What Is Your Favorite Movie Scene Of All Time?? (4 Viewers)

I guess I would have to say one of my favorite lines was in A Few Good Men when Tom Cruise asked if Demi Moore was sick the day they taught law at Law School...Always made me laugh. Lots of good scenes in that flick.
Every second of black hawk down after the black hawk goes down...

I had the pleasure of meeting the brother of one of the snipers lost that day. He, the brother, was a member of a team that came to our church once. It wasn't until the last day of the event that I read his bio and found out about the above. Got to sit down with him for a few and talk about what happened. He was delta too and was one of the ones that came in and secured the crash site. I can't imagine what that would be like.
From Parenthood, when Gil(Steve Martin)'s grandmother puts parenthood in perspective:

[Gil has been complaining about his complicated life; Grandma wanders into the room]
Grandma: You know, when I was nineteen, Grandpa took me on a roller coaster.
Gil: Oh?
Grandma: Up, down, up, down. Oh, what a ride!
Gil: What a great story.
Grandma: I always wanted to go again. You know, it was just so interesting to me that a ride could make me so frightened, so scared, so sick, so excited, and so thrilled all together! Some didn't like it. They went on the merry-go-round. That just goes around. Nothing. I like the roller coaster. You get more out of it.

But you left off the part that makes that scene wonderful instead of sappy:

(Paraphrasing from memory:)
"Then Grandma came along with her "roller coaster" story, and everything became clear!"
"Oh yeah? I happen to think your Grandma is BRILLIANT!!"
"If she's so brilliant, why is she sitting in our neighbor's car!?!"

I love the "Putting on the Ritz" scene from "Young Frankenstein." 100+ times and it still cracks me up.

The fencing scene from the Princess Bride ("I am not left-handed either!") and the follow-up ("There was a mighty duel...") and the next scene ("Someone has bested a giant!) and of course Vizzini ("Never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well know is this: never go up against a Sicillian when *death* is on the line!) and finally "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.) Or any other scene in that film.

The scene from "Eraserhead" when he has dinner with the in-laws. Put me off of fowl for months.

The scene in "Desperate Living"...yes, THAT scene (careful with those scissors!)

The scene in "Dune" when they first harness a sandworm...still visually stunning.

The opening scene to "Citizen Kane"....plus it was the first film to show ceilings! Mundane now, but quite the accomplishment then.

The opening one-shot scene of "Touch of Evil."

The ending scene of "French Kiss." It's all about Kevin Klein's hands. (He's married to Phoebe Cates, y'know.)

The scene in Kenneth Branagh's "Henry V" when he's professing his love for his future Queen Katherine, as well as Derek Jacobi's wonderful line delivery in everything, but espeially "Know you Fluellen?" and "....our play!"

Ben's death, and the subsequent closing sequence in "Night of the Living Dead."

Most of "Shawn of the Dead" especially "We're coming to get you Barbara!" and all the other Romero "inside jokes."

The first sight of the Monolith in "2001"

The rabid dog scene, the scene when Scout is told to stand because her daddy is a great man, the attack scene, and the scene where we first see Boo Radley, all in "To Kill a Mockingbird."

The opening scene of "Xanadu" and ending scene of "Grease" (kidding!)

The saddest scene (which involves dogs) from "the saddest movie ever (TM)"
"Amores Perros."

"Singing in the Rain" from "Singing in the Rain."

That's all I can think of right now.
I was the only person in the entire theatre who "got" the "We're coming to get you Barbera!" line in Shaun of the Dead. Kind of sad really.

when Jack Burton says..

"I'm supposed to buy this? Ten thousand years and he can't find
one chick to fit the bill? C'mon Dave, you must be doing something
seriously wrong"
The scene from "Eraserhead" when he has dinner with the in-laws. Put me off of fowl for months.

That was pretty bad -- but the ending of eraserhead when he starts cutting off the baby's bandages -- now that was sick --

But the franks and beans scene in Something about Mary is a classic --

The ending in the man who would be king was a pretty good scene when he pulls the head witht he crown out of the bag

A bullet never lies is another good scene
Team America had a pretty funny little speech about the 3 types of people in the world. I can't say any of them because it is dirty, but it was funny.
In saw 3 when Donnie Wahlberg smashed his foot to get out of the shackle. The "Rack" scene was cool too.
Road to Perdition

When Tom Hank's character had to gun down Paul Newman's character. The slow motion silence was outstanding.

Road to Perdition is terrific. The movie and the soundtrack, just great.
There is another scene that I love in The Color of Money. Fast Eddie(Paul Newman) is playing in the last tournament as he gets down to shoot, they show his reflection on the 8ball. He then proceeds to give the match away after he has learned that Vince(Tom Cruise) dumped their match. It is one of my favorite scenes in that movie.

I also like the Werewolves of London playing while Vince beats Moselle and he basically loses out on a lot more money than he could have won, due to the fact that he is young and arrogant.

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