Reggie Bush vs. Barry Sanders. (The way I see it) (1 Viewer)


Black and Gold toThe Bone
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Did you guys know that Barry Sanders had the most runs for negative yards in NFL history?

Did you know that Barry Sanders is the only guy to average 5.0 YPC for a career other than Jim Brown?

Did you know that during his 1883 yard year, Barry Averaged 8.3 yards every time he made it to the line of scrimmage?

Reggie and Barry are not similar in physical makeup (Barry was Short and Stocky, Reggie is Cut but Lean). Where they are similar is in big play potential. I grew up idolizing Barry Sanders, and I can tell you there were very few times where I would see Barry "Pound" the ball in there. If and when there was a pile up, Barry avoided it. So does Reggie.

Barry would go, 1,2,-4,5,8,1,0,0,-2,65.

Now just imagine if Barry Sanders shared carries!!!!! And never was given the chance to pop the 65 yarder.

I am only 25 years old, and I would argue with anyone on behalf of everything I own that Barry Sanders is the greatest of all time.

I also will argue that in all of my time, Reggie Bush is the most talented football player that I’ve ever scene.

Imagine being game planned for, and only being in the game 60% of the time. Teams can never fall asleep on Reggie because his presence is an instant “Red Alert”.
Reggie has yet to be afforded the opportunities throughout the course of a game to pop of a big run. And for those of you who are tired of waiting for one (so am I), I totally understand.

But in all honesty, Barry Sanders would have been the Detroit Lions greatest bust if he were in Reggie’s situation. Imagine Barry Splitting carries. Imagine the relief a defensive coordinator would have had knowing Barry would only be in the game 60% of the time, and less than 50% as a RB. And on those plays where he is in, you can just attack him like there’s no tomorrow.

Ladies and gentleman, this is what Reggie faces every Sunday.

As Saints fans, if we don't adjust to his style of play, then we will be in for miserable year. You have to take the negatives with pride, and have faith that the positives will show their faces, when most needed.

Think 1st Tampa Bay Game!!!!!!!!

It is purely idiotic to say that Reggie fears running towards the middle. Yesterday Reggie made a few bad reads against a swarming run defense. You can’t be a RB at any level without running the ball inside. Those of you who have played the game should agree. I doubt Reggie or Barry were “scared” to run inside.

Ask yourself again….

What if Barry Split carries????

What if Barry only averaged 10 carries a game????????

We are 6-2, and have one of the most talented guys in the NFL on our team, yet we complain about his yardage.

Reggie’s time will come, and when it does, I will be memorable!!!
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i don't know the accuracy of your data, but numbers aside i believe bush will be a weapon in the nfl. he runs in place too much, east / west runner, etc...the things he is doing wrong right now can be fixed with coaching. he does have the talent though, and i am betting on that...
Now im not gonna start a riot again but

You can have all the potential and talent in the world

its all about execution, and hopefully reggie will calm down a bit and get more relaxed
Did you guys know that Barry Sanders had the most runs for negative yards in NFL history?

Did you know that Barry Sanders is the only guy to average 5.0 YPC for a career other than Jim Brown?

Did you know that during his 1883 yard year, Barry Averaged 8.3 yards every time he made it to the line of scrimmage?

Reggie and Barry are not similar in physical makeup (Barry was Short and Stocky, Reggie is Cut but Lean). Where they are similar is in big play potential. I grew up idolizing Barry Sanders, and I can tell you there were very few times where I would see Barry "Pound" the ball in there. If and when there was a pile up, Barry avoided it. So does Reggie.

Barry would go, 1,2,-4,5,8,1,0,0,-2,65.

Now just imagine if Barry Sanders shared carries!!!!! And never was given the chance to pop the 65 yarder.

I am only 25 years old, and I would argue with anyone on behalf of everything I own that Barry Sanders is the greatest of all time.

I also will argue that in all of my time, Reggie Bush is the most talented football player that I’ve ever scene.

Imagine being game planned for, and only being in the game 60% of the time. Teams can never fall asleep on Reggie because his presence is an instant “Red Alert”.
Reggie has yet to be afforded the opportunities throughout the course of a game to pop of a big run. And for those of you who are tired of waiting for one (so am I), I totally understand.

