Ty Montgomery Defies Coaches Orders, Costs Packers The Rams Game (1 Viewer)

I think it was less time than that. As soon as he took it out, I believe the 2 minute warning was wasted. The play ended with 1:57 if I recall correctly. It was a very stupid play even if it had worked out. Fumbling just made it more stupid. And hearing he disobeyed direct orders make it near unforgivable.

Yep. exactly. Just went back and looked and he fields the ball with 2:05 left, you kneel it down. Get the ball with 2:05 and you get to run a play then get your free time out via the two minute warning. Running it out was stupid on multiple levels.
I think you have to trade him immediately. You can't take a team into battle with people not following orders.
Anyone remember all the times Brees lost close games cause of some boneheaded mistake by another player and stories leaking in the media how angry he was? Anyone? No?

When it's Rodgers, you hear about it and the media makes excuses for him. If it was Brees, we'd be hearing about a few in-completions or a lone turnover.
They were losing that game regardless.

Their defense couldn't stop them in the end. Story of their lives in Green Bay. Good luck rebuilding your defense with Rodgers' ridiculous contract.

Very unlikely. The Rams had no TOs left.

Rodgers was either going to win that game with a FG or not get into range at all. But there was likely no scenario where Rodgers scores and the Rams have enough time to beat GB's defense again.
Very unlikely. The Rams had no TOs left.

Rodgers was either going to win that game with a FG or not get into range at all. But there was likely no scenario where Rodgers scores and the Rams have enough time to beat GB's defense again.

It could've ended on a fumble or pick. We'll never know. That's the tricky part about "could've, would've, should've" scenarios.
It could've ended on a fumble or pick. We'll never know. That's the tricky part about "could've, would've, should've" scenarios.

I'm not disagreeing with you. But you said GB's defense couldn't stop them so they'd have lost anyway. I'm simply pointing out that GB's defense was effectively done as a factor in that game. It was either Rodgers gets a FG with zeros on the clock or they turn it over and it's 4 knees.

GB was probably a better than even favorite to win that game had Rodgers got the ball there.
Anyone here acting like they'd be totally cool if say, TommyLee Lewis decided to pull a Ty Montgomery and deny Drew Brees the opportunity to march down the field into FG range against the top team in the league is not keeping it 100. Or you don't really understand how good Rodgers and Brees are.
So, apparently he was upset about being pulled from a play and not getting the ball enough. And even after being told to take a knee on what amounted to the final kickoff of that game, was heard telling teammates,"Imma do me!"

He SHOULD be cut. LOL. If I was a Packers fan or player, I'd be PO'D!! This affects the Saints as it relates to possible seeding. If we met next week both having only 1 loss, we would have a direct leg up if we handed their second loss while only having 1.

What's up, dude? Btw, we will still have a leg up on the Rams after we beat them this Sunday since we would win the first tiebreaker (head-to-head).
Ty had quite a bit to say about this today. He acknowledged he'd made a mistake by running out the ball, but denied that he was wilfully disobeying anyone. We'll have to see if all this gets handled or if it festers inside the clubhouse:

Ty Montgomery decries 'false accusations about my character' by Packers teammates

Just before 4 p.m. Monday, Montgomery met with the media and tried to process it all.

“We talk about being brothers,” he said. “We talk about being family and keeping things in-house, in-house, this, that and the other. That’s not what happened. I don’t know. Maybe that’s what they do in their family. That’s not what I do in mine. No one ever said anything to me. No one ever came to me. So I’m thoroughly disappointed in the speculation and just the backlash I have to deal with now. Because now, we’re talking about my character. We’re not even talking about the fumble anymore, we’re talking about my character. We’re talking about the reasons why I did what I did, and I’m not OK with that.”

As for his decision to take the ball out on the kick return, he acknowledged the return unit had its usual conversation — “if it’s in the end zone, keep it in the end zone” — but Montgomery was vehement that he did not flout any directive.

“At that point in time, I stood where I always stood, I had a returnable ball,” he said. “So I made a split-second decision, I don’t know if this is going to land on the goal line. So I’m not going to take a knee on the goal line, at the half-yard line and take a chance at putting the game in the ref's hands. Unfortunately, I ended up fumbling the football. I don’t think we’d be having this conversation if I didn’t fumble the football because we know how good our two-minute offense is.

“But I’ve never been a guy to completely disobey what I’m being told. I think you can ask a lot of guys in our locker room. That’s not what I do. That’s not the type of man I am. That’s not the kind of person I am.”

Packers' Ty Montgomery upset 'at the state of humanity,' says he's been getting threats to his family after fumble

"It's tough for me to trust anyone now. Guys talking about how they can trust me, it's tough for me to trust anyone now. With that being said, people are sending messages to my wife. People are making comments on posts about my son. I'm getting phone calls, people offering their houses to stay (at) because apparently people are making threats online. "I'm thoroughly ****** off at the state of humanity right now. That's all I can really say about that."
Ty had quite a bit to say about this today. He acknowledged he'd made a mistake by running out the ball, but denied that he was wilfully disobeying anyone. We'll have to see if all this gets handled or if it festers inside the clubhouse:

Ty Montgomery decries 'false accusations about my character' by Packers teammates

Packers' Ty Montgomery upset 'at the state of humanity,' says he's been getting threats to his family after fumble

He has a point there at the end imo.
It’s a game. Some (many) unhinged (my opinion) folks take a game way too far.
It's not fact that he ran the ball out the endzone, it's his attitude about it. He purposely defied the coaches' instructions and put himself before the team. If he kneels the ball in the endzone, he might've had an opportunity to "do him" in that drive. He could've had a long run or a key reception that put his team in field goal range. Instead, he blew that opportunity for both himself, his teammates, coaches and fans. Very selfish.

I don't know why the critics are pulling the trigger so fast (players and fans). There is always 2 sides to a story. Montgomery explained he thought he was at the 1 yard line (he was on the 2) and was afraid to down it on the line giving the PAckers 99+ yards to go. So he made a rookie mistake. It was not good situational football but not a reason top ruin his career. Mistakes happen to those who do things in life/work. Of course not , if you are a coach potato and does jack all but complaining ............
I don't know why the critics are pulling the trigger so fast (players and fans). There is always 2 sides to a story. Montgomery explained he thought he was at the 1 yard line (he was on the 2) and was afraid to down it on the line giving the PAckers 99+ yards to go. So he made a rookie mistake. It was not good situational football but not a reason top ruin his career. Mistakes happen to those who do things in life/work. Of course not , if you are a coach potato and does jack all but complaining ............

Yeah when he fields the ball he's pretty close to the line, I can see how it would be easy for him to misjudge where he is on the field and panic.
Just like any and all players, he made a mistake. Move on. This is why I hate the media. They just like to dive and poke deep and deeper into nothing. And this cause unnecessary rifts with fans.
I don't know why the critics are pulling the trigger so fast (players and fans). There is always 2 sides to a story. Montgomery explained he thought he was at the 1 yard line (he was on the 2) and was afraid to down it on the line giving the PAckers 99+ yards to go. So he made a rookie mistake. It was not good situational football but not a reason top ruin his career. Mistakes happen to those who do things in life/work. Of course not , if you are a coach potato and does jack all but complaining ............

I have no idea if he actually "went rogue" or whatever, but I don't think he was really that close to the line. He looked to be about 2 yards deep in the endzone. Even if it was simply that he was mistaken about where he was on the field (and if he could have knelt), then that's still a pretty huge and inexcusable mistake.

He obviously shouldn't be getting death threats (it's just a game, people), but I do think it is a fireable/cuttable offense.

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