Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (1 Viewer)

Anyone who buys that stuff deserves to have their money taken from them by the scheisters who sell it. It's funny how every one of these silly little schemes is accompanied by "what doctors don't want you to know!" As if medical practicioners and scientists are too stupid to figure out basic biology, but Ricky Bobby ground up some leaves and magically pooped out stuff that no MD who has worked on a colon has ever seen before.

You could buy a box of diuretics, a box of salt, some fiber pills, and a few gallons of distilled water and drink nothing but salty water and take diuretics and fiber pills for a few days while fasting and I GUARANTEE you that your colon will be cleaner than taking any quack cure on the market... and you'll only be out 10 bucks.
Anyone who buys that stuff deserves to have their money taken from them by the scheisters who sell it. It's funny how every one of these silly little schemes is accompanied by "what doctors don't want you to know!" As if medical practicioners and scientists are too stupid to figure out basic biology, but Ricky Bobby ground up some leaves and magically pooped out stuff that no MD who has worked on a colon has ever seen before.

You could buy a box of diuretics, a box of salt, some fiber pills, and a few gallons of distilled water and drink nothing but salty water and take diuretics and fiber pills for a few days while fasting and I GUARANTEE you that your colon will be cleaner than taking any quack cure on the market... and you'll only be out 10 bucks.

It ain't about cleaning just the colon. You are right. It is about a complete body detoxification program that goes into stuff you don't even understand. There are colon cleanses that I have done in the past that did wonders where I lost 20 pounds. I guess you are saying that you have examined all the testimonals and the research by the doctors mentioned on the site and know it all to be quackery.

We'll see. I spent $150. Could have went to the doctor and got a colonic for $150 per treatment.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry at those who would rather take FDA approved drugs that don't cure anything. Is there an FDA approved drug that CURES anything?

I don't buy the over the counter stuff you can buy at Target or Wal mart. I go to China Town to a great guy on Mott St that hooks me up.

The idea that there is a product on the market that helps detoxify you is a bit misleading. First of all, to treat yourself in the best way possible is to have a doctor check your constitutional. Everybody is different and therefor, the "formula" is different for everyone.

The guy I go to in China Town checks my constitutional everytime and mixes the herbs, berries and stuff accordingly to what is actually wrong with me. Too bad he doesn't have a mental one.

To truely detox isn't just to poop. The toxins in your body also need to be released. On top of that, the tea that he mixes for you also helps your body process and discard toxins in the future. AND, they taste great.

Keep goin MoJoMan, I appreciate that there are some who don't trust the system and look for alternate ways to achieve a healthy body instead of taking petroleum laced pills that are filled with toxins.

BTW, it is true that doctors spend most of their time in meetings with pharmacutical drug pushers.
As a biologist, I want to say this is complete crap.( pun intended). That "intestine looking thing" is more than likely the "all natural" substance. There is not 5 pounds of undigested bubblegum in your gut or undigested meat. First off its not going to be"undigested", ifs its food it will dissolve in your gut. Even corn is digested...thats the cellulose outer covering that you see...they inside is digested. Cellulose is only digested by a fungus which occurs in the guts of termites...hence why they can eat wood.

IF you have "pooped" right in months. See a doctor. Colon cancer can cause problems like that. Of course if you dont believe that a doctor is a better source of medical information compared to a late night TV ad, then good luck.

Want to clean out your colon...water and clear liquids for three days. then start back slowly eating and slowing increasing your fiber in your diet. Things will get working correctly and things will "flow" better. I had some intestinal problems ( twisted gut) that caused me a lot of pain. The doctor told me to slowly increase my fiber and that would help to stop this from happening again. Since then I feel better, lost weight( and kept it off) and have a better attitude.

TPS...I am shocked you would buy into this hype. You seemed smarter than that. ;)
We are all gonna DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!! [tm - somebody]

No, really, we are. No matter whether you "detox" or not.

A woman I know did all this crap a few years ago. Not only using the same arguments given here, but actually using many of the exact same words and phrases used here. :scratch:

She also happens to be the sickest person I have ever known. She never has a single day where she is not sick now.

Let me tell you where the OP is headed next. And how much money this will cost. This woman had 10 teeth removed - more than 1/3 - because some "naturopath" (or whatever they call themselves) convinced her that was the root of her problems with her poop after the colon cleansing did nothing. That was done at her own expense. Probably at about $150 per tooth.

Then she spent months going several times a week to a hyperbaric chamber. I'm sure she ran into Michael Jackson all the time there. That cost her thousands over the years.

After that, she had built in her apartment a sauna. I believe that cost her about $3,000. Because that was "now" the only was to "flush the toxins" from her body.


One more question for the OP. Where are you getting all these posts? Why aren't you willing to give the links for any of the stuff you are posting? Does this pattern above sound like where you are headed, based on what you are reading?

This woman I work with made a great deal selling a house about 3 years ago, and profited more than $100,000 from it. It is now nearly all gone, the majority of it spent on "getting better." "How can you put a price on your health?" Except that now she has less health, and less money.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry at those who would rather take FDA approved drugs that don't cure anything. Is there an FDA approved drug that CURES anything?

You mean like vaccines and all that?
You mean like vaccines and all that?

Define "and ALL that".

Some vaccines probably do work, but what about the vaccines that actually give you the disease?

