The Falcons-Saints Rivalry: Hating America's Team After Hurricane Katrina (1 Viewer)

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Hung out to dry
Dec 28, 2006
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Cordova, TN
There has never been a shortage of things you shouldn't discuss with a Saints fan.

For instance, do not discuss, compare or debate food. At this very moment a cabal of rogue LSU geneticists, bankrolled by kickbacks paid to state health inspectors, is developing an enhanced breed of crustacean with weapons-grade meatiness, all for the sole purpose of rolling it in corn meal. Louisiana simply operates with a higher vision of the comestible arts.

Hurricane Katrina, conversely, is no laughing matter. Ask Roddy White, who found out last week that even though New Orleans has exploited every iota of their 2005 disaster to better celebrate a Super Bowl win, any mention that the "Who Dat Nation" might be a little self-righteous in their usage of Katrina as a plot device is simply off-limits.

Roddy's tweet exposed a loophole that's gone previously unnoticed by most NFL fans: New Orleans is more than willing to capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative for their football team. But those same opportunists squawk with incredulity when opposing fans, players and media treat that horrible disaster with the same triviality.

Steven Godfrey is a freelance writer based in Nashville, Tennessee. Contact him at or on Twitter, @IACGodfrey.
That is a really crappy article. Roddy went a little too far with his tweets, but those were aimed primarily at Trent Dilfer, then it got escalated out of control. I dont agree at all with how Roddy mouthed off, but I also dont believe he intended to insult the city of New Orleans like that.
A Falcons fan and a ****** journalist. A double whammy, sports style.
Roddy's tweet exposed a loophole that's gone previously unnoticed by most NFL fans: New Orleans is more than willing to capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative for their football team. But those same opportunists squawk with incredulity when opposing fans, players and media treat that horrible disaster with the same triviality.

I have never once asked ESPN to talk about Hurricane Katrina. Does this idiot really think I--and the rest of New Orleans--luxuriate in my city's ever present attachment to one of the worst disasters of all time? I do not revel in the weakness and despair; I certainly do not "capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative."

This entire story is ********. I dare him to fly down here and tell that to me or any other New Orleanian, anyone else who returned to a city so broken and crestfallen, only to persevere and rebuild our home.

I don't usually get offended at silly little pieces, but this is just ********.
LOL at the R. White tweet kicking this off. I honestly did not know he said he anything about Katrina.

Of course his English was so bad that no one really knows for sure what he said. I guess it's like modern art, open for interpretation.

I have never once asked ESPN to talk about Hurricane Katrina. Does this idiot really think I--and the rest of New Orleans--luxuriate in my city's ever present attachment to one of the worst disasters of all time? I do not revel in the weakness and despair; I certainly do not "capitalize upon Hurricane Katrina as a means of fabricating a redemption narrative."

This entire story is ********. I dare him to fly down here and tell that to me or any other New Orleanian, anyone else who returned to a city so broken and crestfallen, only to persevere and rebuild our home.

I don't usually get offended at silly little pieces, but this is just ********.

You should see it for what it is -- just some lazy loser trying to get attention by stiring the pot. It's the easy way.

Unfortunately, it works too often. Mike Florio is a an example.
if you were here, if you lived through it, you get it. he clearly doesn't, and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

no matter how hard they try, falcon fans will never be able to discount the incredible significance of last year for this city. deep down, they know it...which is why articles like this one ring incredibly false.
LOL at the R. White tweet kicking this off. I honestly did not know he said he anything about Katrina.

Of course his English was so bad that no one really knows for sure what he said. I guess it's like modern art, open for interpretation.

All Roddy said was that God gave you a SB to save your city. Now that can be interpreted both ways - good and bad, depending on your viewpoint. I dont think that was particularly inflammatory, but if youre over-sensitive to Katrina then perhaps it could be taken the wrong way. I just think the whole Twitter-War got overblown by the media and the Fans to more than it actually was - which was rival players trash-talking back and forth.
Here is what I wrote , please write this **** and put him in his place!


Your hit piece on New Orleanians is quite unbecoming of you. No one has ever said " the Saints saved a city" but what they did do is provide hope and a break away from the harsh realities of living in a disaster area and having a team that has long been doormats! For Roddy White to say what he said was immature and disgusting.

New Orleanians didn't ask for all the Katrina/Saints pieces written by your Buds in the media, but u should know better than anyone that the media loves sensationalism and that story was sensational! The Saints org has done a fine job in helping with the recovery and revival of New Orleans. Should they not be commended for that? God forbid a city wide disaster would ever happen to ATL but if it did, I would celebrate if the Falcons were able to provide Atlanta folks with some Sort of happiness.

So get off your soap box and leave us Alone. Stick to football why attack the fans!! Grow up man, seriously.


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