What is the strangest place you have ever been? (1 Viewer)

I delivered pizza in college. One night I had to deliver to this weird old run down motel that was mostly a haven for drug addicts, hookers, etc. It legitimately looked like something out of a movie. Stereotypically so.

I knock on the door and the guy tells me to come in. The place stunk to high heaven. Like this combination of cheap skunky ditch weed, cigarettes, sweat and who knows what else. The only thing he was wearing is a pair of daisy duke shorts. And they were short. Like you could see things.

He was sitting in the dark in a chair and told me to come over. He had a Crown Royal bag sitting right on his crotch and after he paid me, looked at the bag and jiggled it so I could hear that there was change inside.

"Gotta reach in to get yer tip!" He screamed at me. Then he trusted his hips and the bag in my general direction while cackling madly. "Reach in and get yer tip!" He screamed again.

I legitimately thought I was about to be murdered and raped in that order. Dude just kept screaming/laughing even as I walked put the door. He kept screaming "Come back for yer tip!" And then laughing like the Joker.

I'm 100% convinced that dude has his dick in that bag and wanted me to grab it.
A pedophiles house when I was 11. Lulu Street Las Vegas Nevada.
Was riding my bike, naive to the world and it’s dangers.....seemingly nice middle aged guy stops me to talk to me while I’m riding my bike. Offers me some popcorn and chocolate (I know I was a moron, free candy van and all) well I was hungry and love chocolate. I go inside and he talks me into watching a movie...during the movie he gets a blanket and puts it over me, then gradually tries to fondle me. That’s when it finally clicked to me that something was wrong with this guy and I jetted back home. Cops were at my house when I got back as I’d been gone longer than my parents thought I should be.
Probably one of the strangest encounters I’ve ever had. And I’ve had quite a few dandies in my wild life.
Been wondering...did you tell the cops about the perv who tried to fondle you?
1989 I was a high school senior working at an iconic Chicago area pizza place with my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Amy.

Our manager Greg, and his partner, were hosting a party and we were asked to attend after work. Paul was able to leave early so he went to the party while Amy and I helped to close the restaurant.

Amy and I didn't make it to the party until about 2:30-3:00am so, as you can imagine, the party was in full swing when we arrived.

We walked in the fron door to the sight of a group of people who were watching a vhs of a movie called "Mr. PeePee's Big Adventure." It featured puppets and some dude's clothed, hog with a face painted on it. So far, no big deal though Amy was displeased. We set about the task of looking for Paul. Amy was immediately put off by the first people to talk to us. A very talk person in drag who was leading a mustachioed man dressed in leather chaps, leather hat, and leather vest (no other clothes) who had a night stick and handcuffs on his belt, and a riding crop in his hand. The drag queen said "the real party's in the basement." The kitchen was full of drinks and people doing lines of coke. It seemed like we both began to actually see the people in the room. There's an orgy scene in The Shining ( I think) where everybody seems to stop and look at the camera at the same time. A strange crowd with people in odd, flamboyant costumes doing whatever the mood dictated. There was a lot of "dictating." Amy squeezed my hand and said "get me out of here!)

I told her that we needed to get Paul and then we'd leave. We got to the basement entrance and we could see the smoke wafting through purple light. The techno music was so loud that we couldn't hear much of anything else. (Think Buffalo Bob's basement) Amy froze at the top of the stairs and refused to move. She agreed to wait for Paul but demanded to stand by the front door and wouldn't let me leave her side. We asked somebody to go downstairs and ask Paul to come upstairs. He said that he could tell by looking at us who we were looking for.

Paul came upstairs, beer in hand, and hugged Amy and tried to lead her by the hand to the basement. He said "you've got to see this, the weird stuff's in the basement." She wouldn't budge. She demanded that we all leave. He refused. He just lived a block over and had left his van at the house. She walked out so I told him that I'd make sure that she got home.

According to Paul, the basement was full of straight and lgbt exhibitionists who decided to seize the opportunity to share their passions with the crowd. Apparently there was audience participation and people throughout the room were inspired to put on their own shows. He didn't understand why a 17 year old girl didn't want to be there. I'm sure that festivities began in a much more reserved fashion and that he acclimated to the party as it progressed but that's not what Amy and I experienced.
Longest cliff hanger ever.

