuana bug is the one that keeps kicking him in his butt... sorry butt meant butt.

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