Best noise making ideas! (2 Viewers)

Nice!! I got a couple of packs too and I was thinking about handing them out to die hard fans in Champion Square to help spread out the noise lol

Haha that’s our plan as well, then I’m bringing inside about 8 for my section.
Posted this earlier in this thread. And the water is far cheaper than the beer bottle. Just stuff the end with some napkins. I do it every game and it works like mad. Though the fans seated near you, look at you like WTH, cause it is so loud.

I'm sure a plastic bottle with a napkin is ok and all.

Man, I'm telling you, the aluminum miller lite bottle with a cap are the way to go to maximize noise. The cap is key.. because you're shaking it like a shake weight and you get noise from both up and down strokes. (yes, i know there's a btl joke in here :censored:) Plus, you get a nice buzz in the process. :shrug:
I would only use them for third down defense to start out the game. If it gets later on and they’re needed every down to help pull out the W then so be it. Gotta take full advantage of Dome field ?
I would only use them for third down defense to start out the game. If it gets later on and they’re needed every down to help pull out the W then so be it. Gotta take full advantage of Dome field ?

Godspeed Brother, you're on the path to glory... give 'em hell! Who Dat!
Hey whistle geniuses, be **** careful using those things. They're not nearly as effective as other noisemakers and can definitely screw up the game, including for us.

This article sounds like a fan was trolling since blowing a whistle while their own team is punting makes zero sense, not applicable for what were talking about I'd hope.
Our fans for the most part do a great job of being quiet while were on offense.
Just one last post from me, got my whistles ready to distribute! I have 24 if you want one message me. Let’s have Phillys ears ringing on the plane ride home! Who Dat!!!!
Just one last post from me, got my whistles ready to distribute! I have 24 if you want one message me. Let’s have Phillys ears ringing on the plane ride home! Who Dat!!!!

We handed out whistles like candy, very well received by fellow who dats especially in my section. It was very effective, even couple eagles fans near us complimented the noise efforts with the whistles and said it was hands down the loudest environment they’ve experienced in a sporting event.

For those first timers with the hyper whistles how did they work out for you? Feel like mine has only gotten louder after 5 games of usage!:grin:
I always thought applause with rubber gloves would be super loud it done by the stadium full of people

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