Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (1 Viewer)

If someone says they're a holistic healer or can treat your mind-body-spirit naturally, then they definitely can. Especially if they offer convincing criticism of "conventional" medicine. I'd immediately invest my money and risk my health, for sure.

Kevin Trudeau=my hero.

How can you say such a thing with any certainty? I'm a medical student, I spend plenty of times with plenty of physicians...and none of my time involves talking to pharm reps. My grandfathers were both physicians, they spent all of their time treating patients... Two of my uncles are physicians, one an othopedist, the other a nephrologist...both treat patients 95% of the time. My father is a gastroenterologist, has been for a really long time. He doesn't spend any time in meeting with pharm reps.

What an idiotic comment...

Idiotic? Watch the insults there buddy. That's a bit unnecessary. No need for the insults. Call me sensitive, but I'd expect better from you especially from a MED STUDENT.

So, do these medical classes show you how to determine the root cause of the illness or just how to supress the symptoms? Nevermind, don't answer that. I haven't been to a doctor yet that has tried to SOLVE the problem. Just wite a prescription to suppress the symptoms. NO SOLUTION TO THE ROOT CAUSE. Besides that, just watch the thousands of drug commercials. Any of them say "cure" or do they use the word "supress"?:scratch:

Cancer patients get cancer treatments to fix the issues, not to fix the root cause.
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So, do these medical classes show you how to determine the root cause of the illness or just how to supress the symptoms?

yes they do. However majority of Americans want something to make them feel better. Some things like virus you cant"cure" your body has to do it. So you treat the symptoms. I am not a med student but a General physiology, immno class or parasitilogy class DOES teach you this.

Besides that, just watch the thousands of drug commercials. Any of them say "cure" or do they use the word "supress"?:scratch:
Commercials for those who think they can solve their own problems by watching TV. So no comment on them, i just wish they would go away

Cancer patients get cancer treatments to fix the issues, not to fix the root cause.
First off...have you or any one close to you had cancer....
This is the most ridiculous statement in this whole thread. Chemo and radiation DO attack the problem not the symptoms. NOW if you mean attack what caused the cancer. The majority of the time we dont know what caused it and never will. In general you need two exposures to gets your cells weaken by "attacking" a repair mechanism and then one institutes uncontrolled cell growth ( ie cancer). It could be the same chemical or it could be genetic. Some "defective" genes allow for uncontrolled cell growth due to the repair system being damaged/defective. cancer treatments do also treat the nausa from the medicine or being immno-suppressant. They go hand in hand in some cases.

/I wish people would post their ages so we can see what sort of life experience we are dealing with. Some of you post from a very narrow world view that I wonder if its caused by being a young poster who has no experience to base their opinions on.
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I made a two pound doo doo this morning.
And I didn't even need the help of some kind of miracle nature medicine.
All it took was a massive helping of ravioli and four ales.
Of course, mine didn't have that great seaweed look to it.
But I did take a picture of me playing with it with chopsticks so I could use it as a testimonial for my new medicine called "Raviolis and Ale in a Bottle Miracle Fecal and Toxin Extracticator Medicine Stuff".

Now in cherry flavor for the kids.

*"extracticator" not a real word and should not be used in public without express written consent from the National Baseball League, void where prohibited, lather rinse repeat.
yes they do. However majority of Americans want something to make them feel better. Some things like virus you cant"cure" your body has to do it. So you treat the symptoms. I am not a med student but a General physiology, immno class or parasitilogy class DOES teach you this.

Commercials for those who think they can solve their own problems by watching TV. So no comment on them, i just wish they would go away

First off...have you or any one close to you had cancer....
This is the most ridiculous statement in this whole thread. Chemo and radiation DO attack the problem not the symptoms. NOW if you mean attack what caused the cancer. The majority of the time we dont know what caused it and never will. In general you need two exposures to gets your cells weaken by "attacking" a repair mechanism and then one institutes uncontrolled cell growth ( ie cancer). It could be the same chemical or it could be genetic. Some "defective" genes allow for uncontrolled cell growth due to the repair system being damaged/defective. cancer treatments do also treat the nausa from the medicine or being immno-suppressant. They go hand in hand in some cases.

/I wish people would post their ages so we can see what sort of life experience we are dealing with. Some of you post from a very narrow world view that I wonder if its caused by being a young poster who has no experience to base their opinions on.

Yes, three people very close to me have had cancer. 2 died and one refused the chemo and went the holistic route. From what I observed, the holistic route is much more easy on the body and the immune system. To watch people deterierate right in front of you is not easy. I'll go the holistic route instead of chemo. Why weaken your immune system further with chemo when the last thing you need is a weak immune system?

