What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene Of All Time?? (1 Viewer)

Fletch = When Chevy Chase walks in on Fred "the Dorf" Dorfman's retirment party with Post 146 for 40 years of civic service
"The Sicilian" scene from "True Romance" in which Dennis Hopper gets the best of Christopher Walken.

The bank robbery shootout from "Heat".

The night out for Bill Murray and Scarlett in "Lost in Translation"
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--Pheobe Cates in "Fast Times at Richmont High,"--the pool scene with the Cars playing in the background. Hawt.

--The scene in "Unforgiven" when Clint Eastwood walks into the bar drunk and says "Anybody who doesn't want to get killed, better clear on out the back."

--The scene in Rocky III where Apollo tells Rocky he's lost the "eye of the tiger" in Mick's abandoned, empty gym.
Conan the Barbarian has so many of my favorites. But one I was just thinking about earlier today is when he is explaining to Subotai about Crom and the Riddle of Steel. He says "If I die, I must stand before him, and he will ask me what is the Riddle of Steel..."

Notice that for Conan, death is not a foregone conclusion..."IF I die..." So many more in that movie.
V for Vendetta.

The sequence in which Evie is tortured and connects to the person she thinks is in the cell next to her. Once she realizes what's happened, the emotion and lack of words she has is some of the most real cinema I've ever seen. The shot of her standing in the rain, arms outstretched, as the parallel between herself and V is drawn is beautiful.
Too many to remember. Off the top of my head though..

Saving Private Ryan. In the opening scene, from when they were about a mile offshore, to the point where they layed the bangalore mine up to the wall. I've seen a lot of stuff about that day on TV and theaters, but that scene really conveys what it was like that day.

13th Warrior. The end of the movie, where they had to stand and fight their last battle, and lost the leader buliwyf.

The Two Towers, when Gandalf came to Helm's Deep with reinforcements and charge the sieging orcs. And as mentioned earlier in the thread, the battle for Gondor.
Crash, the scene featured on the cover when the Asian shopkeeper shoots the locksmith whilst he's holding his daughter. Gripping.
Bill Daggett: I don't deserve this... to die like this. I was building a house.

Bill Munny: Deserve's got nothing to do with it.

Bill Daggett: I'll see you in hell, William Munny.

Bill Munny: Yeah.
like many have said.. too many to count, but one that comes to mind is... " Wendy, ou didn't let me finish. I said I'm not gonna hurt ya, I'm just gonna bash your brains in."
Apocalypse Now...
"The Flight of the Valkyries" chopper attack on the VC village.

The Salton Sea...
The badger meets Val Kilmer's member and the JFK assasination re-creation.
Lonesome Dove **SPOILER ALERT**

Captain Woodrow F. Call carves a sign to put over Deets grave that reads: "Josh Deets served with me for 30 years. Fought in 21 engagments with the Commanche and Kiowa. Cheerful in all weathers, never shirked a task, splendid behavior."

Outlaw Josey Wales

"This is a fine boy brought up in a time of blood and dying. Never turned his back on his folks or his kind. I've riden with him and I got no complaints."

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