TIL: Today I Learned... (4 Viewers)

TIL that the CEO of Bluesky is a woman who goes by the nickname ‘Jay’ but who’s given name is Lantian, which is Chinese for……. Blue Sky .. however, i also learned that the creator of Bluesky (no, not THAT Creator) named the app Bluesky long before the present CEO came along or was associated with the app in any way.. purely a coincidence, seriously .
You mean Jack?
It was Halloween and someone ended up in the hospital but it wasn't me so that's why it was one time. So, no, not very good.
The LSD needs to be 100% pure and you need to be in a good frame of mind. If you're anxious you're likely to have a bad trip. When I was 20 the only thing that caused me anxiety was a first date :hihi:
The LSD needs to be 100% pure and you need to be in a good frame of mind. If you're anxious you're likely to have a bad trip. When I was 20 the only thing that caused me anxiety was a first date :hihi:
Well, you're not alone there. I don't know anyone who didn't have anxiety on their first date, lol.
It was Halloween and someone ended up in the hospital but it wasn't me so that's why it was one time. So, no, not very good.
haven't done mushrooms thatthat often - but I way prefer them to acid - however I did quite enjoy the 2 times
the time in NJ I got on the back of a friend's motorcycle. obviously not the best idea but the visuals were intense
2nd time was a lundi gras which is an incredibly redundant experience, but it did allow me to talk to a police officer's horse
haven't done mushrooms thatthat often - but I way prefer them to acid - however I did quite enjoy the 2 times
the time in NJ I got on the back of a friend's motorcycle. obviously not the best idea but the visuals were intense
2nd time was a lundi gras which is an incredibly redundant experience, but it did allow me to talk to a police officer's horse
Did he have any interesting stories?
The LSD needs to be 100% pure and you need to be in a good frame of mind. If you're anxious you're likely to have a bad trip. When I was 20 the only thing that caused me anxiety was a first date :hihi:
Determining whether the LSD a tripper takes is completely 100% sure is extremely difficult and the purer, more unfiltered the type of compounds one takes with acid, usually the stronger and more potent its going to be. I don't think the majority of the hippies living in Haight-Ashbury in the late 60's were knowledgable chemistry majors before they decided to follow Dr. O'Leary's advice about "tuning in, turning on, and dropping out", O'Leary later on came to regret that last part of his phrase because it got interpreted as wasting your life away by getting high on psychedelic drugs, don't work or contribute to society and live on SS payments or your parents' money in some underground, alternative would-be futuristic society.

You don't fork around with pure, 100% unfiltered deep-quality strains of LSD, especially STP and LSD-25. STP is sort of a super-charged, high-quality strain of LSD where the users typically sips it or ingests in small-modest amounts and can cause 2-3 day long trips. This isn't your usual "fun and games" "paper LSD" and often times, it doesn't matter what kind of mood one is in before taking it, the odds of a bad trip are just as likely as a revealing, interesting "mind-expanding" one. Bad trips can happen regardless of whatever mood you're in because the chemical compounds inside the LSD are determining the reactions, not your feelings.

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