BTW, I ain't a youngin if that's what you are implying. I really hope that wasn't directed at me because you would be WAY OFF if you think I have a narrow world view or anything.
Hey look, I really didn't think I'd get flamed for doing this.
Still, it only cost me about $150. Visiting any doctor would have cost me that, and I'm sure anything he prescribed would not have been as good for me. PERIOD.

I always expect anybody with the medical community to flame anything
that goes against their thinking, but this doesn't go against your thinking. It only supplements it. Still I appreciate all of your comments.

Can anybody tell me what is medically wrong with taking any of these products
disclosed below other than the fact that I decided to pay $150 for these products and may have gotten scammed? Personally I don't think I've been scammed. I choose to do something that many accept as perfectly healthy. This website is unlike most other websites because they list every ingredient on their site. It is 100% professional. Please, someone tell me what is wrong with the ingredients disclosed on the links below. Please don't say they don't work unless you can offer proof.

The testimonials speak for them self.
What's wrong with testimonials? Oh yea, anybody can write one, but that's not the case with this site. When you investigate, you will see that there are simply too many to be bogus. Still, I'm sure they aren't showing any negative comments.

This is the Entire Program I am taking. Link shows the Ingredients.

Intestinal Cleanser
Fiber Supplement 100% Natural and Vegetarian

360 grams

Anti-Parasite Support 100% Natural and Vegetarian
110 VegiCaps

Heavy Metal/Toxin Removal and Liver Detox Support 100% Natural and Vegetarian
110 VegiCapsules

Daily Detox & Antioxidant Support with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and green phytofoods 100% Natural and Vegetarian

90 Vcaps

Flora Protect
8 Strains of Probiotic Bacteria High-Potency, Freeze-Dried 8 Billion/Serving 100% Natural and Vegetarian

Herbal Tea for Regularity and Detoxification 100% Natural and Vegetarian

So what is wrong with any of the products?
I got a two month supply of each for only $150. This is not just a colon cleanse. Oh yea, I was scammed. I don't need this. It doesn't work.

I do not work for this company
and do not personally believe all of Kevin Trudeau's comments in his books. All the comments I've make about his book are his, not mine. Still, I think every American should read his books because it is an eye opening experience. It was a great read but not a substitute for real American Medicine. He does show you what you can do Naturally to head off many conditions before they start and how to supplement many treatments you receive from your doctor. While Kevin in not a doctor, he only references other doctors around the world and alternative practices. Do you need to be a doctor for that? You may want to know about some of these.

Does the Medical Community Really Want to Cure These Diseases?
Yes the medical community has cures some things. But do they really have any interest in curing the really big stuff they make the most money on? Will they ever find a cure without a change in the thinking from the American people? Think about it, with all the money that has been done in research and treatments, you think we could have cured:

Heart Disease
The Root Cause of Cholesterol Problems
Type II Diabetes

My point is there is a life long treatment but no cure. Once you have it, you have it for life and they have a pill for you.

All of these make Drug Companies, Hospitals and Doctors rich and a cure would have a trickle down of Trillions of dollars to millions of people. Does anybody dispute that fact? There is not as much money in curing these diseases as in the long term treatment.

Kevin's book exposes why we are fatter than ever and why no diet really works.
He explains why the Medical Industry is broken and why they don't want to cure the above diseases. He is blowing the whistle on the medical community and calling B.S.. He is in fear for his life as he should be. Still, most of you will simply dismiss it as bull without even reading the first page. It only takes one biologist or med student posting on this site (who never read the book either) to convince you.

All I'm saying is that it is an interesting read.
Remember, the medical community was all for blood letting at one time. 50 years from now, will Americans be in horror of how the medical community treated cancer today, or will we still be practicing the same stuff?
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Chemo is a rough treatment, but I would never reccommend someone not to take it. It has probably saved more lives then did harm and I believe it's a persons best bet to help fight cancer.
I made a two pound doo doo this morning.
And I didn't even need the help of some kind of miracle nature medicine.
All it took was a massive helping of ravioli and four ales.
Of course, mine didn't have that great seaweed look to it.
But I did take a picture of me playing with it with chopsticks so I could use it as a testimonial for my new medicine called "Raviolis and Ale in a Bottle Miracle Fecal and Toxin Extracticator Medicine Stuff".

Now in cherry flavor for the kids.

Ok, I'm sold. How much is it and where can I get it. :_rofl:
I made a two pound doo doo this morning.
And I didn't even need the help of some kind of miracle nature medicine.
All it took was a massive helping of ravioli and four ales.
Of course, mine didn't have that great seaweed look to it.
But I did take a picture of me playing with it with chopsticks so I could use it as a testimonial for my new medicine called "Raviolis and Ale in a Bottle Miracle Fecal and Toxin Extracticator Medicine Stuff".