But in all honesty, Barry Sanders would have been the Detroit Lions greatest bust if he were in Reggie’s situation. Imagine Barry Splitting carries. Imagine the relief a defensive coordinator would have had knowing Barry would only be in the game 60% of the time, and less than 50% as a RB. And on those plays where he is in, you can just attack him like there’s no tomorrow.

Ladies and gentleman, this is what Reggie faces every Sunday.

As Saints fans, if we don't adjust to his style of play, then we will be in for miserable year. You have to take the negatives with pride, and have faith that the positives will show their faces, when most needed.

Think 1st Tampa Bay Game!!!!!!!!

It is purely idiotic to say that Reggie fears running towards the middle. Yesterday Reggie made a few bad reads against a swarming run defense. You can’t be a RB at any level without running the ball inside. Those of you who have played the game should agree. I doubt Reggie or Barry were “scared” to run inside.

Ask yourself again….

What if Barry Split carries????

What if Barry only averaged 10 carries a game????????

We are 6-2, and have one of the most talented guys in the NFL on our team, yet we complain about his yardage. Potential

Reggie’s time will come, and when it does, I will be memorable!!!

very good post and well written. I remember Sanders getting stuffed for multiple losses a game it seemed like, but eventually he'd get in the flow and would break one. I have the same feeling about Reggie... he'll be fine.
That is a good point of view you bring up and i agree with it but you must also remember d-fense today are alot faster than in barry's days i also think barry was the best but i dont know if he could do it with the speed of todays -fense
The nerve of people!!!!!


I said that meaning, if we were 2-6, the complaining about Reggies yardage would be a bit more justified. But we are 6-2, so Payton must have this whole Reggie Bush thing figured out.

I'm routing for Reggie to finish with -80 yards rushing on the Season if we are going to play like we did yesterday!!!
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I think many on this board agree with you. I certainly do. It seems futile however to try to convince those who don't. Some people will find a reason to complain regardless of how well things are going for the team.
Did you guys know that Barry Sanders had the most runs for negative yards in NFL history?

Did you know that Barry Sanders is the only guy to average 5.0 YPC for a career other than Jim Brown?

Did you know that during his 1883 yard year, Barry Averaged 8.3 yards every time he made it to the line of scrimmage?

Reggie and Barry are not similar in physical makeup (Barry was Short and Stocky, Reggie is Cut but Lean). Where they are similar is in big play potential. I grew up idolizing Barry Sanders, and I can tell you there were very few times where I would see Barry "Pound" the ball in there. If and when there was a pile up, Barry avoided it. So does Reggie.

Barry would go, 1,2,-4,5,8,1,0,0,-2,65.

Now just imagine if Barry Sanders shared carries!!!!! And never was given the chance to pop the 65 yarder.

I am only 25 years old, and I would argue with anyone on behalf of everything I own that Barry Sanders is the greatest of all time.

I also will argue that in all of my time, Reggie Bush is the most talented football player that I’ve ever scene.

Imagine being game planned for, and only being in the game 60% of the time. Teams can never fall asleep on Reggie because his presence is an instant “Red Alert”.
Reggie has yet to be afforded the opportunities throughout the course of a game to pop of a big run. And for those of you who are tired of waiting for one (so am I), I totally understand.

But in all honesty, Barry Sanders would have been the Detroit Lions greatest bust if he were in Reggie’s situation. Imagine Barry Splitting carries. Imagine the relief a defensive coordinator would have had knowing Barry would only be in the game 60% of the time, and less than 50% as a RB. And on those plays where he is in, you can just attack him like there’s no tomorrow.

Ladies and gentleman, this is what Reggie faces every Sunday.

As Saints fans, if we don't adjust to his style of play, then we will be in for miserable year. You have to take the negatives with pride, and have faith that the positives will show their faces, when most needed.

Think 1st Tampa Bay Game!!!!!!!!

It is purely idiotic to say that Reggie fears running towards the middle. Yesterday Reggie made a few bad reads against a swarming run defense. You can’t be a RB at any level without running the ball inside. Those of you who have played the game should agree. I doubt Reggie or Barry were “scared” to run inside.

Ask yourself again….

What if Barry Split carries????

What if Barry only averaged 10 carries a game????????

