Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (1 Viewer)

Well, water is the best natural lubricator in your body I hear. You blood flows better. Your joints swivel better. You digest better, etc

Water for your body is like oil to an engine.
Yes, I understand that....right now, I have been drinking my 8 glasses of water each day. In the past, I would go days without drinking just plain ol' water.

So, I've changed that aspect of my life....but 3 days of just water and no food is not my idea of a picnic...

I am on this program where you cleanse one day a week where you basically just drink water all day plus this herbal-like drink as well.....I couldn't imagine doing that 3 days in a row though.
So, I've changed that aspect of my life....but 3 days of just water and no food is not my idea of a picnic...

I don't think that's anybody's idea of a picnic. "Spread out the blanket while I fetch the water from the basket." ;)

I've read that the average American's diet doesn't include enough fiber but if you're adding fiber (through food and/or supplement) you'd know if you were taking in too much too soon. Gas, bloating, etc. Bathroom habits would change. You won't have to wonder.
Is there another way to help with colon cleansing besides drinking only water for 3 days??? That's a long time to go without food...A woman needs to eat!

Also, when adding fiber slowly to your daily diet....about how many grams a day of fiber does "slowly" mean?

I've been trying to include a good bit of fiber into my diet and I want to know if I'm consuming too much or too little...
According to Men's health, we should add no more than 10 grams of fiber per day in the beginning. They also suggest that you add them at night so you are not awake while your body is digesting more fiber than it's accustomed to.

I eat Kashi cereal. They make one that has 9 grams of fiber, 9 grams of protein, and 500 milligrams of Omega 3's in a one-cup serving. It's made with flaxseed oil so it's not low-calorie but the fat in it is good fat. It also has some potassium and other goodies your body wants but doesn't get enough of...
According to Men's health, we should add no more than 10 grams of fiber per day in the beginning. They also suggest that you add them at night so you are not awake while your body is digesting more fiber than it's accustomed to.

I eat Kashi cereal. They make one that has 9 grams of fiber, 9 grams of protein, and 500 milligrams of Omega 3's in a one-cup serving. It's made with flaxseed oil so it's not low-calorie but the fat in it is good fat. It also has some potassium and other goodies your body wants but doesn't get enough of...

My wife brought some of that home one time and me and the kids protested.
I don't think that's anybody's idea of a picnic. "Spread out the blanket while I fetch the water from the basket." ;)

Teehee....A couple weeks ago around the time i first started adding more fiber to my diet, I was experiencing what I believed to be some serious bloating for many days. I thought it was just female issues, but I was wondering if my new eating habits were the culprit.

I'm definitely eating more than 10 grams of fiber a day as convingtondog says is suggested for the introduction of fiber. I'm not experiencing the bloating issues like before, so I wonder if my body has now gotten use to the intake of fiber??

I may try taking the bulk of my fiber at night, if that's better for you. :scratch:
Teehee....A couple weeks ago around the time i first started adding more fiber to my diet, I was experiencing what I believed to be some serious bloating for many days. I thought it was just female issues, but I was wondering if my new eating habits were the culprit.

I'm definitely eating more than 10 grams of fiber a day as convingtondog says is suggested for the introduction of fiber. I'm not experiencing the bloating issues like before, so I wonder if my body has now gotten use to the intake of fiber??

I may try taking the bulk of my fiber at night, if that's better for you. :scratch:

may give you bad case of night gas.... Nothing like hearing someone farting while they sleep.

You can cleanse you colon the Cleatus way.
That's 10 grams of ADDITIONAL fiber, not total fiber. And sure, if you've added that and are doing fine then fiber up.

ooohhhhh....I see. I probably did add too much fiber at the beginning which caused some of that severe bloating.

I'm going to check out that kashi cereal....I've been looking at other ways to increase my intake of Omega-3's besides eating fish and flaxseed oil.
I thought it was just female issues, I'm definitely eating more than 10 grams of fiber a day as convingtondog says


Are you going to the bathroom a whole bunch nowwith all that fiber? :covermyeyes:
so, like I said before, did anyone in the poop-o-mercial ever take that stringy jelly thing to a lab to see what it was?

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