N/S Josh Gordon stepping away from Patriots. (1 Viewer)

It's fairly obvious to me that Josh Gordon has substance abuse and mental health issues. I hope he can get the help he needs. For people who have never dealt with addiction or mental health issues, I guess maybe it would seem "stupid" to keep making the same mistakes over and over. It's not that simple though.

I hope Josh Gordon can find peace and happiness in this world.
The thing is that I HAVE BEEN THERE and I was just as stupid as Josh Gordon is!!! Over a period of about 3 or 4 years I had the equivalent of a couple of new houses or at least a couple of new vehicles go up in smoke! Have you ever heard the term "chasing the Genie"?

Trust me that I know more about drug addiction than I care to know!

I had a very good job at the time and I was in serious danger of losing not only that job but my family as well but I was smart enough to do what needed to be done to make the situation right!! I got the help that I needed and haven't looked back since. I took full advantage of the help that I needed unlike this moron who has had the opportunity to make millions of $ to play a game and just can't do the right thing!........so yeah.....................stupid is a mental issue with this clown!!

Climb down from your high horse and don't judge me as being foolish unless YOU'VE been there!!

I have been there believe me I walked away from a 90.000.00 a year job and now make 24,000 a year on disability. You still don't get it. I almost lost my family over meth but I wanted my family more. I am glad you made it through heron if chasing the Genie is the same as chasing the dragon. I am not on a high horse I find you comments heartless so come off as a tough guy because we can debate this all day but I can see it is a waste of time. I mean if we want to be childish fine I mean I did it for decades I lost a house a job, cars and thousands of dollars in material things. I gladly live close to poverty going to food banks but I have my sanity and I am happier that I have ever been.
Yes, I have read that and as far as I know or can find codeine and xanax are not on the banned substance list.

Look I'm not saying that Gordon isn't one cocaine and God knows what else. But it is the common reoccurring one that keeps popping up for him and Ricky Williams and Martavis Bryant. When I'm arguing that the NFL needs to change their marijuana policy I'm not arguing just based on Gordon or think that Gordon shouldn't have consequences for what he is doing. Their are countless players out their using to avoid having to use harder drugs and I don't think it's right that they have to fear losing their jobs because of the way they chose to medicate and the NFL needs to look into changing it especially with the laws and public perceptions of marijuana beginning to change.

Fine if that is your stance, but there are far too many pro marijuana users who try and make it seem like he is just using weed. Hell the rumor why the browns let him go is because he showed up to team meetings drunk. You can't look at NFL test and make assumptions. News flash all these players that claim they get suspended for adderall are probably lying. We just simply don't know as the NFL cannot disclose it. Leaks from an agent or player are not trust worthy.

Also did you know you have to fail for weed 4 times... 4 times to get suspended.
Addiction is a terrible thing and I hope he finds recovery. At the same time some people will only put up with it for so long and then cut you off.
The Pats are in serious trouble now. Edleman has regressed and they better pray Gronk stays healthy, otherwise they aren't going back to the SB.
I have been there believe me I walked away from a 90.000.00 a year job and now make 24,000 a year on disability. You still don't get it. I almost lost my family over meth but I wanted my family more. I am glad you made it through heron if chasing the Genie is the same as chasing the dragon. I am not on a high horse I find you comments heartless so come off as a tough guy because we can debate this all day but I can see it is a waste of time. I mean if we want to be childish fine I mean I did it for decades I lost a house a job, cars and thousands of dollars in material things. I gladly live close to poverty going to food banks but I have my sanity and I am happier that I have ever been.

I'm glad that you made it through as well and my comment may sound or be indeed heartless but this guy is not just some run of the mill drug addict. He's had the best of the best resources at his disposal afforded to him to get past this and he simply can't do it!

There's no telling how much two NFL teams have invested in trying to help this guy get his act together while paying him more money than you and I will ever see in our lifetime and he still can't get himself squared away enough to do the right thing!!

Just like you I know how hard it is and I truly respect your situation and your opinion but I still think this guy is dumb as a post!!
I'm glad that you made it through as well and my comment may sound or be indeed heartless but this guy is not just some run of the mill drug addict. He's had the best of the best resources at his disposal afforded to him to get past this and he simply can't do it!

There's no telling how much two NFL teams have invested in trying to help this guy get his act together while paying him more money than you and I will ever see in our lifetime and he still can't get himself squared away enough to do the right thing!!

Just like you I know how hard it is and I truly respect your situation and your opinion but I still think this guy is dumb as a post!!

I also respect what you went through I had no idea what you went through. I also respect your opinion on Gordon but don't agree and that's ok. I agree he has lost a opportunity anyone would die for.
We are both lucky to have a support system that helped us get through it. No hard feelings at all I did come out harsh it is just so personal sometimes I need to calm down that is something I continue to work on.
I also respect what you went through I had no idea what you went through. I also respect your opinion on Gordon but don't agree and that's ok. I agree he has lost a opportunity anyone would die for.
We are both lucky to have a support system that helped us get through it. No hard feelings at all I did come out harsh it is just so personal sometimes I need to calm down that is something I continue to work on.
Very admirable observation by you. I deal with unexplained anger outbursts myself and psuedo bulbar affect as a result of multiple sclerosis which along with a plethora of back and neck issues that i now blame my pain pill/heroin addiction on. But exercise and mind over matter have helped tremendously to deal with physical pain. We as humans tend to want an easy way out, but the only true escape is inside all of us.
You know I think it's silly that weed is a banned drug. What's stupider is people breaking the rules. My cousin went to jail for a few years because of recreational use of pot. She blamed the stupid law instead of her actions and getting caught 3 times... I cant smoke weed. My employer does random tests. I used to smoke it, a lot before the military and some after. However my job, career and family are more important, so I follow the law. Pretty simple. He made a choice, now he has to live with the consequences. And let's not forget he knew this was coming if he got caught again.
Very admirable observation by you. I deal with unexplained anger outbursts myself and psuedo bulbar affect as a result of multiple sclerosis which along with a plethora of back and neck issues that i now blame my pain pill/heroin addiction on. But exercise and mind over matter have helped tremendously to deal with physical pain. We as humans tend to want an easy way out, but the only true escape is inside all of us.

I am sorry you are dealing with that it makes life very difficult. The anger outbursts are tough because personally after that I feel incredible guilt. Those pain pills(or any opioids) are the number one path to you addiction they get you hooked then cut you off and you need something to keep you from withdraws. Exercise is key and try mindfulness look it up it is hard it's keying in on any one item a focus while clearing the mind I guess it's meditation really also I am going to get into Tai Chi another great method. You hang in there I am pulling for you.
It is possible to get a med license for herb in most states,not sure if that’s relavent to his case tho

It is possible but you need a doctors sign off on that license. When I lived In California 16 years ago medical use was just that only legal for medical. I went in and working for UPS said I had bad back problems and couldn't sleep bam no problem 150.00 and your good but the teamster union had a no random testing rule this was 10 years ago it may have changed. Unless you were in a accident then you pee on the spot now your job is in jeopardy. Those were just a money grab you renewed every year for 50.00 then it went up to 200.00 more than the original fee. In Gordon's case I am thinking by NFL rule that wouldn't fly just for the fact every player could claim that use because every player is in pain every season. It would be up to the NFL to kill that policy I would imagine.

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