Pastor to Die in Iran for being a Christian (1 Viewer)

Back to the subject at hand, I guess I am missing something. Iran allows Christians, but not if you have converted from, or are actively attempting to convert someone else from the Muslim faith. He has professed that he has never been a Muslim, and there are no accusations of proselytizing that I am aware of. So how exactly is it that this man is subjected to potential execution?
The cats were alive. As to why they did it, I guess the same reason people have done horribly evil stuff since time began. Part of it is the fact that inside we are all truly animals. Part of it is mob mentality which tends to suspend the logic and decent parts that are locked in side. And, part of it is probably brain washing. I guess it's the same reason why German soldiers listened to SS officers when they told them to stuff Jews in ovens and gas chambers and the same reason people fly planes into buildings at the command of a charismatic leader.

The main thing I took away from my freshman Western Civ class was that the most vicious, violent, and merciless type of war is a religous war.
I would say 99.9% of all Christians, even very hard core right-wing half crazy Christians like Jerry Fallwell would not aspire to the kkk belief system. I don't think you can say that for Muslems. There are probably 20-30% world wide with very extremists beliefs including leaders of nations.

No link required. It's an opinion, as made clear by the beginning of the first statement. "I would say......"
Of course, I also not that you ignore the most recent examples of atrocities committed in the name of Christianity. And, I've left out abortion clinic bombings and lychings and killings by the KKK and other Christian White Supremacist movements from the end of the Civil War up until today. But, again, Christianity is no more to blame for those things than Islam is to blame for what goes on in Iran.

Yeah, I just picked the silliest examples you used.
I find it interesting that a man is being killed for being a certain religion, after refusing to convert under threat of execution, and the only one considered an extremist is the ones trying to kill him.

I mean, they're the only bad people in this particular situation, but the dude refusing to convert is the very definition of extremist.

I don't really have a point, sorry
Renounce and live. Go somewhere else and become a happy Xtian again.

might wanna read revalations here man. Renouncing Jesus even under the blade is hell on a stick.....I would tell em to stick mecca and mohammed up their arse as my last words.
might wanna read revalations here man. Renouncing Jesus even under the blade is hell on a stick.....I would tell em to stick mecca and mohammed up their arse as my last words.

As a Muslim, that greatly offended me. It's the internet though, can't do much about it. :idunno:

Also, to requote saintzksx, this in no way represents Islam.

Forgive me in advance for quoting the Quran, if anybody is offended.

Surah 109: Kafirun
Say : O ye that reject Faith! [1] I worship not that which ye worship, [2] Nor will ye worship that which I worship. [3] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, [4] Nor will ye worship that which I worship. [5] To you be your Way, and to me mine. [6]
As a Muslim, that greatly offended me. It's the internet though, can't do much about it. :idunno:

Also, to requote saintzksx, this in no way represents Islam.

I am glad that you do not believe that the penalty for apostasy should be death, but apparently there are Islamic jurists and clerics who disagree.

Here's to hoping your side wins the debate among Muslims.
Muslim extremists are to Islam what Jim Jones is to Christanity.
might wanna read revalations here man. Renouncing Jesus even under the blade is hell on a stick.....I would tell em to stick mecca and mohammed up their arse as my last words.

What kind of sick and evil god would punish his follower for pretending to renounce his religion in order to survive?
might wanna read revalations here man. Renouncing Jesus even under the blade is hell on a stick.....I would tell em to stick mecca and mohammed up their arse as my last words.

so, you would leave your family behind if you were in his shoes?
I would never renounce Jesus as my personal lord an savior period. I am by no means a bible thumper my last real Church session was the morning of the Viking game in St Louis Cathedral in a Saints jersey( all the priest and Bishop wore theirs too!!!!). But what kind of person would renounce his god to save his own skin. Jesus did not renounce and took the cross, led by example so to speak I guess. Judas was condemned for renouncing him, etc, etc, etc...It is real clear in the good book, if you renounce him to save your skin you burn. I know I may burn as a sinner but it ain't gonna be for renouncing Jesus...

As for offending Muslims, as long as you keep using your faith to attack other faiths I can care less. Mosque at ground zero funded by extremist as an example. I agree most Muslims are not extremist, but I do believe they agree with a lot of what they say and do. Well you are a whodat so in your case I was just using it as a point. But if a Muslim court wanted my head I would say it, mean it, and spit on them. Non Extremist Muslims know who the extremist are in their Mosques and refuse to turn them in. IMO the next phase of this problem is not from overseas but from these ******* in our own mosques here getting radical like England had with Medical Doctors killing people.

Besides if you are so sensitive about words I am glad you do not go door to door like Jehovah witnesses. You would not like to hear what I tell them lol...
I would never renounce Jesus as my personal lord an savior period. I am by no means a bible thumper my last real Church session was the morning of the Viking game in St Louis Cathedral in a Saints jersey( all the priest and Bishop wore theirs too!!!!). But what kind of person would renounce his god to save his own skin. Jesus did not renounce and took the cross, led by example so to speak I guess. Judas was condemned for renouncing him, etc, etc, etc...It is real clear in the good book, if you renounce him to save your skin you burn. I know I may burn as a sinner but it ain't gonna be for renouncing Jesus...

what about "renouncing" him to save your skin and continue to be able to raise your kids??

i put renouncing in quotes because, well, you can "renounce" jesus to someone and still not actually renounce jesus

little white lies and all....i am sure jesus would understand

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