Full disclosure: I’m no fan of Djokovic.. i mean, he’s immensely talented and would obviously wipe the court with Anyone who’s reading this; to me he just comes across as smug.. But while i understand that rules are rules, he most obviously dint mean to hit the lady, and you could see the horror on his face.. but i get it.. Sefishly, i kinda like that this opens the field for possibly an American to win!
Full disclosure: I’m no fan of Djokovic.. i mean, he’s immensely talented and would obviously wipe the court with Anyone who’s reading this; to me he just comes across as smug.. But while i understand that rules are rules, he most obviously dint mean to hit the lady, and you could see the horror on his face.. but i get it.. Sefishly, i kinda like that this opens the field for possibly an American to win!

So he got DQ?

If so, it's the only call. That was truly unsportsmanlike.
He knows better. He has bounced the ball back 100,000 times. The one time he doesn't for whatever reason, hits a lady in the throat.

So his "shot selection" failed him in that moment. Good. I do that 20x a match lol
So he got DQ?

If so, it's the only call. That was truly unsportsmanlike.
He knows better. He has bounced the ball back 100,000 times. The one time he doesn't for whatever reason, hits a lady in the throat.

So his "shot selection" failed him in that moment. Good. I do that 20x a match lol

Yeah he was ‘defaulted’ they call it.. Did you get a chance to see the video? I’m not sure if the link i posted above works, if not then check it out, it’s on espn, NBC, etc.- becuase to me, he definitely didnt mean to hit her, and i wasnt even sure he hit it ‘out of anger’ like they said, to me it kinda looked like he was hitting it back to a ball boy.. I’m curious to get ur opinion when you see the video, b/c i think it’s not a ‘slam dunk’ call as many seem to be making it out to be.
Sefishly, i kinda like that this opens the field for possibly an American to win!

Sorry to quote my own post, but lol- after I typed this, i saw that there is literally only ONE American left in the field.. i thought there were at least two or three.. and there is our problem with tennis in America, gentlemen.
that being said, i almost jumped on this thread yesterday when i got pretty angry about the glut of sports choices yesterday afternoon
US Open, UEFA, NBA, MLB all on at the same time
4 months of fighting over scraps then they're going to pull this mess - coordinate your schedules people!!
i was wondering when we were going to hear from you about this

As someone without much of a serve to speak of, and who doesnt always have a ton of velocity, pace or control of the ball- I’m not sure how i like being the token tennis fanboi on this site.. i just want it to be more relevant, that’s all.
that being said, i almost jumped on this thread yesterday when i got pretty angry about the glut of sports choices yesterday afternoon
US Open, UEFA, NBA, MLB all on at the same time
4 months of fighting over scraps then they're going to pull this mess - coordinate your schedules people!!
There are 5 Americans left Mr Blue Sexist

pretty good match to see if one stays or not on now
Yeah he was ‘defaulted’ they call it.. Did you get a chance to see the video? I’m not sure if the link i posted above works, if not then check it out, it’s on espn, NBC, etc.- becuase to me, he definitely didnt mean to hit her, and i wasnt even sure he hit it ‘out of anger’ like they said, to me it kinda looked like he was hitting it back to a ball boy.. I’m curious to get ur opinion when you see the video, b/c i think it’s not a ‘slam dunk’ call as many seem to be making it out to be.

I watched it and it was simply an accident. However, there are rules. Like in NBA, you can't be a jerk when tossing the ball to ref.
So while I agree, he didn't mean for that, he still did it.

His entire career he has either simply dropped the ball or hit into ground to bounce/roll harmlessly to ball boy/gal

Unfortunate but because of a brain fart, his Open is over.

Not sure they could bend the rules even for Joker.
I watched it and it was simply an accident. However, there are rules. Like in NBA, you can't be a jerk when tossing the ball to ref.
So while I agree, he didn't mean for that, he still did it.

His entire career he has either simply dropped the ball or hit into ground to bounce/roll harmlessly to ball boy/gal

Unfortunate but because of a brain fart, his Open is over.

Not sure they could bend the rules even for Joker.

Where did it hit her? I didn't seem like he hit the ball very hard. Penalizing him the match for that seems harsh. If it was dock him a point or a game, fine. But the match? I dunno.
Sorry to quote my own post, but lol- after I typed this, i saw that there is literally only ONE American left in the field.. i thought there were at least two or three.. and there is our problem with tennis in America, gentlemen.

Seems like US Mens tennis is to 2016-2020 as men's soccer was to 1988—92.
Where did it hit her? I didn't seem like he hit the ball very hard. Penalizing him the match for that seems harsh. If it was dock him a point or a game, fine. But the match? I dunno.

In the throat. Lol
If you aren't expecting it, it smarts.

However, she don't have no Adams apple so that prolly helps.

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