Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (1 Viewer)

I had a camera, among other things, shoved up my poop shoot and there was nothing there.
You sound a lot like this guy:

Who, in my opinion, is one of the biggest phonies in the world...

Not that you're a phony, maybe just a little misguided. This guy does it for a living...

In fact:

YOU: I simply state that if you are on drugs, there are many other options that your doctor will never tell you about because they aren't not trained in FOODS and other hologistic remedies. They go to school to learn two things, how to be drug pushers and cut on you. Many of the top schools are in fact supplemented by grants from "BIG PHARMA".

Kevin Trudeau:
One common criticism by consumer groups is that Trudeau has had no medical training. Trudeau responds that by not having such, he is not biased towards pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, and that medical doctors "are taught only how to write out prescriptions" for "poisons" and "cut out pieces of a person's anatomy."[
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Heroin is 100% natural. Straight from the poppy plant.... it's gotta be good for you, right?

It has to be processed. Ganja on the other hand is pure natural pleasure. And as far as the cleansing thing, that stuff looks pretty gross. Good Job.
It has to be processed. Ganja on the other hand is pure natural pleasure. And as far as the cleansing thing, that stuff looks pretty gross. Good Job.

Well, I'm relatively certain this "cleansing" thing isn't a bag full of plants that you just I'm not sure you can consider this "all natural"
im interested also let me know what happens but please please please no pictures. but for me nothing works better for me and a healthy bowl movement is a large Sonic chilli cheese tator tots.
They show those sick pictures to scare you into thinking you actually have that stuff in your body so you will buy their product to fix it. :hookline:
You sound a lot like this guy:

Who, in my opinion, is one of the biggest phonies in the world...

Not that you're a phony, maybe just a little misguided. This guy does it for a living...

In fact:

YOU: I simply state that if you are on drugs, there are many other options that your doctor will never tell you about because they aren't not trained in FOODS and other hologistic remedies. They go to school to learn two things, how to be drug pushers and cut on you. Many of the top schools are in fact supplemented by grants from "BIG PHARMA".

Kevin Trudeau:
One common criticism by consumer groups is that Trudeau has had no medical training. Trudeau responds that by not having such, he is not biased towards pharmaceutical companies and the FDA, and that medical doctors "are taught only how to write out prescriptions" for "poisons" and "cut out pieces of a person's anatomy."[

Did you know that natural remedies, by law, can never say promote a cure.
<O:pThis is because most natural remedies are a food supplement found in nature. The FDA says that food is not a DRUG and it is against the law to make any claim that they food cures anything. No blind studies are done because you cannot get a multi-billion dollar patent on a food. As with all natural remedies, profits are minimal and competition is great. This is why natural remedies (notice I don’t say cures) you always hear testimonials. The fact is they can't publish stats on food supplements as a cure. The FDA won't allow it. It is the LAW!


Yes I do own Kevin Trudeau's books and it is an outstanding eye opening experience.
Kevin doesn’t need to be a doctor to reprint the conclusions of may doctors he has visits around the world. His natural remedies books are about their findings and not his. He is a reporter. What his books say is profound. He blows the whistle on the medical industry and food industry. He tells us why we are fat, why the drug companies and the food companies want us that way and why congress does so little to stop it. Two of his books are offered for free. His first book was a BEST SELLER selling millions of copies. If you are concerned about your health, I urge you to read it. Kevin claims that he doesn’t need a dime of the money (he is a multi millionaire) he makes from selling these books and gives all the money to charities and foundations he’s set up around the world.


His books spent months on the BEST SELLER LISTS and he has sold millions. He also will give you the books if you ask for them.
mein kompf has sold a bunch of copies, too.....

Hitler must have been a swell guy.
What are Natural Remedies?
First of all Natural Remedies by themselves never cure anything. They promote changing lifestyle and taking food supplements that are missing from the American diet. Their intention it to give the body what is needed to boast the human immune system and get it running at maximum efficacy. It informs you what is being done in other countries that the FDA will not allow in this country. Many times we are talking about complete reversal of conditions.

Doctors are not taught Natural Remedies.
How food supplements boast the human immune system isn't taught in school. In fact don’t be surprised if you know more than your doctor. Doctors know very little about food supplements, how they affect the immune system and very rarely suggest them because of fear from the FDA. In general, Doctors go to school to learn which drugs treat what symptoms and how to cut on people. They rarely try a two prong of supplementing the dietary issues that are going on in a person and how to best treat that first before promoting drugs.

Why the American Medical System is Broke.
The medical industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry. They can buy almost anyone. Kevin exposes this in his book. When you consider that the medical, drug and food companies are all publicly traded companies with stockholders, you begin to realize that profits to these stockholders is of prime importance. New drugs can cost over $500 million to bring to market in order to get FDA approval. Worse still, if the drug is not approved, the company will no doubt lose BILLIONS in sales profits. Did you know that the drug companies pay ½ of the salaries of the FDA who test and approve these drugs? Unbelievable. Kevin exposes this in his book. Talk about a conflict of interest.