Now in cherry flavor for the kids.

*"extracticator" not a real word and should not be used in public without express written consent from the National Baseball League, void where prohibited, lather rinse repeat.

Is your dog sick? If not, you should follow his "treatment" and just eat the stuff. :dunno: Then charge people to teach them how to treat themselves.
<CITE>American Heritage Dictionary</CITE> - Cite This Source <!-- google_ad_region_start=def -->can·di·da
(kān'dĭ-də) Pronunciation Key
<!--BOF_HEAD--><!--EOF_HEAD--><!--BOF_DEF-->n. Any of the yeastlike imperfect fungi of the genus Candida that are normally present on the skin and in the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestinal tract, and vagina, and that may become pathogenic, especially C. albicans, the causative agent of thrush.

In other words, having Candida present in your intestines is perfectly normal.

While Candida is normal, an overgrowth is not. According to some people, it can cause a host of problems.:scratch:
Hey look, I really didn't think I'd get flamed for doing this.
Still, it only cost me about $150. Visiting any doctor would have cost me that, and I'm sure anything he prescribed would not have been as good for me. PERIOD.

I always expect anybody with the medical community to flame anything
that goes against their thinking, but this doesn't go against your thinking. It only supplements it. Still I appreciate all of your comments.

Can anybody tell me what is medically wrong with taking any of these products
disclosed below other than the fact that I decided to pay $150 for these products and may have gotten scammed? Personally I don't think I've been scammed. I choose to do something that many accept as perfectly healthy. This website is unlike most other websites because they list every ingredient on their site. It is 100% professional. Please, someone tell me what is wrong with the ingredients disclosed on the links below. Please don't say they don't work unless you can offer proof.

The testimonials speak for them self.
What's wrong with testimonials? Oh yea, anybody can write one, but that's not the case with this site. When you investigate, you will see that there are simply too many to be bogus. Still, I'm sure they aren't showing any negative comments.

This is the Entire Program I am taking. Link shows the Ingredients.

Intestinal Cleanser
Fiber Supplement 100% Natural and Vegetarian

360 grams

Anti-Parasite Support 100% Natural and Vegetarian
110 VegiCaps

Heavy Metal/Toxin Removal and Liver Detox Support 100% Natural and Vegetarian
110 VegiCapsules

Daily Detox & Antioxidant Support with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and green phytofoods 100% Natural and Vegetarian

90 Vcaps

Flora Protect
8 Strains of Probiotic Bacteria High-Potency, Freeze-Dried 8 Billion/Serving 100% Natural and Vegetarian

Herbal Tea for Regularity and Detoxification 100% Natural and Vegetarian

So what is wrong with any of the products?
I got a two month supply of each for only $150. This is not just a colon cleanse. Oh yea, I was scammed. I don't need this. It doesn't work.

I do not work for this company
and do not personally believe all of Kevin Trudeau's comments in his books. All the comments I've make about his book are his, not mine. Still, I think every American should read his books because it is an eye opening experience. It was a great read but not a substitute for real American Medicine. He does show you what you can do Naturally to head off many conditions before they start and how to supplement many treatments you receive from your doctor. While Kevin in not a doctor, he only references other doctors around the world and alternative practices. Do you need to be a doctor for that? You may want to know about some of these.

Does the Medical Community Really Want to Cure These Diseases?
Yes the medical community has cures some things. But do they really have any interest in curing the really big stuff they make the most money on? Will they ever find a cure without a change in the thinking from the American people? Think about it, with all the money that has been done in research and treatments, you think we could have cured:

Heart Disease
The Root Cause of Cholesterol Problems
Type II Diabetes

My point is there is a life long treatment but no cure. Once you have it, you have it for life and they have a pill for you.

All of these make Drug Companies, Hospitals and Doctors rich and a cure would have a trickle down of Trillions of dollars to millions of people. Does anybody dispute that fact? There is not as much money in curing these diseases as in the long term treatment.

Kevin's book exposes why we are fatter than ever and why no diet really works.
He explains why the Medical Industry is broken and why they don't want to cure the above diseases. He is blowing the whistle on the medical community and calling B.S.. He is in fear for his life as he should be. Still, most of you will simply dismiss it as bull without even reading the first page. It only takes one biologist or med student posting on this site (who never read the book either) to convince you.

All I'm saying is that it is an interesting read.
Remember, the medical community was all for blood letting at one time. 50 years from now, will Americans be in horror of how the medical community treated cancer today, or will we still be practicing the same stuff?

you wonder why you're getting flamed but you continue to format your posts like a sales pitch rather than a discussion.
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