Body Cleanse.... do you believe in it? (2 Viewers)

Ok - hold up. Are they saying that "passing the intestinal lining" is good? From what limited biology I remember, isnt there cilia (sp? ) that line the intestines that pull the nutirents out of what you eat? Wouldn't passing the lining of your intenstine damage/destroy or take these cilia with it?

And how in the world did those folks get thier toilets so clean after passing that stuff?
I didn't read the whole commercial, but does anyone know if any of these people took these things they found in their poop to a laboratory to find out what it was? Was it really a worm or just geletinized poop?

The guy I go to in China Town checks my constitutional everytime and mixes the herbs, berries and stuff accordingly to what is actually wrong with me. Too bad he doesn't have a mental one.

Chinese medicine is all made from dried baby hearts and ground puppy bones.
That's why I don't take it.
yeah wasn't polio almost an epidemic when it hit? soo 200 vs thousands dead...... interesting.

Conspiracy threories aside, there is a reason we have the FDA and the likes. They make sure that the medicines are safe. Many drugs are approved an then later unapproved but in the end they do their job. I am not one who wants to take a drug to "heal" myself. But when it comes down to it I'll be taking my anti-biotics approved by a governing body who's job is to make sure it don't kill me. Just because it is deemed "natural" does not mean it is healthy for you. Alot of the approved stuff has side affects. I can only Imagine what the side effects to having the lining of your intestines ripped from your body are.

Rather than go by someone's "paid" testimonial I'd go by laboratory testing with results as back up and an actual scientists researched and knowledgable testimonial.

+1 Because natural supplements and "remedies" aren't tested by the FDA, you have to be very careful when taking them. Many are, in fact, known to have pretty severe side-effects. I'm not going to judge what you are doing or the used of holisitic remedies, but just be careful.
A.) ALL vaccines give you the disease.
B.) 200 people out of probably 100 million people given the treatment since 1979 is simply because of how those 200 people's bodies reacted to the vaccine, and not indicative of a problem with the vaccine, or a problem with any vaccine.
c.) Who is Gary Null?
Gary Null's website...

One of the things you find there is this...

Documentary filmmaker and health expert Gary Null, Ph.D., shows footage that has not been seen from around the world, especially in Africa, in his new film. This is the first film on AIDS to bring together the most compelling arguments of dissident scientists, physicians and public health advocates.

In AIDS INC., Dr. Null shows how greed and corruption have prevented any real progress in fighting the epidemic and its underlying causes. The film challenges the notion that AIDS or HIV is an African monkey virus that is spread sexually and can be "treated" with harmful drugs. It considers the common underlying conditions of the epidemic, such as malnutrition, unclean water, poverty, illness such as TB, malaria and dysentery, and poor lifestyle choices.

More on Mr. Null...

A Critical Look at Gary Null's Activities and Credentials

Stephen Barrett, M.D.

<!--BEGIN ABSTRACT-->Gary Null (1945– ) is one of the nation's leading promoters of dubious treatment for serious disease. He hosts radio and television talk shows; writes books and magazine articles; delivers lectures; and markets products through his Web site. According to an article in East West magazine, Null became interested in nutrition during his twenties while working as a short order cook in New York City, where he now resides. He researched the subject and wrote The Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition, which was published in 1972 and sold briskly after Null appeared on a succession of prominent talk shows. He began hosting radio shows around that time and eventually got his own show on WABC, the flagship radio station of the ABC network. Later he moved to WMCA, which broadcast Null's show on Sunday nights to many stations across the United States. For many years, he also hosted a daily show on WBAI and a Sunday evening program on WEVD in New York City. I have been tracking his activities since the mid-1970s. <!--END ABSTRACT-->

Dubious Conclusions

Null is prone to see conspiracies behind many of the things he is concerned about. One of his targets has been the pharmaceutical industry, which, he says, "cannot afford to have an alternative therapy accepted." He promotes hundreds of ideas that are inaccurate, unscientific, and/or unproven. He calls fluoridation "deadly" and has spoken out against immunization, food irradiation, amalgam fillings, and many forms of proven medical treatment. His series on "The Politics of Cancer," which was published in Penthouse magazine in 1979 and 1980, promoted unproven methods that he said were being "suppressed" by the medical establishment. His lengthy series, "Medical Genocide," began appearing in Penthouse in 1985 with an article calling our medical care system a "prescription for disaster" and claiming that modern medicine has had virtually no effect on heart disease, cancer, and arthritis [1]. Other articles in the series promoted chiropractic and homeopathy, claimed that effective nutritional methods for treating AIDS were being suppressed, claimed that chelation therapy was safe and effective for treating heart disease, and endorsed several treatments for cancer that the American Cancer Society recommends against. His Web site contains a huge amount of misinformation and bad advice.
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I just think this is not the proper place to come and pedal your wares. Now add the trickery and unethical sales tactics used in this thread and you will gain a very low reputation.

This thread should be closed.
Anybody ever use one of those ear candles?

Yeah. Heh.

Seminole -- ear candles are hollow conical tubes. The narrow tapered end is inserted in the ear and the other end is lit on fire. Yeah. Supposedly, the burning draws ear wax up into the candle. When finished, there is a substance that appears to be ear wax (and might be) or perhaps just residue from the burning candle. I can't say with any certainty based on the couple of experiences I've had.

Wasn't unpleasant, even somewhat soothing, but I can't claim much beyond that.
What is an ear candle and what does it do?

Ear candling, in short, uses a foot long cone shape device made from wax and I am sure something else. The person lays on their side and the small end of the candle is place in your ear. It is then, from the top, lit. The purpose is to draw the wax out of your ear by heat vacuum. I did it once, but wasn't that impressed. Some stuff came out (which they will show you), but I really didn't feel much different.

That's about the gist of it.

[EDIT] DavidM beat me to it.

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