Vilma's legal team raising questions about Bountygate whistleblower (1 Viewer)


one delta ten tango
Oct 18, 2000
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Madison, WI
Vilma's legal team raising questions about Bountygate whistleblower - NFL -

"The Saints later looked into the matter and determined that neither of the reasons Cerullo gave them were valid, according to what Vilma's legal team has presented to the NFL. At the end of the season, Vitt informed Cerullo he would be terminated for deceiving the team about his whereabouts. It was then, according to this evidence, that Cerullo made public claims about exacting revenge on the Saints, and Vitt in particular."

SO he went home, sat at his kitchen table and manufactured a ledger. Just as I always suspected.
Wow. Beginning to see some actual "investigative" sports journalism possibly?
Something tells me this case is about to bust WIDE open.
According to one source with access to both affidavits -- the recent declarations of Williams and Cerullo -- those statements differ in one key manner: What became of the $10,000 they claim Vilma pledged for any player who knocked Vikings quarterback Brett Favre from the 2009 NFC championship game. Cerullo claims he ended up with the money and then gave it to Williams, the source said. Williams claims that, as this pledge was made outside of his "pay-for-performance" program, he was unaware of the whereabouts of any actual money and unsure of whether it was paid out. Though, as Favre was not knocked out of the game, Williams "assumes" no payments were made.

So Williams declares he is innocent and didn't touch any Favre money.
Then Cerullo declares WIlliams is not innocent and might even have kept the Favre money.

That my friends are Roger's credible witnesses.
I like this:

"A video conference meeting with the other suspended player, Browns linebacker Scott Fujita, was postponed at the league's request, sources said.

A league source said the NFL intended to reschedule the meeting. Other sources with knowledge of the situation said the sides had been negotiating the terms of the meeting, with Fujita preferring to stay in Cleveland to receive treatment and prepare for the next game, as he missed almost all of the preseason because of injury. As of Monday night those terms appeared to be in place, but the league raised reservations about that forum Tuesday morning."

Translation: The NFL realized that they may compromise the "secrecy" of the meeting by allowing Fujita to digitally record the video, rather than meeting in some blacked-out broom closet with concrete walls.
I can't stand the nasty people who write things about Our SAINTS and what supposely went on like they have personally met with the worm goodell and they've had access to all his lies, but the thing that goes to the heart of the matter is that the worm accomplished his goals, he's weakened Our SAINTS and SAINTS FANS are in the dark on why he did this except for revenge. I for one hopes that when that worm comes to the Super Bowl, he's confronted in every restaurant, in every elevator, at the airport, etc... wherever that slimy worm slithers in the Streets of New Orleans, SAINTS FANS should make a vow that he's not able to leave his hotel room, and refuse him service everywhere he goes, let's make him stay in his room eating stale crackers and water. He must pay for what he's done to Our Team, to the Greatest Fans in the Leauge, and to the City of New Orleans and The Gulf Coast. Maybe someone could invite him on a hunting trip or a fishing trip out in the marshes or alligator hunting or hunting Russian Boars etc... Let the worm know how we feel about him and his lying ways. Just a thought
The fact that these two are the statements they chose to release as their best and strongest (a last minute one by a man who they have publicly said will be judged for reinstatement based on how "cooperative" he is with the investigation and a fired peon) makes the claim that they have 50,000 pages of solid evidence a bit hard to swallow.

So his name's out there now big time and he's going to be getting more than he bargained for because he doesn't have "doing the right thing for the right reasons" on his side. He had malice and revenge on his side and found an ear that wasn't interested in vetting his motives for saying what he was saying, just took it on its face because it was what the NFL wanted to hear and fit the agenda perfectly.

My husband has always said follow the money. Now we have 2 versions of where it came from and possibly even more versions of what happened to it with the two "star witnesses" contradicting each other.

Of course, two losses into the season, it's darn near too late now. Bravo, Rodger Dodger. Bravo.
Yeah, but when does "the ginger pinhead" get canned? When do we get our coaches back? When does the team get its $100,000 fine refunded (with interest)? When do we as Saints fans get some measure of justice from this concerted effort by the league office to damage our team?

How can we possibly be repaid so that we feel we've been treated fairly? It's a horrible miscarriage of justice that we've had to endure for most of the last year. Starting 0-2 is most definitely directly attributable to goodell's orchestrations.

That the falclowns have no losses as yet makes the whole thing nearly unbearable.
Exactly. Where was this level of investigation months ago (except for the investigations to find us guilty)?

our thread got pretty close to hitting on a lot of whats come out about him!

it seems everyone had it in their pocket ready to go, but had to wait for the statements to cover themselves

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