Al qaeda is happy too! (2 Viewers)

However, that has nothing to do with al Qaeda expecting that the Dems are going move forward with their plans to withdraw immediately from Iraq - somethign al Qaeda has been hoping would happen. Or was that just rhetoric from the Dems to get elected, and they have no real intention of doing that?

How are the Dems going to withdraw our troops from Iraq?
It's not the truth, it's meaningless political, partisan psychobabble from people who simply want to have discussions which involve talking points and demegoguery.

It's the same kind of meaningless crap we heard from those who claimed that "a vote for Kerry is a vote for OBL."

It does nothing to elevate the political discourse and ultimately this kind of flaming rhetoric does nothing but puts people on the defensive.

The truth that really hurts is that some have nothing but demogoguery in the political worldview.

New Al Qaeda Tape: "We Won't Rest Until We Blow Up the White House"

“I swear by God we shall not rest from jihad until we ... blow up the filthiest house known as the White House.”

“I tell the lame duck do not rush to escape as did your defense minister ... stay on the battleground.”

“The American people have taken a step in the right path to come out of their predicament ... they voted for a level of reason”
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You have shown me the error of my ways, Spicoli. Never again will I vote for the candidates that most paralell my beliefs. Instead, I will take the views of those that want to kill me for the country in which I was born into consideration. Isn't that what freedom is all about?

Oh Alla, please forgive me.
Muslim’s Election Is Celebrated Here and in Mideast

Truth hurts don't it?


All those people in Minesota's Fifth district are Al Qaeda and terroists I guess...Go get'em Spicolezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

"But Muslims across America, and even overseas, celebrated his election Tuesday as the first Muslim in Congress, representing Minnesota’s Fifth District in the House of Representatives, as a sign of acceptance and a welcome antidote to their faith’s sinister image.

“It’s a step forward; it gives the Muslims a little bit of a sense of belonging,” said Osama A. Siblani, the publisher of The Arab American News, a weekly in Dearborn, Mich., a state with one of the heaviest concentrations of Muslims. “It is also a signal to the rest of the world that America has nothing against Muslims. If we did, he wouldn’t have been elected.”
Still going with that election was stolen stuff eh?

I was thinking that if the Democrats win the presidency and then they control the congress and the presidency, that might be a good thing. Then the people can see that they are just as crappy as the Republicans and maybe folks will finally start to get it that the parties are pretty much the same, and they both deserve to be voted out.
You have shown me the error of my ways, Spicoli. Never again will I vote for the candidates that most paralell my beliefs. Instead, I will take the views of those that want to kill me for the country in which I was born into consideration. Isn't that what freedom is all about?

Oh Alla, please forgive me.


Funny how Al Queda almost sounds in a panic that we might pull the plug on their biggest recruit generator.
why is everyone worried about what our foes think, if they think we "cut and run" (Bush's term not the dems) or we cant stand up and fight let them think that - - we should send them info on Hiroshima and let them know we were able to do that 60 yrs ago and we have improved since then.
I love how whenever terrorists say something Republicans don't like it's just lies and propaganda but when they say something Republicans like they become official Republican spokes people. So which is it?
I love how whenever terrorists say something Republicans don't like it's just lies and propaganda but when they say something Republicans like they become official Republican spokes people. So which is it?
It depends on what they're saying of course.

the election was not stolen, it was lost. the democrats were only suitable because they are the only opposition. there is a time for decline, and a time for rebirth. we need to, as republicans, re-evaluate our corps principles and remember the days when fiscal and social conservatism were the same. i applaud the demos for a great challenge, let us see how long it lasts as the country, albeit disillusioned, is still a majority conservative nation and we as republicans need to energize our base.

as for the arabs, who cares? their rhetoric is exactly that. remember "their streets will run red with blood?" well, if anything, we kill them 20-1 so it appears allah is running out of virgins for the martyrs and space for the rest...
I know one thing - the first time Al-Qaeda or any of these kooks make President Hillary's administration look bad, she's going to make George Bush look like a pacifist.

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