Since 1979, oral polio vaccinations have given over 200 people the disease. That doesn't sound like a cure to me. Also, in 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which has, of this point, given out payments to over 2,600 people who's children have died or were seriously injured by the vaccine.

Vaccination DO prevent suffering and help save lives, but the question over long term health consequences still remain.

This, almost word for word statement is from Gary Null's website.
Define "and ALL that".

Some vaccines probably do work, but what about the vaccines that actually give you the disease?

Since 1979, oral polio vaccinations have given over 200 people the disease. That doesn't sound like a cure to me.

OK, if you prefer, we can just say 99.99% effective.

Then there's rubella, mumps, measles, diptheria....
Define "and ALL that".

Some vaccines probably do work, but what about the vaccines that actually give you the disease?

Since 1979, oral polio vaccinations have given over 200 people the disease. That doesn't sound like a cure to me. Also, in 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which has, of this point, given out payments to over 2,600 people who's children have died or were seriously injured by the vaccine.

Vaccination DO prevent suffering and help save lives, but the question over long term health consequences still remain.

This, almost word for word statement is from Gary Null's website.

Only 200 people out of the millions of vaccines given. Sounds successful to me...think of how many people have been saved from the disease.
I've known a few people who were all up on these types of body cleansing techniques. Of the few things they all had in common was a disdain for modern medicine as well as regular illness. One friend of mine nearly killed himself trying to stick to one of these plans. He was doing the whole bit, colonics, supplements, crazy diet, etc. He was a whisp of a person before he started eating properly again. Trying to help, and not being a stranger to digestive health troubles, I asked him how many doctors he had seen. He had seen a total of 1 actual doctor. He had visited numerous quacks all promising to heal him without the help of the evil medical industry.
As a biologist, I want to say this is complete crap.( pun intended). That "intestine looking thing" is more than likely the "all natural" substance. There is not 5 pounds of undigested bubblegum in your gut or undigested meat. First off its not going to be"undigested", ifs its food it will dissolve in your gut. Even corn is digested...thats the cellulose outer covering that you see...they inside is digested. Cellulose is only digested by a fungus which occurs in the guts of termites...hence why they can eat wood.

IF you have "pooped" right in months. See a doctor. Colon cancer can cause problems like that. Of course if you dont believe that a doctor is a better source of medical information compared to a late night TV ad, then good luck.

Want to clean out your colon...water and clear liquids for three days. then start back slowly eating and slowing increasing your fiber in your diet. Things will get working correctly and things will "flow" better. I had some intestinal problems ( twisted gut) that caused me a lot of pain. The doctor told me to slowly increase my fiber and that would help to stop this from happening again. Since then I feel better, lost weight( and kept it off) and have a better attitude.

TPS...I am shocked you would buy into this hype. You seemed smarter than that. ;)

Best post of the thread, IMO.

If you want to "cleanse" your system -- eat better. That's it. If you feel you need to do something more, do as Rob suggested -- drink nothing but water for 3 days.

Then eat healthy -- less processed foods, slowly add fiber. That's it.
Only 200 people out of the millions of vaccines given. Sounds successful to me...think of how many people have been saved from the disease.

yeah wasn't polio almost an epidemic when it hit? soo 200 vs thousands dead...... interesting.

Conspiracy threories aside, there is a reason we have the FDA and the likes. They make sure that the medicines are safe. Many drugs are approved an then later unapproved but in the end they do their job. I am not one who wants to take a drug to "heal" myself. But when it comes down to it I'll be taking my anti-biotics approved by a governing body who's job is to make sure it don't kill me. Just because it is deemed "natural" does not mean it is healthy for you. Alot of the approved stuff has side affects. I can only Imagine what the side effects to having the lining of your intestines ripped from your body are.

Rather than go by someone's "paid" testimonial I'd go by laboratory testing with results as back up and an actual scientists researched and knowledgable testimonial.
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I'm sure your dad is a great guy and I'm not trying to insult him.

Hey, the colon is only part of the cleanse.
This complete body cleanse only cost about $150. I'd spend 10x that having your dad probe me, and more than that with the meds he'd load me up on.

What do you want your dad to say? My poop is his bread and butter. :covri:

The real test is if you dad has heard of this specific cleanse and has understands how all of the ingredients work. The answer is no because he is educated on only pharmaceuticals. Anything is against everything he was taught in school and the medical journals. Sadly that doesn't include natural remedies. They WILL/NEVER WORK according to the medical industry and only what they prescribe works.

If the medical industry would cure something, I would be impressed. Seems to me that doing a complete body cleanse would be something that he could prescribe. Sad to say, he doesn't. See the problem yet?

The only thing being cleansed is your wallet. If you want to cleanse your innerds then eat better.
Define "and ALL that".

Some vaccines probably do work, but what about the vaccines that actually give you the disease?

Since 1979, oral polio vaccinations have given over 200 people the disease. That doesn't sound like a cure to me. Also, in 1986, Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which has, of this point, given out payments to over 2,600 people who's children have died or were seriously injured by the vaccine.

Vaccination DO prevent suffering and help save lives, but the question over long term health consequences still remain.

This, almost word for word statement is from Gary Null's website.

A.) ALL vaccines give you the disease.
B.) 200 people out of probably 100 million people given the treatment since 1979 is simply because of how those 200 people's bodies reacted to the vaccine, and not indicative of a problem with the vaccine, or a problem with any vaccine.
c.) Who is Gary Null?

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