The Saints #1 in the NFL (1 Viewer)


Very Banned
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
Baton Rouge
The Saints have the best offense in the NFL. We also have the best defense, and special teams in the NFL. We also have the best player in the NFL, I just don't know who it is. It's among Drew Brees, Reggie Bush, Deuce McAllister, Marques Colston, and Joe Horn. When I think about it that way, it's obvious that we have the top 5 players in the NFL. Period.

Our record says that we are 6-3, but on those 3 games that we "lost" we simply ran out of time. We would have won, no question about it.

I think it's silly to criticize the best coach in the history of the league for not throwing enough balls to Devery, the biggest deep threat in the NFL.

I am very excited to be a Saints fan, and I laugh at all the ESPN polls that have us rated lower than #1.

Drink the kool-aid, people. We are going to win the Superbowl. It's going to be interesting to see what kind of rules the NFL implements to slow down our New Orleans Saints.
Yeah, it'll be funny this year for the Pro Bowl. Instead of it being the NFC vs AFC; it'll be the Saints vs AFC.
I BELIEVE,SQUEEZEBOX ,YOU DA MAN ,finally someone who gets it, think positive and it wil happen. geaux saints
Wow, just wow. I could pick apart this post, but it's not even worth it. You lost me at "best defense in the league".

The defense that let a medicore RB run for two 70+ runs yesterday?
Obviously alot of your sarcasm radars are off today.

I still don't see the point of this post though...
yeah, I mean come on...he's not being serious.
BEST DEFENSE!!!!!!! and SPECIAL TEAMS!!!!!!!!!

Our Defense has been playing really well up until sunday
Vs the steelers, I think we saw what our defense really looks like

They also allow a TD nearly everytime the other team gets in the Red Zone

Our Secondary is Near the bottom in the NFL, we could not even stop Ben Worthlessburger, who throws twice as many picks as TDs

Our offense is hitting their stride, but the defense is faltering

Our special teams, especially the kickoffs were horrible vs the steelers, every time the steelers started their drives past the 30 yd line, our kick coverage is horrible

Carney has been good for the most part
Our Defense has been playing really well up until sunday
Vs the steelers, I think we saw what our defense really looks like

So our defense, according to you, have been playing really well for 8 games, then they have 1 bad game and that's the real defense???????????????????

8 games to 1 game.....hmmmmmmmmm?

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