We are 6-2, and have one of the most talented guys in the NFL on our team, yet we complain about his yardage. Potential

Reggie’s time will come, and when it does, I will be memorable!!!

Good post!

I have been saying now for a while, a think the situation Deuce and Reggie are in are a disservice to both. Deuce needs the carries he can't get because of Bush to be effective and Bush needs touches for those breakout runs and catches that he can't get because of the fact that Deuce needs alot of touches.

It's a very tough situation.

I'd argue if we had either without the other, our running game would be better right now!
and believe or not, DET faithful were often short tempered with Barry for leading the league in being caught behind the line of scrimmage. He was in the position that he "WAS" the lions for a # of years and all expectations were on him, so if he didn't singlehandedly win the game, he caught a lot of heat from fans...

Reggie is no Barry Sanders, but he will be productive. there is an icredible amount of pressure on him, which is tough to deal with @ his age. He will be fine though. He's probably not ever going to rush for 2k yards, but he will be an important part of out offese for a long time
Barry started running into the HOF on his first carry. There was no period of adjustment. Barry played in a single back set with no TE and no FB for most of his career behind a dilapidated O-Line and Lomas Brown. Despite a career facing those uphil struggles he is undoubtably the greatest runningback to ever play the game.

Reggie has a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong (<---emphasis on the long) way to go before he's in the same class as Barry Sanders.

What they most share in common is their character and off-the-field class. Both reached out to their communities and did so without calling a press conference to do so. It just so happens that with Reggie the press follows him everywhere he goes.

I said that meaning, if we were 2-6, the complaining about Reggies yardage would be a bit more justified. But we are 6-2, so Payton must have this whole Reggie Bush thing figured out.

I'm routing for Reggie to finish with -80 yards rushing on the Season if we are going to play like we did yesterday!!!

OK well when Deuce gets hurt and Reggie has to take responsibility for rushing yards we'll see if people dont care about reggie's running woes.

We are 6-2 because of the awesomeness that is Drew Brees.I swear that guy could have made Jim Haslett's Saints super bowl champions.
Reggie is no Barry Sanders.............He's probably not ever going to rush for 2k yards, but he will be an important part of out offese for a long time

I totally agree. Barry is a one and only. Reggie is also one of a kind, and I'm just over joyed that he wears Black and Gold.

Reggie and Duece's #'s will increase when teams get tired of Drew Brees picking them apart.

Until then, Colston and Brees, can make hotel arrangements in Honululu.
Can we stop comparing Reggie Bush to Barry Sanders? The comparison isn't valid on any level past them being fast running backs who wore numbers in the 20s. Barry Sanders played in a different era, against different prototypes and deviations, with a different set of standards, with a different style of head coach, with a different pedigree, with differing levels of talent at nearly every other position.

If I never read Bush and Sanders in the same sentence again, it would be LONG overdue.
Barry started running into the HOF on his first carry. There was no period of adjustment. Barry played in a single back set with no TE and no FB for most of his career behind a dilapidated O-Line and Lomas Brown. Despite a career facing those uphil struggles he is undoubtably the greatest runningback to ever play the game.

Reggie has a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong (<---emphasis on the long) way to go before he's in the same class as Barry Sanders.

What they most share in common is their character and off-the-field class. Both reached out to their communities and did so without calling a press conference to do so. It just so happens that with Reggie the press follows him everywhere he goes.

I knew that this would get misinterpreted.

Barry is Barry. Reggie is Reggie.

Never said Reggie is the equivalent of Barry.

If you are as big of a Sanders fan as I am- (108 personally collected football cards. One Autographed. Video taped every game that was ever aired of him Since Thanksgiving 91 {which sadly I lost most of during the storm. 7 feet of water on my Street. Still have the cards because they followed me to LSU and some VCR tapes}). Bought his autobiography the first day it came out. And was personally po'ed when Mario Bates had a better day then he did in the dome. (forgive me, I was young).

But as I was saying. If you are as big a Sanders fan as i am, there is no way you can argue that Barry pounded into the line. My mom loved him for that reason. She never, and still doesn't understand why someone would run into a pile full of people. This is the one attribute that Reggie and Barry share. They dont run into piles, they search for space.

So yes, I know all about Barry's first carry being an 18 yard gain against the Cardinals (Man I wish i had a smile to insert here)
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