I reckon all told I’ve had about 1000 students and I usually cite 2 ‘above and beyond’ studentsWhat the teacher should have done in the first place was tell the student that their last project was not necessary given the previous projects that were submitted. The teacher was in the wrong in making the student submit another project. That said, the student should have taken the high road and either completed a full project with minimal effort or stood his ground and refused based on what the policy stated. Instead, he chose to stoop below the teacher's level just to make a point. They were both in the wrong, but the student did technically follow the policy. Unless you are a lawyer, that type of attitude won't win you any friends in business.
1 college student was a single mom of three putting herself back through school- she was so excited to be working on/for herself that she would regularly turn in 10 page papers early when 5 pages were assigned
1 HS student would typically create 5-7 minute pieces when I asked for around 2 minutes
And I’ve taught some GREAT students
In no way would I expect a student to turn in a project for funsies