Al qaeda is happy too! (1 Viewer)

I think its a stretch to say that anyone said that the Democrats are pro-terrorist.

Oho, but I think the implication was there.

Seems to me, if the initial post wanted to engender a discussion of international reaction to the latest election, there would have been a disclaimer claiming that there shouldn't be any connection to reality regarding Iran's/Al-Queda's comments.

The Republicans did it in 04, same goes with the "cut and run" rhetoric. The initial post reeked of "See, the terrorists are happy that the Democrats won."
Oho, but I think the implication was there.

Seems to me, if the initial post wanted to engender a discussion of international reaction to the latest election, there would have been a disclaimer claiming that there shouldn't be any connection to reality regarding Iran's/Al-Queda's comments.

The Republicans did it in 04, same goes with the "cut and run" rhetoric. The initial post reeked of "See, the terrorists are happy that the Democrats won."

The implication was that the terrorists are pro-Democrat.
It's not the truth, it's meaningless political, partisan psychobabble from people who simply want to have discussions which involve talking points and demegoguery.

OK, so your stated opinion has evolved as you've elaborated since the first post on page 1.

BTW: I perfer Zataran's over Tony's. :Bandance:
Worst thread ever.

Worst war ever.

The sunnis hate us. The shiites hate us. 150k iraqis have been killed. Iraq is in a downward spiral of a civil war. Al Quaida hated the secular Sadam, now they are using him and the war as a recruiting poster. For every terrorist we kill, our unpopular war creates five more. We helped sink Tony Blair, our most impt ally. The tab is up to what, two hundred billion? We have no reasonable exit strategy, even most of us against the war from the start know we cant up and leave. We have lost crediblity with strategic allies. A Shiite Iraq is closer to a Shiite Iran than ever, Iran being the more dangerous foe. The war distracts our leaders from impt domestic issues. Oh yes, most importantly we lose young Amercian lives every day while scores of others come home horribly injured.

Okay, its probably not as bad as Vietnam. Its just that after Vietnam one would think we should know better.

The thread topic infers that those who voted for change(this election mostly was a referendum on the war) are playing into Al Quada hands. It also infers that those of us against the war are weak on terror and sympathize with Al Quada.

Its just an extension of the mentality that got us into the war in the first place. Its transparent and tiresome. We had many congressmen voting for the war for fear of being labeled Al Quada apologists or for being soft on terror. Sadam and Al Quada were never aligned and there never was any Iraq/ 9-11 connection just as there never were WMDs.

Worst war ever. Lets get out of the pointing fingers at who started it phase. Lets get out of the trying to justify it phase. Lets stop pretending the Iraqis are better off. Lets get the Republicans and Democrats to work on a bipartisan solution to get our soldiers home as soon as possible without abandoning the brave Iraqis who supported us over there.
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If terrorists hate us because they hate our 'freedom' then they truly lost a big one last Tuesday imo. They will obviously try to spin it the other way to save face. If your average joe Middle Easterner sees that it's the people here who have the power and not the President - that we can dramatically change our government without taking to the streets and shooting each other and blowing each other up... then I think it makes a strong case for our principles over their's.
The implication was that the terrorists are pro-Democrat.

Yes, followed by the caveat "thank you America"

Which means one of the following:

He's thanking America for voting in terrorists who are pro-Democrat and is happy about it.

Or he's sarcastically saying "thank you America for voting in a party who Al-Queada and terrorists, who sympathize with the Democrats"

nod, nod, wink, wink.

If terrorists hate us because they hate our 'freedom' then they truly lost a big one last Tuesday imo. They will obviously try to spin it the other way to save face. If your average joe Middle Easterner sees that it's the people here who have the power and not the President - that we can dramatically change our government without taking to the streets and shooting each other and blowing each other up... then I think it makes a strong case for our principles over their's.

Terrorists don't hate our freedom, they hate our culture influencing their culture. They see Americans as heathens and they think if their culture is Americanized, they will become ungodly heathens also.
Worst war ever.

The thread topic infers that those who voted for change(this election mostly was a referendum on the war) are playing into Al Quada hands. It also infers that those of us against the war are weak on terror and sympathize with Al Quada.

I disagree. The thread topic is correct. Al Queda is happy about the election results.

Thread topics cannot "infer." Only people can "infer." I think you meant "implies."

No, it does not imply that at all. It merely means that Al Qaeda and other anti-American forces in the world have co-opted our own politcal discourse and turned it against us.

They've been doing that since they screened Micheal Moore's F-9/11 movie as an actual documentary and lifted scenes and passages directly from it.