So did you hit it?
Longest cliff hanger ever.

So did you hit it?
Paul's girlfriend?

Bros before hoes.

When we graduated she moved to Florida for school and Paul joined the army. I never saw her again. He's still in the army and getting ready to retire.
Paul's girlfriend?

Bros before hoes.

When we graduated she moved to Florida for school and Paul joined the army. I never saw her again. He's still in the army and getting ready to retire.

Lol I haven’t heard that in so long.
Makes me harken back to a strange day where I’m thankful it was not bro’s before hoes.

The shortened version:
In the apartment when I was 18 living with my two best friends.....
I was casually dating a girl, then fell for another girl.....well we had a camping trip (the new girl and I).....and I find out on the way back to my place that my casual girl I’d been seeing was there, and I was heading back with Kim, the new girl. Neither knew of the other. I was so terrified I went into V-Tach I’m sure...the casual girl wanted more.....but now she couldn’t say a thing. Lol.

Walking up the steps resigned to my fate...get to the door and my best friend comes out...grabs me, pulls me aside and starts fumbling for words apologizing....one thing led to another I’m so sorry yada yada...he slept with my ‘girlfriend’ and I was so relieved that I gave him a huge hug. He asked why I wasn’t mad and I told him about Kim and that he had saved me. ?

We were a group of 8 best friends and one of the girls ‘dated’ us all. Lol wild times man.
Unless I’m really blanking on something
My house post Katrina
It was like some parallel dimension

Much of NO was like that, but a house is more differenter
My grandma's house post Katrina. The entire house floated a block and settled in the middle of the street. Walking through the house was devastating as I took quick inventory of what I could come back to salvage in the morning. The next day when I got there it was completely gone, bulldozed to clear the road.
It's sad ... I didn't like it. Don't like watching humans force animals to fight. If it happens in nature, it's fine...circle of life....but don't like it being forced.
Going to a bullfight in San Miguel Allende in Mexico made me feel the same way. The only and last time I've been to one.

Being Spaniards, we used to go to the bullsfights religiously as well.

Look at it this way: in both arenas, the animals live their lives the best an animal can, and the animals not only have a chance to live afterwards, but to live the rest of their lives as studs, being well taken care of, even be remembered long after they are gone. You ask any bullfight aficionado who Islero was, and they'll tell who he was.

On the other hand, that fried chicken or that steak you eat, neither that chicken and that cow ever had a chance, and lived and died miserably.

That said, I have not been to either the palenque or a bullfight in 40 or so years.
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Being Spaniards, we used to go to the bullsfights religiously as well.

Look at it this way: in both arenas, the animals live their lives the best an animal can, and the animals not only have a chance to live afterwards, but to live the rest of their lives as studs, being well taken care of, even be remembered long after they are gone. You ask any bullfight aficionado who Islero was, and they'll tell who he was.

On the other hand, that fried chicken or that steak you eat, neither that chicken and that cow ever had a chance, and lived and died miserably.

Nah. Still not OK.
i held my own when i was younger, but 24 hours? c'mon

I still hold my own....just not as much as when I was younger

I mean I never held my own for 24 hours straight but there were 24 hour periods of time in which I held my own many times
All i know is I about lost my shirt on Its a Small World and tried to climb out the boat
Yup. Dropped acid in college and tried to put my pants on upside down. Before you ask, they were off for a damn good reason :hihi:

Strangest places were:
Bob Jones University in the mid-nineties. That place was a cult, pure and simple.

Also went out for a long run in Negril, Jamaica and got lost. I seen sights I didn't think existed in the civilized world. No one even looked twice at a white dude wearing nothing but shorts and running shoes. My only concern was that I was getting hungry and had no money, and was off the beaten path. I finally asked for directions back to Norman Manley Blvd, and found out it was a block away by that point. I went back to the resort and got stoned :rasta:

I had other "experiences" but in the spirit of this thread I'm trying to focus on actual geographical locations as opposed to drunken, alt-stated trips like orgies.
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