The medical industry has become pushers of the Multi-Billion drug companies. Does this sound familiar, you go to a doctor and he/she tells you that there is a new drug and the doc offers you free sample pills. If a doctor offers you free samples for a new drug it almost always mean that the doctor has been sold by a pharmaceutical rep to promote this new drug. Often the doctor will win a free trip if he writes enough prescriptions for a certain companies. My friend is a Pharmaceutical rep and he assures me this is TRUE. He has given out many trips to exotic places. What I hate the worst is when the doctor tells you there is no cure for your condition and that you will have to take the drug forever. Sounds familiar? It does to me.

The good news is that many times there are things you can do naturally by adding food supplements and eliminating other things that may reverse your symptoms. Sadly, there is no money in the cure so don’t expect to hear this from the medical industry.

The Commercialization of Drugs is Deplorable.
That's right, TV. Now you know better than your doctor. The profits of drug companies are going too far. They know no boundaries. They spend millions of dollars on these commercials and do studies on advertising and what appeals to the masses. In effect they try to brain wash us to ask doctors for their medications. Do you ever listen to the side effects? These drugs are filled with toxins. Toxins that can build up in your system and make you sick in other ways. That’s why you must always look to really treat the symptom and not just cover it up by taking a drug for the rest of your life that makes both the medical profession and the drug companies rich.

Why We are Fat.
The same thing about can be said about the food industry. Publicly traded companies with stockholder interests have created foods that are addictive. They are void of many nutrients and are loaded with trace toxins that will make you sick over a period of time. Kevin in his books urges people not to eat anything from a publicly traded company. All diet soft drinks are out as they are extremely bad for you and are highly addictive. Anything hydrogenated for with high fructose corn syrup or other types of stuff is out. The food is filled with preservatives. We are living beings, why are we loading up on preservatives. We are constantly exposed to pesticides, fertilizers, hormones and countless other toxins that build up in our body in the liver, kidneys, gallbladder, blood and the colon. These toxins make it impossible to absorb food correctly and make you sluggish, give you high blood pressure and make you diabetic. In processing, many times these foods are striped of the most vital nutrients all in the name of the dollar.

My eyes were opened when I say the Movie "Super Size Me" where a guy almost died from eating McDonalds every day for 30 days.

Before launching this experiment, Spurlock, age 33, was healthy and slim, standing at 6 feet 2 inches tall with a body weight of 185.5 lb (84.1 kg). After thirty days, he gained 24.5 lb (11.1 kg), a 13% body mass increase, and his Body Mass Index raised from 23.2 (within the 'healthy' range of 19-25) to 27 ('overweight'). He also experienced mood swings, sexual dysfunction, and nearly catastrophic liver damage. It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight he gained.

Most of the food you eat today has been engineered to have a shelf life… both on the counter and on your hip. It is not produced to make you healthy.

Does this make since to you?
It seems that the #1 reason that people get cancer is a break down in the person’s immune system. Few would dispute this. This is because the body cannot rid itself of the toxins and cancer cells develop. It appears that the best way to rid your chances of cancer is by doing a full body cleanse and flush out the toxins. It is necessary to supplement your body with the nutrients missing from the processed foods of today. Finally it is best to eat organic foods. Foods that are grown the way god intended it to be done and not altered by man for shelf life and profits.

Why isn’t More Know About Natural Remedies?
That’s the best question. It seems like if it’s that good, it would be common knowledge. Doctors would prescribe it before anything else. When you study the facts, sadly you will learn that there is a conspiracy to suppress this information and most people just believe everything their doctor tells them.

It’s out there, but you will never hear about it on the news. Drug companies advertise and the networks don’t want to peeve some of the biggest advertisers. Secondly, all the medical profession has to say is that it is quackery and people believe it and blindly accept what ever pill is thrown at them. For every ten websites that talk about natural remedies or supplements, there only needs to be one other sites by the medical industry or the FDA that claims quackery because there are no double blind studies to support these claims of thousands of testimonals.

What they don’t tell you, is why.

When you study the facts, you begin to understand that you should question them. Question your doctor about everything.
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Wow. The lengths people will go to in order to convince themselves that they are smarter then the experts amazes me.
Here's a weird thought. Why don't those people in the testimonial have better aim? :shrug:

Wow. The lengths people will go to in order to convince themselves that they are smarter then the experts amazes me.

Valid point and well taken. Still, have you read what I posted? I don't discredit them. Modern drugs are fine and work for the most part. I think they are over used though. :scratch:
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Here's a weird thought. Why don't those people in the testimonial have better aim? :shrug:


LMAO. I thought the same thing. But they actually fished the stuff out with chopsticks.

Want to laugh your butt off... read the story on this page...

It is down the page a ways and starts like this....

When I tell you that there are connected/linked lines of lumpage that look toxic & beyond horrifying leaving my body as a result of DrNatura's Colonix you can believe it....I swear this on my eyes!!!”
To date, Ken Wolfson sent us the most detailed and vivid testimonial for Colonix. We can only repeat his words, when it comes to colon cleansing, “patience is the key”. Here’s Ken’s story in diary format, exactly as he emailed it to us over the course of several weeks.
"3/11/06 – After reading about the product I decided to purchase the 2 month program. Awaiting its arrival while continuing to read more testimonials and learn more. In the past 3 weeks I have had 3 colon hydrotherapy sessions as the guinea pig for my wife who was a bit nervous about the process.

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