No, I am not implying that anyone who voted Democrat is un-American.

Just be aware that the very words which were used in this bitterly fought campaign are now being used as battle cries by forces which want to destroy us. That's not political bluster...that's not demagoguery...that's FACT.
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The thread topic infers that those who voted for change(this election mostly was a referendum on the war) are playing into Al Quada hands. It also infers that those of us against the war are weak on terror and sympathize with Al Quada.

Its just an extension of the mentality that got us into the war in the first place. Its transparent and tiresome. We had many congressmen voting for the war for fear of being labeled Al Quada apologists or for being soft on terror. Sadam and Al Quada were never aligned and there never was any Iraq/ 9-11 connection just as there never were WMDs.

Worst war ever. Lets get out of the pointing fingers at who started it phase. Lets get out of the trying to justify it phase. Lets stop pretending the Iraqis are better off. Lets get the Republicans and Democrats to work on a bipartisan solution to get our soldiers home as soon as possible without abandoning the brave Iraqis who supported us over there.

Hammer meet nail. Very eloquently put st dude. My sentiments exactly.

And this kind of discourse won't at all solve the problem of how to best handle Iraq given the circumstances.

I haven't crawfished, I think the initial implication of the post is crap and meaningless political demogoguery, regardless whether it's from Al-Queada or Iran does nothing for the discussion of issues vis a vis the war, terrorism, etc.
I disagree. The thread topic is correct. Al Queda is happy about the election results.

Thread topics cannot "infer." Only people can "infer." I think you meant "implies."

No, it does not imply that at all. It merely means that Al Qaeda and other anti-American forces in the world have co-opted our own politcal discourse and turned it against us.

They've been doing that since they screened Micheal Moore's F-9/11 movie as an actual documentary and lifted scenes passages directly from it.

No, I am not implying that anyone who voted Democrat is un-American.

Just be aware that the very words which were used in this bitterly fought campaign are now being used as battle cries by forces which want to destroy us. That's not political bluster...that's not demogoguery...that's FACT.

So you actually think Spicolli just wanted to point out that the "enemy" has celebrated the election of Democrats?


What about the "Thank you America" Comment?

No, he wasn't just stating a fact.
No, let's dismiss Al-Qaeda's threats as mere rhetoric, demagoguery and scare tactics being used by an ousted lame duck American political party.

Ignore them and they'll go away!

Consider the source, indeed.


YES! Jeebus H. Christ on His nuclear-powered pogo-stick, yes! Screw them and everything they say. Ignore it and move on with strategies designed to forward American interests. AQ can go **** itself.

WTH...was anybody in '42 actually listening to Tokyo Rose? Were the Reps and Dems pointing at each other saying "Well, Rosie wants you guys to win!" "Oh yeah? Well, yesterday she was crowing about how great your policies are..for Japan!"

Great Googly-Moogly...there should be a word past "gullible" so I could use it here.
Wait, are we giving credence to Al Qaeda's messages now?

You can play this game so many ways:

a. They're saying they're happy b/c they really believe that Democratic policies will strengthen their position.

b. They're saying they're happy b/c they want to rile up American voters, politicians, etc., to make us "stay the course" just to spite them, and therefore increase their recruiting pool.

c. They're saying they're happy b/c they merely want to claim victory to boost their street cred.

Answer: Who cares?

The focus shouldn't be on what Al Qaeda believes is best for them, it should be on what is actually best for us. Al Qaeda might believe that Democratic policies might be best for them, but that doesn't mean they actually are... remember, these are the same guys who think crashing airplanes into buildings is a good time.

FWIW -- I really don't think the Democrats have a plan to defeat Al Qaeda or stabilize Iraq... but since I don't think the Republicans did either, I'm not in mourning.

There are a few pragmatists within each party who could probably put together a coherent strategy to win, but I'm not optimistic they'll emerge into a position of power anytime soon.
So you actually think Spicolli just wanted to point out that the "enemy" has celebrated the election of Democrats?


What about the "Thank you America" Comment?

No, he wasn't just stating a fact.

Its not hard to figure this out.

He was stating that the terrorists are happy about the Democrats winning the election because they think the Democrats will not push the war option as much as the Republicans do. Does this mean the Democrats are pro-terrorist? I don't think it does, it just means that they will handle it differently, and with less violence and war. The Democrats have a different cost/benefit analysis of the war. It does not make them pro-terrorist though.

I don't think we can wipe out all of the terrorists with war, and I also don't think we can U.N. resolution them to happiness. They are just going to exist and be mad, and you have to deal with it the best you can, but I don't have the answers how to do it.
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