Why do women do this? Part 5 (1 Viewer)

Why would you be disappointed in me? You can have my fries. I'm fat enough and I'll make my own dang pot roast unless I want to eat tuna casserole with added LeSeur baby peas and crumbled chips every single day.

Again with the peas... :jpshakehead:
You keep peas in your fridge? Gross.

My wife loves peas. When they're fresh, there's a bag of some sort of fresh hulled peas to be cooked with only a tiny dice of mirepoix and pork product. There are fresh peas and frozen peas. There are also the silver canned peas.

There are never the sugar snaps that I like because those are disgusting.
We got asked to cook dinner for a family of friends with a health problem the other night. My wife asked me to make chicken pot pie and said she would get all the ingredients out so I could get it done quickly after getting home at 4 from work.

I walked in and on the counter was a frozen pie shell, a large can of mixed vegetables, a small can of mushrooms, 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup and a roasted chicken.

I used the chicken. Thank goodness we usually have carrots and onions and peas and stuff in the fridge and even a nice puff pastry for the topping.

I bet she spent 20$ on what probably cost 5 to make using fresh ingredients, flour, butter, and homemade chicken stock.

Heck, the lady just got off of chemo. I'm not giving her cream of chicken soup from a can.:no:

We don't do veggies enough, but she isn't a canned girl. She's at least good about that. The only reason I have canned veggies is really for a power outage or whatever. It's good emergency food while it's still safe to eat.

That reminds me.. I haven't made a soup in a while. I wonder if I can get the kids to eat my version of chicken noodle. hmmm...
Her: "I'm hungry"

Me: "Okay, what do you want?"

Her: "Anything, I just need to eat something."

Me: "Pizza?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "Chinese?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "La Madeline?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "Well, what are you in the mood for?"

Her: "I don't know, anything. Just not the stuff you said already."

Me: "Okay...how about Mexican?"

Her: "No.."

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/990ON0M-n4g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
LOL. Bruh, I've been there. And when I recognize the trap, I say, "Ohhhhhhh no. You are NOT getting me with that one. There is CLEARLY a right and a wrong answer here. No thanks."

Yeah, I'm kind of lucky in that way - my wife didn't have that many long term relationships before us - and I had been trained up by some of the best and have spent most of my adult life primarily around women
When my wife does try some trap setting, I can see it coming from a mile away
My wife loves peas. When they're fresh, there's a bag of some sort of fresh hulled peas to be cooked with only a tiny dice of mirepoix and pork product. There are fresh peas and frozen peas. There are also the silver canned peas.

There are never the sugar snaps that I like because those are disgusting.

Bleccchh terrible.
The great thing about this thread is that both liberal and conservative male posters can come together and agree :D
Bleccchh terrible.

You ever seen someone put peas in gumbo?

That is why I don't care that she doesn't cook.

That said, she came home late last night from the kid's performance thing and made them Ramen bowls with peas.
My wife used to do this in a lot of different ways, until I stopped participating. I simply tell her "Whatever you think is fine with me." Generally I'm pretty easy-going about most things so I honestly don't care if we have hot dogs instead of pot roast, or go to a friend's party instead of a movie.

I've been the victim of this many different ways many different times
The old Star Trek TV series in the episode about a supercomputer that was eradicating imperfection. the computer had the best definition of women as "a mass of conflicting impulses"

happy mothers day :ezbill:
Her: "I'm hungry"

Me: "Okay, what do you want?"

Her: "Anything, I just need to eat something."

Me: "Pizza?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "Chinese?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "La Madeline?"

Her: "No.."

Me: "Well, what are you in the mood for?"

Her: "I don't know, anything. Just not the stuff you said already."

Me: "Okay...how about Mexican?"

Her: "No.."

You been listening in on conversations in our house? That's it exactly. It goes better to just pick and live with the consequences.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rNKIjLLZMWs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow, what a bunch of suckers in this thread. I'd rather buy a fleshlight than put up with that ********.

That reminds me.. I haven't made a soup in a while. I wonder if I can get the kids to eat my version of chicken noodle. hmmm...

I'm making one of these tomorrow, speaking of soup-type things. I'm using pork in whichever one I make since I have a 3 lb. shoulder that needs to be cooked. I expect it to be awesome. :9:

Birria (Mexican Goat Stew) Recipe | SAVEUR
Chile verde con carne (beef green chili) | Homesick Texan
Wow, what a bunch of suckers in this thread. I'd rather buy a fleshlight than put up with that ********.

I'm making one of these tomorrow, speaking of soup-type things. I'm using pork in whichever one I make since I have a 3 lb. shoulder that needs to be cooked. I expect it to be awesome. :9:

Birria (Mexican Goat Stew) Recipe | SAVEUR
Chile verde con carne (beef green chili) | Homesick Texan

I've had goat before. Just not in a stew, but grilled. Tastes a lot like rabbit. Even though you're using pork.

The only soup I've made with pork is a split pea soup. My dad makes a good one, so I try to steal his recipe.

Hopefully I'll have time this weekend to make a good soup/stew.

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