Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (1 Viewer)

why this is about the only thing interesting going on so far today?

If he's pushing Amway, its a TOS violation.

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Personally, if someone wants to play with their poop, fine by me, but you cant expect folks not to respond to blatant falsehoods and/or nutty conspiracy theories.
This thread isn't a commercial, it's a discussion, and a kinda fun one. No violation, and no reason to close the thread.

Oh, and about the ear wax, what ever happened to hydrogen peroxide and q-tips?
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This thread seems to have started as a "harmless question" that led to spamming. I think that was the intent of the thread, not really to find out if people really believe in it.
Is there an FDA approved drug that CURES anything?

BTW, it is true that doctors spend most of their time in meetings with pharmacutical drug pushers.

There are colon cleanses that I have done in the past that did wonders where I lost 20 pounds. .

That was one of the nastiest mental images I have had in a while.
This thread seems to have started as a "harmless question" that led to spamming. I think that was the intent of the thread, not really to find out if people really believe in it.

well it turned into people discrediting such methods of poop cleaning... if there is such a thing.
reminds me of one of those threads that asks about people's opinions of Jesus and then later on turns out to be just someone trying to convert anyone who disagrees.
reminds me of one of those threads that asks about people's opinions of Jesus and then later on turns out to be just someone trying to convert anyone who disagrees.

lets see if we can't turn this thread into a jesus thread. I love converting
Yeah. Heh.

Seminole -- ear candles are hollow conical tubes. The narrow tapered end is inserted in the ear and the other end is lit on fire. Yeah. Supposedly, the burning draws ear wax up into the candle. When finished, there is a substance that appears to be ear wax (and might be) or perhaps just residue from the burning candle. I can't say with any certainty based on the couple of experiences I've had.

Wasn't unpleasant, even somewhat soothing, but I can't claim much beyond that.

Wait, you light it on fire while it is in your ear???:no: :covri:

What am I, a birthday cake? :hb2: Do you blow it out and make a wish?

I think I would be more worried about fire close to my head than whether or not it "draws wax up". :salamando: :flamehi: :firedevil:

I don't know if I buy that, how is this thing supposedly drawing wax out?:dunno:
I don't know if I buy that, how is this thing supposedly drawing wax out?:dunno:

The claim is that the fire causes a heat convection that draws the was toward the fire. I have no idea if it works. I do know some people who claim that it does, but I don't really have an opinion other than that it seems unlikely that you could cause enough of a heat convections to melt wax and draw it out of your ear without it injuring you.
Is there another way to help with colon cleansing besides drinking only water for 3 days??? That's a long time to go without food...A woman needs to eat!

Also, when adding fiber slowly to your daily diet....about how many grams a day of fiber does "slowly" mean?

I've been trying to include a good bit of fiber into my diet and I want to know if I'm consuming too much or too little...

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